Science Fiction Studies

Chronological Bibliography of Science Fiction History, Theory, and Criticism


The following bibliography of science fiction criticism does not claim to be exhaustive. It does, however, gather together a large number of critical materials on sf that the editors of SFS deem to be important, influential, or historically noteworthy. We have listed the entries in reverse chronological order since such a format, we feel, affords a useful glimpse of the evolution of sf criticism from 1634 to the present. In those cases where items listed on the bibliography have either been reviewed in SFS or featured in our Documents in the History of SF series, we have inserted links to the relevant pages.

In consulting this collective bibliography, our readers should be aware of certain methodological and editorial assumptions we made in compiling it. First, there are very few references herein to critical works that focus primarily on utopias; these are treated quite extensively in scholarly journals like Utopian Studies and in books by Lyman Tower Sargent and others. Second, rather than citing numerous individual reviews and essays by well-known critics or authors, as a rule we have preferred to list relevant compendia--e.g., John Clute's Strokes (1988) or his Look at the Evidence (1995)--even though, in many cases, the material gathered in these volumes was written much earlier. Third, we have excluded from this list most anthologies of sf, author biographies and interviews, works of theory that do not focus primarily on sf, and general bibliographies of sf (which tend to date rapidly from the moment they are published).

The original version of this critical bibliography appeared in the special issue of SFS "A History of Science Fiction Criticism" (26.2 [July 1999]: 263-83), where it served as the collective Works Cited for survey articles on the topic by Arthur B. Evans, Gary Westfahl, Donald M. Hassler, and Veronica Hollinger.



2024-2020      2019-2000       1999-1990      1989-1980      1979-1970      1969-1960      1959-1930      1929-1900      1899-1800      1799-1634

  • 2024
    • Heather Alberro, Emrah Atasoy, Nora Castle, Rhiannon Firth, and Conrad Scott, eds. Utopian and Dystopian Explorations of Pandemics and Ecological Breakdown: Entangled Futurities. Routledge, 2024.
    • Michael Bérubé. The Ex-Human: Science Fiction and the Fate of our Species. Columbia UP, 2024.
    • Mark Bould and Steven Shaviro, eds. This is Not a Science Fiction Textbook. Goldsmith’s Press, 2024.
    • Mark Bould, Andrew M. Butler, and Sherryl Vint, eds. The New Routledge Companion to Science Fiction. Routledge, 2024.
    • Jordan S. Carroll. Speculative Whiteness: Science Fiction and the Alt-Right. U of Minnesota P, 2024.
    • Nora Castle and Giulia Champion eds. Animals and Science Fiction. PALGRAVE STUDIES IN ANIMALS AND LITERATURE. Palgrave MacMillan, 2024.
