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Faculty Position Proposal

Use this form to submit proposals for the 2025-26 academic year.
Deadline: November 25, 2024

This short form initiates all teaching position proposals other than tenure track positions. It is designed to allow for academic planning for the next academic year. The Teaching and Scholarship Impact of the position are presented in conjunction with the motivation for the position, especially if it is tenure-track. The 5-7 Value Criteria are the building blocks of any position, and will be fully developed for tenure-line proposals. Departmental and program colleagues should expect to spend the majority of their time discussing and defining their Value Criteria for positions. Proposals for full-time term, part-time, and CFD Scholar positions will be reviewed by the VPAA. These requests are due on November 25, 2024. On the same date, Chairs and Directors who are submitting staffing requests will also submit a staffing summary and projection. Instructions for submitting this document will be provided by early November.

Please make sure to save your work in a separate document first and then copy and paste your answers into this request form.

To receive a copy of your submission

Value Criteria

For all requests except for Emeriti requests and except for requests that seek to extend a current part-time or full-time faculty member, choose 5-7 Value Criteria: A working description of priorities for the position shared by members of the department, after discussion. These values will be elaborated upon as the proposal develops, and will form the foundation for the job ad, interview questions, candidate assessment, and (if tenure-track) the Appendix B of the position. For Emeriti requests, you may simply type "Emeriti" into the boxes. (20 words per criterion, 5 are required)

List up to five (5) additional departments or programs that your department or program might partner with or benefit from for this position, and what the terms of that partnership might be (cross-listed courses, shared courses, shared resources/equipment). Please describe where your department or program is in these conversations. There will be opportunities later in the process for partner departments and/or programs to submit letters of support and presentation of cross-listed/shared courses and shared resources/equipment.

For full time requests, please provide a listing of individuals on the Full-Time Position Request Committee (FTPRC) for this position. Once this proposal has been submitted, it will be sent members of the FTPRC asking for their review of the proposal and for their responses to these two questions: 1)Was this proposal discussed by your department? (yes or no) and 2) Do you support this proposal? (yes/if no, why not?)