Science Fiction Studies

# 5 = Volume 2, Part 1 = March 1975

Philip K. Dick: Manuscripts and Books

Willis E. Mc Nelly. The Manuscripts and Papers at Fullerton

In 1972 Philip K. Dick donated his manuscripts and papers to the Special Collections Library, California State University, Fullerton. These include completed manuscripts, carbon copies, setting copies, first drafts, and so on for both published and unpublished novels and stories, together with an extensive correspondence, commonplace books, copies of critical articles on his work, and copies of various ephemera relating to his career as one of the world's foremost science-fiction writers.

This entire collection, unquestionably the best single source for the study of Dick's work, is open to any student of science fiction for research or consultation, but because of the special nature of the collection, its materials are not available on inter-library loan. The manuscripts and papers are gathered into 24 document boxes. The following record of their contents, presented in shelf-list order and with cross references to the list of books that follows, gives some idea of the extent and nature of the holdings and their value to students of science fiction. (L = leaves; the items within each box are in random order.)

D1. §1. The man whose teeth were all exactly alike (unpublished). Ms (carbon, 358 L). §2. Mary and the giant (unpublished). Ms (carbon, 315 L).

D2. Gather yourselves together (unpublished). Ms (481 L).

D3. Do androids dream of electric sheep! (See #25). Ms (225 L of earlier version entitled The electric toad [sheep]). Ms (carbon, 244 L). A few pages of corrections and a synopsis.

D4. Puttering about in a small land (unpublished). Ms (carbon, 416 L in two spring binders).

D5. Ubik (see #26). Ms (236 L; entitled Death of an anti-watcher). Ms (carbon, 248 L).

D6. Eye in the sky (see #5). Ms (carbon, 2 copies, 305 L; with earlier title, With opened mind). (carbon, 295 L).

D7. Confessions of a crap artist (see #35). Ms (294 L). Ms

D8. The unteleported man (see #21, which = first half; second half unpublished). Ms (125 L). Ms (carbon, 106 L).

D9. The man who japed (see #4). Ms (carbon, 216 L).

D10. §1. In Milton Lumky territory (unpublished). Ms (carbon, 293 L). §2. The broken bubble of Thisbe Holt (unpublished). Ms (350 L).

D11-12. Counter-clock world (see #22). Ms (231 L; entitled The dead grow young). Ms (carbon, 238 L; entitled The dead grow young). Setting copy (238 L; Berkley Publishing Corporation).

D13. Galactic pot-healer (see #28). Ms (98 L; outline with title The glimmung of Plowman's planet). Ms (carbon, about 214 L). Ms (setting copy?, 214 L).

D14. Dr. Bloodmoney, or, How we got along after the bomb (see #18). Ms (46 L of short story, A Terran odyssey, original version of novel). Setting copy (298L; Ace Books).

D15. The zap gun (see #23). Ms (320 L; "uncut version" published as #23). Tear sheets (from Worlds of Tomorrow, as Project plowshare). Ms (carbon, outline, 9 L).

D16. Voices from the street (unpublished). Ms (carbon, 652 L).

D17. Flow my tears, the policeman said (see #33). Working papers: deleted sections, first part of novel, outline.

D18. Clans of the Alphane moon (see #17). Setting copy (244 L; Ace Books).

D19. Our Friends from Frolix 8 (see #30). Ms (carbon, 278 L). Outline (carbon, 24 L). Character list (1 L).

D20. The man in the high castle (see #11). 2 original illustrations. Japanese paperback edition.

D21. §1. Return match (Galaxy, Feb 1967). Ms (carbon, 22 L). §2. Holy quarrel (Worlds of Tomorrow, May 1966). Ms (carbon, 34 L). §3. Not by its cover (Famous Science Fiction, Summer 1967). Ms (carbon, 13 L). §4. What the dead men say (see #27§14). Ms (carbon, 76 L; original title, Man with a broken match). §5. Oh, to be a Blobel! (see #27§13). Ms (carbon, 30 L; working title, Well, see, there were these Blobels). §6. If there were no Benny Cemoli (see #27§10). Ms (carbon, 30 L; working title, Had there never beer a Benny Cemoli). §7. Orpheus with clay feet (unpublished). Ms (carbon, 21 L) §8. Retreat syndrome (see #27§11). §9. No ordinary guy (unpublished). Ms (carbon, 31 L). §10. The days of Perky Pat (Amazing, Dec 1963). Ms (carbon, 36 L; working title, In the days of Perky Pat). §11. Top stand-by job (see #27§6). Ms (carbon, 26 L). §12. Sir Waldo and Sir Lunchalot (unpublished), Ms (14 L). §13. The Pre-Persons (Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, Oct 1974). Ms (34 L).

D22. Correspondence.

D23. Unsorted manuscript papers.

