NPR and PBS Affiliates Cover President Brian Casey's First Day at DePauw
July 2, 2008
July 2, 2008, Greencastle, Ind. - "DePauw University's 19th President has moved into his office on the school's Greencastle campus," began a report that aired on Bloomington, Indiana National Public Radio affiliate WFIU this morning. "Brian Casey served as a dean of academic affairs at Harvard, where he also earned a Ph.D. in history, following studies at Stanford and Notre Dame." The station, which was on campus yesterday to interview Dr. Casey, notes his excitement about DePauw and his eagerness to work with the University's faculty to make the experience offered by the liberal arts college even more distinctive.
[Download Audio: "DePauw's Rich Intellectual Life" - 174kb] "We put in the faculty's hands the curriculum, the intellectual life," Casey told the NPR station. "So I'm really looking forward to engaging with the faculty to make sure that they're supported in ways that they need to be supported, that they're working with the students" and ensuring that they "have a rich intellectual life."
Another report, filed by WFIU news director and 2003 DePauw graduate Stan Jastrzebski, can be heard here: [Download Audio: "Report on President Casey's Arrival" -
483kb]. (at right: President Casey at yesterday's ice cream reception on East College lawn)
A television clip of Dr. Casey's first day as president aired last evening on Bloomington PBS affiliate WTIU. It can be accessed here: [Download Video: "WTIU Report" - 2410kb].
Visit the television station's Web site.
President Casey's arrival was also noted on Inside Indiana and in Gerry Dick's business column which is carried in newspapers across the state, including the Times of Northwest Indiana.
A photo gallery of Dr. Casey's welcome to DePauw can be found by clicking here.