School of Music Violin Program Brings "Magic" to Local Youngsters
November 23, 2015
"About two dozen attentive Tzouanakis Intermediate School students weren't fiddling around, but they were plucking the daylights out of new violins they've been given in a unique partnership between the DePauw University School of Music and the Greencastle Community School Corporation," writes Eric Bernsee in the Banner-Graphic. "In only their fourth day of violin exposure the students were fixated on strings instruction specialist Shannon Crow. With her own youthful passion, she moved deftly among them, issuing commands like 'bear claw' and 'Statue of Liberty' that brought a smile to the face of DePauw University School of Music Dean Mark McCoy as he watched from the doorway of the Tzouanakis music room." (photo: Dean McCoy with fourth-grader Trenton Campbell)
"None of these kids had even seen a violin before," McCoy tells the newspaper. "Now they've had one four days and they're (playing) in tune."
The lengthy feature describes the program as well as Dr. McCoy's upbringing in rural Appalachia.

"Growing up, I had not seen a violin up close nor heard one played until I was 18," says McCoy, who holds three music degrees. "I know that feeling to see and hear a violin for the first time. I was mesmerized where that sound came from. I thought, 'that must be magic.'"
He adds, "There should be a way that any kid who's interested can learn music," he said, speaking to the ill-founded notion that classical music is only for the affluent. To break that barrier here in Putnam County would be really great."
Access the complete article at the Greencastle newspaper's website.
Learn more about the School of Music's violin program in this previous summary.
Source: Greencastle Banner-Graphic