I can date the finish of Days to Come and some part of its progress,
but not its inception. Wells notified Pinker on April 16, 1899 that he had
completed it; just a few days before, he twice consulted his friend and doctor,
Henry Hick, on the story’s final details. Earlier, on March 17 and 18, Pinker
reported that he had some of the proofs in hand (Wells customarily sent them
after having made his corrections). As for Wells to Hick, the two letters bear
no date or return address, but the first is headed (in a hand that is not Wells’s)
"Arnold House, Sandgate." Wells in Experiment in Autobiography
(379) reports moving to Arnold House on March 31, 1899—in good time for
letters to pass between himself and Hick before April 16th, the end date. (The
"Arnold House" header is rejected on chronological grounds by David
Smith, but he sets the serializing of SDC two years too early, in 1897—perhaps
inheriting the mistake from "G.H. Wells’s" [i.e., Geoffrey West’s]
bibliography, 217). Actually, the Pall Mall Magazine’s six monthly
installments of SDC began in May 1899.
The two letters to Hick both ask the doctor how best to kill off Bindon (not
named). The first reads:
Dear Hick, I want things thus in a story. ¶ A ‘man of pleasure’ is
in pursuit of a young person of beauty & virtue [—] to her & the
sympathetic heroes [sic] misery. The man of pleasure feels ill &
consults a doctor who tells him either that he is within X days of death or
that he will be in excessive pain in X or an undefined number of days. ¶ He
determines to commit suicide & desists from this pursuit [i.e., of
Elizabeth]. ¶ Thinking over things he perceives fresh aspects of the case,
interviews the young people in a vein of enormous magnanimity & departs
to commit suicide as if it were on the girl’s account. ¶ They [i.e., the
Dentons] treasure his memory for ever after. ¶ ?What might the disease be
to satisfy the conditions of this story? ¶ ?Some pending news terrible that
arises from excess would be good.—But N.B. diseases in magazine stories
must be decent. [My ¶s replace Wells’s indents.]
In a follow-up, Wells writes: "My dear Hick, May I give the gentleman
angina pectoris with the other things? On the other hand, I’ve thought simply
of giving him ‘beans’ without explanation. Like God a novelist must supply
phenomena—not explain ’em." This letter, like the previous one,
indicates that the writing of SDC extended into the spring of 1899,
possibly well into April.
Evidence about the composition of Anticipations is scanty. The
earliest sign I find of Wells’s committing to the project dates from March 26,
1900, when his literary agent, Pinker, probably echoing Wells, speaks of
"The Great Prospectus" (see Smith’s H.G. Wells, 91-92 &
n; Smith, by the way, makes sporadic use of the Wells-Pinker letters as a
biographer but next to none as CW’s editor). Pinker (again according to
Smith) kept after Wells, urging him in mid-May to embrace the duty of
"thinking literary men" (Pinker’s phrase) to declare their views on
public matters. Pinker monitored Anticipations’ installments for
"style, as well as their saleability" (Smith says); and Alfred
Harmsworth swayed Wells by offering him space (almost as if
"commissioned"—this word is the Mackenzies’ [161], who apply it to
the arrangement Wells in the end reached with W.L. Courtney for the Fortnightly
serialization of Anticipations. So Wells in all this was not the freest
of literary spirits.). One last piece of evidence for the dating of Anticipations
is a letter of July 2, 1901 from Wells to Elizabeth Healey, in which he informs
his friend that "Last December I was writing some ambitious stuff called Anticipations
for the Fortnightly Review & I am writing it still—& it is
July!" (CW 1:379)—i.e., well into the Fortnightly
serialization of April-December 1901.
