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Prof. Brett O'Bannon is Editor of Reassessing the Responsibility to Protect

Prof. Brett O'Bannon is Editor of Reassessing the Responsibility to Protect

December 5, 2015

Reassessing the Responsibility to Protect: Conceptual and Operational Challenges, edited by Brett O'Bannon, Leonard E. and Mary B. Howell Professor of Political Science and associate professor of political science at DePauw University, has just been published by Routledge. The work is part of the "Global Politics and the Responsibility to Protect" series.

"This book explores conceptual and operational questions regarding the development and implementation of the Responsibility to Protect," notes a synopsis. "The mass atrocity norm known as the Responsibility to Protect (R2P) has enjoyed meteoric success since the concept was introduced in 2001. But perhaps precisely because of how quickly the concept secured its privileged place in the pantheon of ideas and concerns in international affairs, many fundamental questions remain concerning its origins, its conceptual contents, and its relevance to actual cases of mass atrocity. This book seeks to explore that terrain by drawing together a group of scholars diverse DSC 1142enough to engage with the complex array of political, legal and ethical questions raised by R2P."

Read more, and order the title, at Amazon.com.

Dr. O'Bannon teaches courses in both comparative and international politics, including African Politics (including Winter Term courses in Senegal and Botswana), Humanitarian Intervention, U.S. Foreign Policy and Women & World Politics. He also directs the conflict studies program.

The professor was interviewed by an Indianapolis TV station following the April 2013 death of former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. The segment is embedded below.