    • Gwilym Lucas Eades. Spatialities of Speculative Fiction: Re-Mapping Possibilities, Philosophies and Territorialities. Routledge, ROUTLEDGE RESEARCH IN CULTURE, SPACE AND IDENTITY, 2024.
    • Wessam Elmeligi. Dystopia in Arabic Speculative Fiction: A Poetics of Distress. Routlege, 2024.
    • Martin Harris. Horror and Science Fiction Cinema and Society: American Culture and Politics in the Cold War and After Through the Projector Lens. Routledge, 2024.
    • Jonathan Hay. Science Fiction and Posthumanism in the Anthropocene. Bloomsbury Academic, 2024.
    • Jerry Rafiki Jenkins. Anti-Blackness and Human Monstrosity in Black American Horror Fiction. Ohio State UP, NEW SUNS: RACE, GENDER, AND SEXUALITY IN THE SPECULATIVE, 2024.
    • Cassandra L. Jones. Black Speculative Feminisms: Memory and Liberated Futures in Black Women’s Fiction. Ohio State UP, NEW SUNS: RACE, GENDER, AND SEXUALITY IN THE SPECULATIVE, 2024.
    • Paul Kincaid. Keith Roberts’s Pavane: A Critical Companion. Palgrave, PALGRAVE SCIENCE FICTION AND FANTASY: A NEW CANON, 2024.
    • Frederic Krome. New Approaches in Teaching History: Using Science Fiction to Introduce Students to New Vistas in Historical Thought. Rowman & Littlefield, 2024.
    • David Lapoujade. Worlds Built to Fall Apart: Versions of Philip K. Dick. Trans. Erik Beranek. U of Minnesota P, 2024.  
    • Emily A. Maguire. Tropical Time Machines: Science Fiction in the Contemporary Hispanic Caribbean. U of Florida P, 2024
    • Paul March-Russell. J.G. Ballard’s Crash. Palgrave Macmillan, PALGRAVE SCIENCE FICTION AND FANTASY: A NEW CANON, 2024.
    • Graham Murphy. William Gibson's Neuromancer: A Critical Companion. Palgrave Macmillan, PALGRAVE SCIENCE FICTION AND FANTASY: A NEW CANON, 2024.
    • Orty Ortwein. The First Geeks: Ray Bradbury, Forrest J. Ackerman, Ray Harryhausen and the Founding of Science Fiction Fandom. McFarland, 2024.
    • Graham P. Slater. Horizons of the Future. Science Fiction, Utopian Imagination, and the Politics of Education. Routledge, 2024.
    • David Roche. Arrival. U of Texas P, 21st CENTURY FILM ESSENTIALS, 2024.
    • Andrew Rowcroft. Kim Stanley Robinson: Apprenticeships in Narrative. Liverpool UP, LIVERPOOL SCIENCE FICTION TEXTS AND STUDIES 82, 2024.
    • Miguel Sebastián-Martín. Thinking through High-Tech Hell: A Theory of the New Media Dystopia. Peter Lang, RALAHINE UTOPIAN STUDIES 35, 2024.
    • Alan N. Shapiro. Decoding Digital Culture with Science Fiction: Hyper-Modernism, Hyperreality, and Posthumanism. transcript, Digital Society, 2024.
    • Steven Shaviro. Fluid Futures: Science Fiction and Potentiality. Repeater, 2024.
    • Mingwei Song, Nathaniel Isaacson, and Hua Li, eds. Chinese Science Fiction: Concepts, Forms, and Histories. Palgrave Macmillan, STUDIES IN GLOBAL SCIENCE FICTION, 2024.
    • Courtney Stanton. Project(ing) Human: Representations of Disability in Science Fiction. Vernon, 2024
    • Sherryl Vint, ed. The Cambridge Companion to American Utopian Literature and Culture Since 1945. Cambridge UP, 2024.
  • 2023