All the evidence I have confirms, then, that work on Anticipations
didn’t begin in earnest until Sleeper and SDC—both of which,
separately and together, anticipate much of it—had come out in hard covers
(the latter in Tales of Space and Time). Wells altered at least two of
these three works in the short space between their serialization and their book
appearance. Among other things, he got rid of Sleeper’s original ending
(in The Graphic version [69 (May 6, 1899): 561-63], Graham dies
sentimentally in the arms of a shepherd); and he also removed an absurdity of
another kind: a reference to the use of ergot and strychnine as prophylactics
against the ills of flying an "aėropile" (Graphic 69 [Mr 18,
1899]: 330). Far less extensive but of greater import were the changes he made
to the Pall Mall Magazine SDC. He eliminated the chapter subtitles
that located the story at the close of the 21st century, removing with them any
contradiction of the internal fictifacts that allow SDC to coincide
chronologically with Sleeper (i.e., the outset of the 22nd century). But
he also added a reference to "Ugh-lomi" and specified "bears and
lions" as animals inimical to neolithic humankind—expressly and by
allusion thus connecting SDC to A Story of the Stone Age, its
predecessor in Tales of Space and Time.
As for Anticipations, many of the footnotes that Wells added, mostly
to the 1914 edition, take into account criticisms and suggestions in a way that
makes the book something of a collaborative effort. At the same time, he reviews
his turn-of-the-century’s predictions in the reissue’s Preface, unduly
congratulating himself on some (e.g., concerning Russia) and prematurely
recanting others (notably, his prophecy about the impact of the automobile on
social organization). In this last respect, Anticipations acquires the
character of a work-in- progress, something implicit from the start by reason of
its emanating from Sleeper and SDC (as the chronological
relationship of the three in point of composition confirms).—David Y.
Hughes (with RMP)
Gettmann, Royal A. George Gissing and H.G. Wells. Urbana: U of
Illinois P, 1961.
Mackenzie, Norman, and Jeanne Mackenzie. H.G. Wells. New York: Simon,
Smith, David, ed. The Correspondence of H.G. Wells. 4 vols. London:
Pickering, 1998.
_____. H.G. Wells, Desperately Mortal.
New Haven: Yale UP, 1986.
Wells, Geoffrey H. H.G. Wells, 1887-1925. A Bibilography, Dictionary and
Subject Index. London: Routledge, 1926.
West, Geoffrey. H.G. Wells. New York: Norton, 1930.
News from France. Each spring for the past four years, the "Galaxiales"
science fiction conference has taken place in Nancy, France, and this year was
no exception. On April 13-16, an international group of sf writers, critics,
publishers, artists, and fans met in Nancy for three days of informal talks,
round-table discussions, author signings, and other sf festivities. Organized by
Stéphane Nicot and an editorial team of the French sf magazine Galaxies,
the event was sponsored by a variety of public and private organizations,
including the mayor’s office of the city of Nancy, the regional bureau of
Cultural Affairs of Lorraine, the IFRAS, Radio France, FNAC, and many Parisian
publishing houses who carry sf lines, including Robert Laffont, J’ai Lu,
Flammarion, Fleuve Noir, and Pocket.
Guests of honor and other sf writers invited to attend this year included Pat
Cadigan and Robert Reed—the only SFWA member from Nebraska, as he pointed out—from
the USA, Andreas Eshbach from Germany, Michael Marshall Smith from Great Britain
(who never showed), and René Réouven and Bernard Werber from France, among
many others.
In addition to the literary sessions, this year’s "Galaxiales"
also featured several art exhibits by illustrators Philippe Caza and Manchu,
sculptor Philippe Pasqualini (who designed an impressive statue of Dan Simmons’s
"Shrike"), and special-effects latex artist Paul Lancon, an exposition
of facsimile covers from the US pulp sf magazines of the 1920s and 1930s
(courtesy of the Maison d’Ailleurs in Switzerland), a remarkable exhibit for
adolescents called "SF in 15 Stations" by Claude Ecken, as well as
showings of both classic and modern sf films in the evenings.
