Sponsors Key to Career Development, Steve Langerud Tells Monster.com
December 1, 2010
December 1, 2010, Greencastle, Ind. — "Think you’re all set because you get great career guidance from a mentor? Think again," notes an article posted at Monster.com. "A recent Catalyst survey
found that women who have mentors are less likely to be promoted than
women with sponsors. That’s because sponsors help you identify and take
advantage of career opportunities."
Margot Carmichael Lester writes, "Sponsorship
is more strategic, less developmental than mentoring, according to
Steve Langerud, director of professional opportunities at DePauw
Langerud adds, "The role of sponsor is to ask what you can do for an
employer, not what can be done to develop you as a person and/or
professional. The focus is on creating, demonstrating and leveraging work product that can be used to position you for advancement
either internally or externally."
Access the complete text, "Why Women Need a Sponsor for Career Development," by clicking here.
Steve Langerud is regularly quoted in articles on the job market and career development, including a Chicago Tribune story on "creative résumés" and another piece that appeared last week in the San Francisco Chronicle.
Visit DePauw's Office of Civic, Global and Professional Opportunities here.