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Outside Scholarship Reporting Form

Complete this form to report outside scholarships that you anticipate receiving during the academic year (or to confirm that outside scholarships received in a prior year will NOT be renewed).

Click here for additional information on our outside scholarship policy.

One or more required fields were not entered or contain invalid information. Please fill out the highlighted fields below and submit your form again. If you attached any files, please re-attach them.

Outside scholarships and awards, including tuition benefits from a parent's employer, must be reported each year.

  • DO NOT REPORT the same award more than once in a single aid year. 
  • DO NOT REPORT awards from:
    • Departmental awards and prizes
    • Off-campus study awards
    • State and federal grants
    • College-Sponsored National Merit

If you later find out that you will not receive a reported award or discover that you made an error, please email financialaid@depauw.edu and we will revise your financial aid accordingly.

Please note: If your outside scholarship is renewable for future years, you will need to report it to our office each year.

Report known names and amounts for any scholarship or tuition benefit you will be receiving.