Finally, a new award was inaugurated this year called the "Prix Alain
Dorémieux"—in memory of the sf author, critic, and editor of the French
journal Fiction, who died last year. The award is for young sf authors
who have exceptional promise, and it was given to Claire and Robert Belmas,
whose sf short stories appeared in Galaxies in 1999.—Roger Bozzetto,
Université d’Aix-Marseille I
Darko Suvin on Fascism. I’ve read with great interest your issue #78
surveying the history of sf criticism. I don’t enjoy backseat drivers and as a
rule conduct my answers or polemics by developing further essays. But there is
one matter in the lively survey by Donald M. Hassler that I think calls for
brief dissent, both personal and general: his metaphoric use of
"fascism" as a kind of escapist idealism yearning for "a fresh,
universalized, purer narrative of heroes ... and of utopian possibilities for
the future" (213). This defines not only sf but also all other products of
the human mind (except for the most Philistine babbitry lauding the present as
the best of all possible worlds) as fascism, so none of us should be surprised
if we are tarred with that brush. But if one wants to collapse into the same
category a utopian liberal such as Asimov, a Puritan revolutionary such as
Milton’s Satan (one of the saints in my calendar), and more or less socialist
left-wingers, from pink to deep red, by seeing them as "identified and
defined by [an idealism] in contrast to stifling system" (222), then
strange ambiguities (to say the least) will ensue.
As a careful and well-meaning scholar, Hassler notes the commitment of all Marxians to the master’s "demystification" (224-25), and he
kindly and rightly includes me in that explicitly anti-fascist trend (228 and
229 passim). But in the same breath he also suggests, in spite of that,
that my thinking "provides the logical support" for his interpretation
of much sf and/or sf criticism as "fascist." This horrifying
conclusion, a total novelty to me, calls for support beyond hints and metaphors.
For the grossly de-historicized context of present-day postmodernism, I may
appear too finicky. But as a pre-teenager, my life was seriously threatened by
one real fascist state (Germany), and I’ve been interned by another (Italy)
and almost killed by a third (Croatia). I have had two grandparents and two
uncles killed by fascists (German and Croatian), and so cannot swallow the
illicit metaphoric extension of the meaning of "fascism"—in
Professor Hassler’s account, by the way, bereft of its main economic,
political, and indeed ideological connotations (racist, sexist, etc.)—even to
liberals (the real ones, of the Jefferson-cum-Mazzini kind), much less to
socialists or communists like me. As developments all over the world show,
fascism is resurgent underneath our fake globalization: in the US it calls
itself "libertarian militias."
I do not impugn Mack Hassler’s well-meaning aims, and I’m in favor of
academic and other mischievousness. I’ve personally always found him a
friendly gentleman, and he has just in these last months bent over backwards to
accept very quickly a very long study of mine on fantasy (forthcoming, he tells
me, in the Fall issue of Extrapolation). But I cannot risk falling under
the adage "whoever remains silent, consents." Dixi et salvavi
animam meam!—Darko Suvin
DMH Responds. Even though the resonance of passion seems more strident
than I prefer, the opportunity that Darko Suvin has given me to think again
about my small researches of last year into fascist images is welcome. As best
as I can reconstruct my thought for the essay he cites, I think that I allowed
my mind to wander toward what Suvin in his note nicely labels "strange
ambiguities" and "horrifying conclusion [s]." I posed the
question as I planned the essay of how the character of Satan, whom Suvin
celebrates as a "Puritan revolutionary," might help us to read the
character of the rhetorical fascists such as Mussolini and how both might help
us to read sf characters and sf effects. If my thinking collapsed too many
distinctions, I am sorry. I can only say that my intention was academic rather
than political or personal. But clearly another of the strange ambiguities in
work is how soaked we always are in the personal, even the metaphoric. So I
continue to look at the vast cultural study on fascism that emerges ghostlike
from the depths of the century we are just completing. Most recently I am
reading Paul Morrison, The Poetics of Fascism (Oxford UP, 1996). At the
same time, I hope to remain friends with Darko Suvin. Tantae molis erat
(Aeneid I, 33).—D.M. Hassler
On Global SF. I enjoyed the two-part discussion of global sf very much,
but I do wish someone had mentioned in some detail my Science Fiction for
Young Readers (Greenwood, 1999), in which scholars from the US, Canada,
Britain, Germany, and Australia discuss the history and development of sf for
the young adult markets in those countries.—C.W. Sullivan III
[Ed. Note: We plan to cover SF for Young Readers as part of
a review-essay, probably to appear in the November issue.—RL]
SF and Fantasy M.A. Track at FAU. The Department of English at
Florida Atlantic University is developing a graduate concentration in Science
Fiction and Fantasy and expects to begin offering courses in this program in
Fall 2000. A few teaching assistantships are available to highly qualified
students that provide an annual stipend of $12,000 and a 90% tuition waiver.