D24. §1. The evolution of a vital love (unpublished critique of #31, We Can Build You). Ms (19 L). §2. Warning: we are your police (unpublished). Ms (16 L; tv outline, 4800 words). §3. Foreword ([unpublished] to The preserving machine, #27). Ms (5 L). §4. A good Savoyard is a dead Savoyard (unpublished article). Ms (14 L). §5. A. Lincoln (see #31). Incomplete reproduced copy of proof sheets (71 columns). §6. The android and the human (see #40). Ms (carbon, 38 L). §7. The kneeling legless man (rough draft of unfinished novel, collaboration with Roger Zelazny). Ms (corrected, LL 5-48)

R.D. Mullen. Books, Stories, Essays

The list of books (##1-35) derives from a list compiled by Robert Greenberg a member of the Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society, for distribution at Westercon 1974, supplemented by information from S1 and standard library sources. The intention is to include all US and UK editions but not reprintings of the same edition (e.g., most if not all of the Ace pb editions have been reprinted a number of times), but is doubtless deficient, especially with respect to UK editions. Stories published in "original" anthologies, the most recent magazine story, and a number of miscellaneous items have been added as ##36-44. For Dick's uncollected magazine stories the reader is referred to items S2-S4. In ##1-35, dates for magazine publication are given in parenthesis.

S1. Donald H. Tuck, The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy, Vol. 1. $20.00. Advent Publishers, PO Box A3228, Chicago, Ill. 60690.

S2. Erwin S. Strauss, Index to the SF Magazines 1951-1965; Anthony Lewis, Index to the Science Fiction Magazines 1966-1970; Anthony Lewis and Andrew H. White, The NESFA Index: Science Fiction Magazines and Original Anthologies 1971-72. $8.00, $5.00, and $3.00 respectively. The New England Science Fiction Association, PO Box G, MIT Branch PO, Cambridge, Mass. 02139.

S3. Walter R. Cole, A Checklist of Science Fiction Anthologies. Brooklyn, 1964. Scheduled for reprinting by Arno Press in February 1975.

S4. Frederick Siemon, Science Fiction Story Index. Chicago: American Library Association, 1971.

#1a. Solar Lottery. 1955 (Ace pb). NOTE. ## 1a and 1b, according to a note from Dick, are "different versions of the same novel."

#1b. World of Chance. 1956 (UK; Rich hb). 1957 (UK: SFBC hb). 1972 (as Solar Lottery, but still #1b, UK: Arrow pb).

#2. A Handful of Darkness. 1955 (UK: Rich hb). 1957 (UK: SFBC hb). 1966 (with §§7-8 omitted, UK: Panther pb). §1. Colony (1953). §2. Imposter (1953). §3. Expendable (1953). §4. Planet for Transients (1953). §5. Prominent Author (1954). §6. The Builder (1954). §7. The Little Movement (1952). §8. The Preserving Machine (1953). §9. The Impossible Planet (1953). §10. The Indefatigable Frog (1953). §11. The Turning Wheel (1954). §12. Progeny (1954). §13. Upon the Dull Earth (1954). §14. The Cookie Lady (1953). §15. Exhibit Piece (1954).

#3. The World Jones Made. 1956 (Ace pb). 1968 (UK: Sidgwick hb). 1970 (UK: Panther pb).

#4. The Man Who Japed. 1956 (Ace pb). See D9.

#5. Eye in the Sky. 1957 (Ace pb). 1971 (UK: Arrow pb). See D6.

#6. The Cosmic Puppets (1956, as A Glass of Darkness), 1957 (Ace pb).

#7. The Variable Man and Other Stories. 1957 (Ace pb). 1969 (UK: Sphere pb). §1. The Variable Man (1953). §2. Second Variety (1953). §3. The Minority Report (1956). §4. Autofac (1955). §5. A World of Talent (1954).

#8. Time out of joint (1959-60). 1959 (Lippincott hb). 1961 (UK: SFBC hb). 1965 (Belmont pb). 1969 (UK: Penguin pb).

#9. Dr. Futurity (1954, shorter version as Time Pawn), 1960 (Ace pb). 1970 (with #19 and #21 in A Philip K Dick Omnibus, UK: Sidgwick 1970).

#10. Vulcan's Hammer (1956). 1960 (Ace pb).

#11. The Man in the High Castle. 1962 (Putnam hb; also Putnam hb for SFBC). 1964 (Popular pb). 1965 (UK: Penguin pb). 1974 (Berkley pb). See D20.

#12. The Game-Players of Titan. 1963 (Ace pb). 1969 (UK: Sphere pb).

#13. Martian Time-Slip (1963, shorter version as All We Marsmen). 1964 (Ballantine pb). Scheduled for 1975 (UK: Eyre Methuen SF Master Series).

#14. The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch. 1964 (Doubleday hb). 1965 (Doubleday hb for SFBC). 1966 (UK: Cape hb). 1966 (Macfadden pb). 1973 (UK: Penguin pb).

