Application Deadlines & Review Process Timelines for 2024-2025 Academic Year
There are three categories of submissions; Exempt, Expedited, and Full Board. There are three different deadlines to review them. Your submission will be determined in one of the three categories by the IRB board. Please see the following deadlines below:
Exempt - two weeks (2) for a decision to be made and notification sent to you.
Expedited - three weeks (3) for a decision to be made and notification sent to you.
Full Board - full board reviews will be conducted at regularly scheduled board meetings.
EXPEDITED Second Semester 2025
Submission Deadline Review Date
3/3........................................ 3/10
3/10...................................... 3/17
Note: Spring Break 3/17-3/21. No reviews
3/31...................................... 4/7
4/7........................................ 4/14
4/14...................................... 4/21
4/21...................................... 4/28
4/28...................................... 5/5
May Term Deadline: 4/25
The IRB has sole responsibility for determining if a research protocol is classified as Exempt, Expedited, or Full Board for review purposes. Researchers will be notified within 48 hours of receipt of the research protocol as to the review classification.
Exempt research protocols are reviewed on a rolling basis.
Please go here to submit your project proposal submission.