Application materials are available at <www.fau.edu>. Submit application,
transcripts, and GRE scores to the Office of Graduate Admissions, and a writing
sample and two letters of recommendation to Howard Pearce, Director of Graduate
Studies, Department of English, Florida Atlantic University, 777 Glades Road,
Boca Raton, FL 33431. For additional information, write to Professor Pearce at
<pearce@fau.edu>.—William A. Covino, Chair of English, FAU
SF Conference in Greece. From October 18-21, 2001 the Department of
American Literature and Culture at Aristotle University (Thessaloniki) will hold
an international conference on science fiction, the first ever held on Greek
soil. The focus is on "Biotechnical and Medical Themes in SF," and the
special guests include Greg Bear, Joan L. Slonczewski, and Susan M. Squier.
Recent studies have blamed sf for enveloping biotechnology, genetic
engineering, and cloning in a negative climate: they have accused sf of
generating bias, distorting facts, sounding false alarms, and infecting the
public with the virus of skepticism. The conference will debate the role of
science fiction in non-fictional debates about biotechnology. Areas of study
include print sf and sf cinema, television, and theater; the length of
presentations will be twenty-five minutes maximum. Send to the conference chair,
via air mail, abstracts (300-500 words) and proposals for panels by March 31,
2001; include title, name, mailing address, phone number, a brief cv (1-2
pages), and e-mail address. Although the panels will not be restricted to
discussion of anglophone sf, the language of the conference will be English.
Further information is available at <www.enl.auth.gr/sf>.—Domna
New Journal. Winedark Sea, a new Australian journal of the
surreal, the fantastic, and the magically real, is looking for submissions (from
one sentence to 10,000 words) of fiction, non-fiction, and poetry. Multiple
submissions and e-mail submissions are accepted, but we will not consider
simultaneous submissions or reprints. Payment is about AUS$10 per thousand words
for first Australian serial rights and non-exclusive rights to electronic
publishing. For contributor’s guidelines, send a business-sized, stamped,
self-addressed envelope to Winedark Sea, PO Box 367, Southgate, Sylvania
NSW 2224, Australia. Our e-mail address is<editors@winedark.com>; our
webpage is located at <http://www.winedark.com/>.—The Editors, Winedark
Call for Essays: SF and Theory. The SFRA Review is inviting 1,500-2,000
word essays by SFRA members on the relation of contemporary literary theories to
sf and sf pedagogy. Joan Gordon and Shelley Rodrigo Blanchard, editors of the
series, are looking for studies of major critical works or surveys of particular
theoretical stances (reader-response, eco-feminism, queer theory, etc.).
Potential contributors may contact either editor by e-mail with a brief
proposal: <joangordon@dellnet.com> <Shelley.rodrigo@asu.edu>.—Joan
Gordon and Shelley Rodrigo Blanchard
Call for Papers: Television and the Fantastic. The Science Fiction
Foundation and Association for Research in Popular Fictions are co-sponsoring a
conference on television and the fantastic at the University of Reading, England
from April 7-9, 2001. Abstracts of proposed papers (on individual programs,
themes, technological issues, culturally specific television fantasy, and
considerations of globalization) should be sent by September 30, 2000 to Dr.