    • Berit Åstrom and Jenny Bonnevier, eds. Kinship in the Fiction of N.K. Jemisin: Relations of Power and Resistance. Lexington (Rowman & Littlefield), 2023.
    • Lisa Wenger Bro. Bodies for Profit and Power: Science Fiction and Biopolitics. McFarland, 2023.
    • Bodhisattva Chattopadhyay, Grace L. Dillon, Isiah Lavender III, and Taryne Jade Taylor, eds. The Routledge Handbook of CoFuturisms. Routledge, 2023.
    • Britta Maria Colligs. Material Ecocriticism and Sylvan Agency in Speculative Fiction: The Forests of the World. Lexington, 2023.
    • Daniele Comberiati. La fantascienza italiana contro il boom economico? Quattro narrazioni distopiche degli anni Sessanta (Aldani, Buzzati, De Rossignoli, Scerbanenco). Franco Cesati Editore, 2023.
    • Bill Cooke. H.G. Wells and the Twenty-First Century. Liverpool UP, LIVERPOOL SCIENCE FICTION TEXTS AND STUDIES, 2023.
    • Julia A. Empey and Russell J.A. Kilbourn, eds. Feminist Posthumanism in Contemporary Science Fiction Film and Media: From Annihilation to High Life and Beyond. Bloomsbury, 2023.
    • Liz W. Faber. Robot Suicide: Death, Identify, and AI in Science Fiction. Lexington, 2023.
    • Sarah Falcus and Maricel Oro-Piqueras, eds. Age and Ageing in Contemporary Speculative and Science Fiction. Bloomsbury Academic, 2023.
    • Britt Farstad. Populating the Future. Families and Reproduction in Speculative Fiction. Kriterium, 2023
    • Samuel Ginsburg. The Cyborg Caribbean: Techno-Dominance in Twenty-First-Century Cuban, Dominican, and Puerto Rican Science Fiction. Rutgers UP, CRITICAL CARIIBBEAN STUDIES, 2023.
    • Pablo Gómez-Muñoz. Science Fiction Cinema in the Twenty-First Century: Transnational Futures, Cosmopolitan Concerns. Routledge, ROUTLEDGE STUDIES IN GLOBAL GENRE FICTION, 2023.
    • Michael Harris. Come With Me If You Want to Live: The Future as Foretold in Classic Sci-Fi Films. Lexington (Rowman & Littlefield), 2023.
    • David M. Higgins. Anne Leckie’s ANCILLARY JUSTICE: A Critical Companion. Palgrave Macmillan, PALGRAVE SCIENCE FICTION AND FANTASY: A NEW CANON, 2023.
    • Heather Duerre Humann. A Tale Told by a Machine: The AI Narrator in Contemporary Science Fiction Novels. McFarland, 2023.
    • Kaisa Kortekallio. Mutant Narratives in Ecological Science Fiction:Thinking with Embodied Estrangement. Bloomsbury, Posthumanism in Practice, 2023.
    • Tim Lanzendörfer. Utopian Pasts and Futures in the Contemporary American Novel. Edinburgh UP, 2023.
    • Li Qin. A Study of the History of Chinese Science Fiction Literature in the Past Century. Beijing: The Commercial Press, 2023.
    • Sandra J. Lindow. Nnedi Okorafor: Magic, Myth, Morality and the Future. McFarland, CRITICAL EXPLORATIONS IN SCIENCE FICTION AND FANTASY, 2023.
    • Christina Lord. Reimagining the Human in Contemporary French Science Fiction. U of Liverpool P, LIVERPOOL SCIENCE FICTION TEXTS AND STUDIES, 2023.
    • Luo Xiaoming. Unlocking the Future: The Urban Imagination in Contemporary Chinese Science Fiction.Routledge, 2023.
    • Kate Marshall. Novels by Aliens: Weird Tales and the Twenty-First Century. U of Chicago P, 2023.
    • Paul Matthews. Transparent Minds in Science Fiction: An Introduction to Alien, AI and Post-human Consciousness. Cambridge, UK: Open Book, 2023.
    • Sebastian J. Müller. Neo-Frontier Spaces in Science Fiction Television. McFarland, 2023.
    • David Roberts, Andrew Milner, and Peter Murphy. Science Fiction and Narrative Form. Bloomsbury Academic, 2023.
    • Aaron X. Smith, ed. Afrocentricity in Afrofuturism: Toward Afrocentric Futurism. U of Mississippi, 2023.
    • Carissa Turner Smith, ed. Connie Willis’s Science Fiction: Doomsday Everyday. Routledge, 2023.
    • Mingwei Song. Fear of Seeing: A Poetics of Chinese Science Fiction. Columbia UP, 2023.
    • Kevin M. Strait and Kinshasha Holman Conwill, eds. Afrofuturism: A History of Black Futures. Smithsonian, 2023.
    • J.P. Telotte. Selling Science Fiction Cinema: Making and Marketing a Genre. U of Texas P, 2023.
    • J.P. Telotte, ed. The Oxford Handbook of New Science Fiction Cinema. Oxford UP, 2023. 352 pp. $165 hc, $45 ebk.
    • Tomás Vergara. Alterity and Capitalism in Speculative Fiction. Estranging Contemporary History. Palgrave Macmillan, 2023.
    • Gary Westfahl, ed. Jules Verne Lives! Essays on His Works and Legacy. McFarland, 2023.
    • Lisa Yaszek, Sonja Fritzsche, Keren Omry, and Wendy Gay Pearson, eds. The Routledge Companion to Gender and Science Fiction. Routledge, 2023.