#15. The Simulacra. 1964 (Ace pb).

#16. The Penultimate Truth. 1964 (Belmont pb). 1967 (UK: Cape hb). 1967 (UK: Penguin pb).

#17. Clans of the Alphane Moon. 1964 (Ace pb). See D18.

#18. Dr. Bloodmoney, or How We Got Along After the Bomb. 1965 (Ace pb). See D14.

#19. The Crack in Space (1964, shorter version as Cantata 140). 1966 (Ace pb).

#20. Now Wait for Last Year. 1966 (Doubleday hb). 1968? (Doubleday hb for SFBC). 1968 (Macfadden pb). 1974 (Manor pb).

#21. The Unteleported Man (1964). 1966 (Ace pb). See D8.

#22. Counter-Clock World. 1967 (Berkley pb). 1968 (UK: Sphere pb). See D11-12.

#23. The Zap Gun (1965-66, as Project Plowshare). 1967 (Pyramid pb). See D15.

#24. The Ganymede Takeover. With Ray Nelson. 1967 (Ace pb). 1971 (UK: Arrow pb).

#25. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? 1968 (Doubleday hb). 1969 (New American Library pb). 1969 (UK: Rapp hb). 1972 (UK: Panther pb). See D9.

#26. Ubik. 1969 (Doubleday hb, also Doubleday hb for SFBC). 1970 (UK: Rapp hb). 1970 (Dell pb). See D3.

#27. The Preserving Machine and Other Stories. 1969 (Ace pb). 1970 (Ace hb for SFBC). 1971 (UK: Gollancz hb). 1972 (UK: Pan pb). See D24§3 for unpublished foreword. §1. The Preserving Machine (1953). §2. War Game (1959). §3. Upon the Dull Earth (1954). §4. Roog (1953). §5. War Veteran (1955). §6. Top Stand-By Job (1963, as Stand-By; See D21§11). §7. Beyond Lies the Wub (1952). §8. We Can Remember It For You Wholesale (1966). §9. Captive Market (1955). §10. If There Were No Benny Cemoli (1963; see D21§6). §11. Retreat Syndrome (1965; see D21§8). §12. The Crawlers (1954). §13. Oh, to Be A Blobel (1964; see D21§5). §14. What the Dead Men Say (1964; see D21§4). §15. Pay for the Printer (1956).

#28. Galactic Pot-Healer. 1969 (Berkley pb). 1971 (UK: Gollancz hb). 1972 (UK: Pan pb). See D13.

#29. A Maze of Death. 1970 (Doubleday hb). 1971 (Paperback Library pb). 1972 (UK: Collancz hb). 1973 (UK: Pan pb).

#30. Our Friends from Frolix 8. 1970 (Ace pb). 1971 (Ace hb for SFBC). See D19.

#31. We Can Build You (1969-70, as A. Lincoln, Simulacrum). 1972 (DAW pb). See D24§5.

#32. The Book of Philip K. Dick. 1973 (DAW pb). §1. Nanny (1955). §2. The Turning Wheel (1954). §3. The Defenders (1953). §4. Adjustment Team (1954). §5. Psi-Man (1955, as Psi-Man, Heal My Child!). §6. The Commuter (1953). §7. A Present for Pat (1954). §8. Breakfast at Twilight (1954). §9. Shell Game (1954).

#33. Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said. 1974 (Doubleday hb). 1974 (UK; Gollancz hb).

#34. A Scanner Darkly. Scheduled for 1975 (Doubleday hb).

#35. Confessions of a Crap Artist. To be published by Paul Williams and David Hartwell. See D7.

#36. Jon's World. Story in Time to Come, ed. August Derleth (Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 1954).

#37. Foster, You're Dead. Story in Star Science Fiction Stories, No. 3., ed Frederick Pohl (Ballantine pb. 1955).

#38. Faith of Our Fathers. Story in Dangerous Visions, ed. Harlan Ellison (Doubleday, 1967).

#39. Anthony Boucher. Requiem statement in The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, August 1968.

#40. The Android and the Human. Speech delivered in Vancouver, Canada, printed in SF Commentary #31, December 1972. See D24§6.

#41. Interview with photos, by Arthur Byron Cover. Vertex, February 1974.

#42. A Little Something for Us Tempunauts. Story in Final Stage, ed. Edward L. Ferman and Barry N. Malzberg (Charterhouse 1974, an edition repudiated by the editors; new edition scheduled by Penguin for early 1975).

#43. The Pre-Persons. Story in The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, October 1974.

#44. Who is a Science Fiction Writer? Essay in Science Fiction: The Academic Awakening, ed. Willis E. McNelly (1974, College English Association, c/o Professor Herbert V. Fackler, Department of English, University of Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette, La. 70501, $2.00 postpaid).

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