Farah Mendlesohn, Middlesex University, White Hart Lane, London N17 8HR, UK, or
e-mailed to <Farah3@mdx.ac.uk>.—Farah Mendlesohn
Call for Essays: Two Special Issues of Para*doxa. For
"Fifties Fictions," essays are sought on crime fiction, juvenile
delinquency stories, Westerns, sf, comics, neglected literary fiction, gay and
lesbian romances, and studies defining the psychosocial paradigms in and of the
era (such as the works of David Riesman, William H. Whyte, and Erving Goffman),
as well as the influence of editors, reviewers, publishers, and anthologists
(such as Arnold Hano, Judith Merril, and Anthony Boucher). We welcome studies of
single authors and single works as well as comparative studies. Our interests
include but are not limited to Charlotte Armstrong, Carl Barks, Alfred Bester,
Robert Bloch, Vance Bourjaily, Leigh Brackett, Ray Bradbury, Marion Zimmer
Bradley, Fredric Brown, Howard Browne, William Burroughs, R.V. Cassill, Alice
Childress, Richard Condon, Donald Cory, Dorothy Salisbury Davis, William Demby,
Philip Dick (sf and mainstream), Harlan Ellison, writers and artists of E.C.
Comics, William Campbell Gault, David Goodis, Cameron Hawley, Chester Himes,
Dolores Hitchens, Edward Hoagland, Dorothy Belle Hughes, Evan Hunter (Ed McBain),
Shirley Jackson, Jack Kerouac, John O. Killens, Cyril Kornbluth, Elmore Leonard
(Westerns), Thomas McGrath, Richard Matheson, Judith Merril, Margaret Millar,
Vin Packer (Ann Aldrich), Ann Petry, Frederik Pohl, Peter Rabe, Craig Rice,
Irwin Shaw, Mickey Spillane, Theodore Sturgeon, Jim Thompson, Nedra Tyre, Alex
Raymond, and Jack Vance. It’s important that potential contributors realize
what we are not looking for as well: writers too canonical for our project
include James Baldwin, Saul Bellow, Ralph Ellison, William Faulkner, Ernest
Hemingway, Norman Mailer, Bernard Malamud, Vladimir Nabokov, Flannery O’Connor,
and Gore Vidal. Guest Editors for the special issue are Samuel R. Delany (SUNY
Buffalo) and Josh Lukin <jblukin@acsu.buffalo.edu> (SUNY Buffalo).
Deadline for submissions is December 1, 2000.
For the special issue "Horror," the deadline is February 1, 2001.
We invite fresh approaches that concentrate on neglected aspects of primary
texts, approaches to horror from rarely considered critical vantage points, and
new readings. We encourage submissions on such neglected authors as the Flemish
writers Jean Ray and Thomas Owen or Lovecraft’s disciple Clark Ashton Smith,
as well as writers operating across genre lines (e.g., Jonathan Carroll, Angela
Carter, Michael Blumlein, M. John Harrison, or Graham Joyce). Other possible
topics include female writers, ethnicity and race in horror, themes (such as
horror and war, or horror and post-colonialism), scriptwriters such as Andrew
Kevin Walker, Arkham House, the pulp tradition, magazines such as Fangoria,
splatterpunk, horror awards and organizations, horror tropes in such games as Quake
or Resident Evil, influential horror anthologies, collaborative writers,
horror criticism, horror in the literary mainstream, horror pastiche, crossovers
(horror/sf, horror/historical romance), and horror serials from McDowell’s Blackwater
to King’s Green Mile. The guest editor for this special issue is
Steffen Hantke <steffenhantke@hotmail.com>, Regis Univ., Denver.
