Barron's Profile of Nation's Top Financial Advisors Cites David Singer '91
July 6, 2015

"Joe Evelo likes to hire recent college graduates. He appreciates their high energy and trainability -- but he’s also found the youngsters nudge him into a higher gear," notes Barron's. "Today, two of those post-college finds are his partners. David Singer, 46, hired in 1991 from DePauw University, runs the business side of the team."
Singer, a 1991 DePauw graduate, is a principal at Evelo/Singer/Sullivan Group in Cincinnati, which Barron's names as one of the best teams in the USA's financial advising industry.
"The group has 19 members in all, and there’s plenty of work to go around: The total of assets overseen by Evelo/Singer/Sullivan has grown from $700 million to $3.2 billion over the past 15 years, and the firm now serves 108 households," writes Steve Garmhausen. "Not only has Evelo delegated responsibilities to his younger talent, but he has also handed team members’ ownership in the practice. "
Singer tells the publication, "Having an ownership mentality, rather than an employee mentality, makes a major difference in terms of how aggressively you pursue providing great experience and services to clients."
Access the article at the publication's website.
A private wealth advisor with the Evelo/Singer/Sullivan Group, David Singer double-majored in economics and English (literature) and earned an M.B.A. from Xavier University. His father is Carl Singer '66, professor emeritus of computer science.