Potential contributors should consult submission guidelines on the inside
back cover of the journal.—David Willingham, Managing Editor &
Call for Papers: 2001—A Celebration of British SF. The Science Fiction
Foundation and the University of Liverpool welcome paper proposals for a
conference to be held at the University of Liverpool from June 28July 1,
2001: guests of honor will include Brian Aldiss, Stephen Baxter, Nicola
Griffiths, Gwyneth Jones, and Ken MacLeod. The focus will extend to all aspects
of post-war British science fiction (print sf, art, music, film, and
television), but of special interest would be proposed papers on Arthur C.
Clarke (patron of the Science Fiction Foundation) and John Wyndham (whose papers
are held by the University of Liverpool). A list of postwar British sf authors
can be found at <http://www.liv.ac.uk/~asawyer/2001.html>. Abstracts
should be sent by September 30, 2000 to Dr. Farah Mendlesohn, Middlesex
University, White Hart Lane, London N17 8HR, UK, or e-mailed to <Farah3@mdx.ac.uk>.—Farah
2001: Once and Future Odysseys. The 22nd International Conference on the
Fantastic in the Arts will meet from March 21-25, 2001 at the Fort Lauderdale
Airport Hilton. The conference theme is "Once and Future Odysseys";
Guests of Honor will include John Crowley, Brooks Landon, and Patricia McKillip.
Further conference information will soon be posted on the IAFA website:
Myth and Legend of the Pacific. The Mythopoeic Society is an
international literary and educational organization devoted to the study,
discussion, and enjoyment of the works of J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, and
Charles Williams. It believes the study of these writers can lead to a greater
understanding and appreciation of the literary, philosophical, and spiritual
traditions that underlie their works and can also engender an interest in the
study of the genre of fantasy as well as the realm of myth and legend from which
such authors derive their inspiration. From August 18-21, 2000, the
Society will host a conference at Kilauea Military Camp, Island of Hawai’i;
Guest of Honor is Steven Goldsberry, author of Maui the Demigod: An Epic
Novel of Mythical Hawai’i. While the deadline for session proposals has
passed, registration information is available at <http://www.mythsoc.org/mythcon31.html>.—Edith
L. Crowe, Clark Library, San Jose State University
Hong Kong 2001: Technology, Identity, and Futurity. Hosted by the Chinese
University of Hong Kong in conjunction with the University of California,
Riverside, this conference will be held on January 4-6, 2001. Confirmed guests
include Gregory Benford, Scott Bukatman, Istvan Csicsery-Ronay Jr., Jack Dann,
N. Katherine Hayles, David Pringle, Takayuki Tatsumi, and Janeen Webb. Although
the Western and Eastern worlds were once divided by geography, ignorance, and
xenophobia—as revealed in speculative fiction and elsewhere—modern science
and technology are now breaking down the boundaries between East and West and
threatening traditional cultures and values. A juxtaposition or blending of
disparate values is visible in the high-tech underworlds of cyberpunk fiction
and in the growing number of sf novels and films produced by Asian countries.
Focusing primarily on literature and film, this conference is open to proposals
from all relevant disciplines that deal with the past and present interactions
of technology, tradition, globalization, and identity along the East-West axis.
The conference coordinators are Wong Kin Yuen (kinyuenwong@cuhk.edu.hk), George
Slusser (george.slusser@ucr.edu), and Gary Westfahl (Gwwestfahl@aol.com).
Inquiries and proposals should be sent to Gary Westfahl no later than September
30, 2000 via e-mail or to this address: Gary Westfahl, The Learning Center 052,
University of California, Riverside, CA 92521, USA. Acceptance letters in
response to good proposals can be provided immediately for prospective speakers
seeking financial support.—Gary Westfahl
New "Early SF" Book Series: Call for Submissions. Wesleyan UP
has just announced a new book series entitled "Early Classics of Science
Fiction" to be launched in 2001. This series will consist of scholarly
editions of classic English-language sf and new translations of non-English sf—both
featuring critical introductions, extensive notes, bibliographical materials,
etc.—as well as monographs and other scholarly studies that focus on early sf
(pre-1940). According to Wesleyan, the primary goal of this "Early Classics
of Science Fiction" series is: "to provide a venue for the publication
and scholarly study of neglected early works of science fiction and, in so
doing, to expand and enrich the traditional definitions of the genre."
Wesleyan is now soliciting manuscripts, proposals, ideas, and volume editors
for potential books in this series. Please send your suggestions and/or
submissions directly to the General Editor: Arthur B. Evans, Department of
Modern Languages, EC L-06, DePauw University, Greencastle, IN 46135, e-mail:
<aevans@depauw.edu>. For further information about the series, contact
Wesleyan UP at the following address: Suzanna Tamminen, Editor-in-Chief,
Wesleyan University Press, 110 Mt. Vernon St., Middletown, CT 06459, fax: (860)
685-2421, e-mail: <stamminen@wesleyan.edu>.—ABE
Carol Margaret Davison will take up her new post as an Assistant
Professor at the University of Windsor this July. Anti-Semitism and British
Gothic Literature, a revision of her dissertation (McGill University, 1998),
will be published next year by Macmillan UK.
Amanda Fernbach is currently in the English Department at the University
of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, where she is completing her doctoral
dissertation, "Synthetic Selves, Techno Idols and the Dominatrix: Cultural
Fetishisms from Decadence to the Post-Human," of which this article will
form part of a chapter. Her other work on fetishism includes "Dracula’s
Decadent Fetish," in Dracula: The Shade and The Shadow: A Critical
Anthology, and "Wilde’s Salome and the Ambiguous Fetish," in Victorian
Literature and Culture (forthcoming).
A contributor to SFS since 1983, Carl Freedman is the author,
most recently, of Critical Theory and Science Fiction (Wesleyan UP, 2000)
and the winner of the 1999 Pioneer Award for Excellence in Scholarship from the
Science Fiction Research Association. Currently at work on a book about Richard
Nixon, he teaches English and serves on committees at Louisiana State
David Ketterer is professor of English at Concordia University in
Montréal. The recipient of the 1996 Pilgrim Award, he is the author of New
Worlds for Old: The Apocalyptic Imagination, Science Fiction, and American
Literature (1974), Imprisoned in a Tesseract: The Life and Works of James
Blish (1978), The Rationale of Deception in Poe (1979), Frankenstein’s
Creation: The Book, the Monster, and Human Reality (1979), Edgar Allan
Poe: Life, Work, and Criticism (1989), and Canadian Science Fiction and
Fantasy (1992). He is the editor of The Science Fiction of Mark Twain
(1984) and of Charles Heber Clark’s A Family Memoir (1995). He is
currently working on a book about John Wyndham.
De Witt Douglas Kilgore is Assistant Professor of English at Indiana
Univer-sity, and is the author of The Wonderful Dream: Nation, Race and
Science Fictions of an American Future in Space (forthcoming).
David A. Kirby earned his PhD from the University of Maryland in
Evolutionary Genetics. He is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Biology
at American University, where he is pursuing research into how representations
of biology have been mediated in popular culture. He has published scientific
articles in Genetics and the Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences. He has a forthcoming book chapter in the anthology Drive-In
Horrors, which explores the anxieties surrounding the discovery of DNA as
expressed in drive-in horror films.
Kenneth Krabbenhoft is Associate Professor of Spanish and Portuguese at
New York University. He has written three books on the Spanish seventeenth
century and articles on Spanish, Portuguese, and Brazilian literature, sf, and
mysticism. He is currently preparing an annotated translation of the kabbalist
Abraham Cohen de Herrera’s Puerta delcielo.
Brooks Landon, currently chair of the English Department at the
University of Iowa, is the author of The Aesthetics of Ambivalence:
Rethinking Science Fiction Film in the Age of Electronic (Re)Production
(Greenwood, 1992) and Science Fiction After 1900: From the Steam Man to the
Stars (Twayne, 1997). He was recently selected as Guest Scholar for the 2001
International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts.
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