    • Mike Ashley. The Rise of the Cyberzines: The Story of the Science-Fiction Magazines from 1991-2020. Vol. 5 of The History of the Science-Fiction Magazine. Liverpool UP, LIVERPOOL SCIENCE FICTION TEXTS AND STUDIES, 2022.
    • Emily Ashton. Anthropocene Childhoods: Speculative Fiction, Racialization, and Climate Crisis. Bloomsbury, 2022.
    • Kristina Baudemann.The Future Imaginary in Indigenous North American Arts and Literatures. Routledge, ROUTLEDGE RESEARCH IN TRANSNATIONAL INDIGENOUS PERSPECTIVES, 2022.
    • Ritch Calvin. Queering SF: Readings. Aqueduct. 2022.
    • Ross Clare. Ancient Greece and Rome in Modern Science Fiction: Amazing Antiquity. Liverpool UP, GREECE AND ROME LIVE, 2022.
    • Diane Conrad and Sean Wiebe, eds. Educational Fabulations: Teaching and Learning for a World Yet to Come.Palgrave Macmillan, 2022.
    • Istvan Csicsery-Ronay, Jr. Mutopia: Science Fiction and Fantastic Knowledge. Liverpool UP, LIVERPOOL SCIENCE FICTION TEXTS AND STUDIES, 2022.
    • Ekow Eshun. In the Black Fantastic. MIT, 2022.
    • Ellen J. Greenham. After Engulfment: Cosmicism and Neocosmicism in H.P. Lovecraft, Philip K. Dick, Robert A. Heinlein, and Frank Herbert. Hippocampus, 2022.
    • Kazue Harada. Sexuality, Maternity, and (Re)productive Futures: Women’s Speculative Fiction in Contemporary Japan. Brill, Brill’s Japanese Studies Library, 2022.
    • David M. Higgins. Ann Leckie's Ancillary Justice: A Critical Companion. Palgrave Macmillan, PALGRAVE SCIENCE FICTION AND FANTASY: A NEW CANON, 2022.
    • Dale Knickerbocker, ed. Spain Is Different? Historical Memory and the ‘Two Spains’ in Turn-of-the-Millennium Spanish Apocalyptic Fictions. U of Wales P, 2022.
    • Ryan Lizardi. Existential Science Fiction. Lexington, 2022.
    • Anna McFarlane. Cyberpunk Culture and Psychology: Seeing Through the Mirrorshades. Routledge, 2022.
    • Anna McFarlane, Graham J. Murphy, and Lars Schmeink, eds. Fifty Key Figures in Cyberpunk Culture. Routledge, 2022.
    • Patricia A. McManus. Critical Theory and Dystopia. Manchester UP, 2022.
    • Emily Midkiff. Equipping Space Cadets: Primary Science Fiction for Young Children. U Press of Mississippi, 2022.
    • Renae L. Mitchell. Maternity in the Post-Apocalypse: Novelistic Re-Visions of Dystopian Motherhood. Lexington, 2022.
    • Bernard Montoneri, ed. Science Fiction and Anticipation: Utopias, Dystopias, and Time Travel. Lexington, 2022.
    • Dominic J. Nardi and N. Trevor Brierly, eds. Discovering DUNE: Essays on Frank Herbert's Epic Saga. McFarland, CRITICAL EXPLORATIONS IN SCIENCE FICTION AND FANTASY, 2022.
    • Peter Nicholls. Genre Fiction: The Roaring Years -- A Collection of Commentaries and Reviews. Ansible Editions, 2022.
    • Wendy C. Nielsen. Motherless Creations: Fictions of Artificial Life, 1650-1890. Routledge, ROUTLEDGE STUDIES IN SPECULATIVE FICTION, 2022.
    • Ebru Deniz Ozan, ed. Rethinking Utopia: Interdisciplinary Approaches. Lexington, 2022.
    • Stefan Rabitsch, Michael Fuchs, and Stefan L. Brandt, eds. Fantastic Cities: American Urban Spaces in Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror. UP of Mississippi, 2022.
    • J. Jesse Ramírez. Un-American Dreams: Apocalyptic Science Fiction, Disimagined Community, and Bad Hope in the American Century. Liverpool UP, LIVERPOOL SCIENCE FICTION TEXTS AND STUDIES, 2022.
    • Roz Samer. Lesbian Potentiality and Feminist Media in the 1970s. Duke UP, 2022.
    • Debra Benita Shaw. Women, Science and Fiction Revisited. 2nd ed. Palgrave Macmillan, PALGRAVE STUDIES IN LITERATURE, SCIENCE AND MEDICINE, 2023.
    • Lars Schmeink and Ingo Cornils, eds. New Perspectives on Contemporary German Science Fiction. Springer Natural, 2022.
    • George Slusser. Science Fiction: Toward a World Literature. Ed. Gary Westfahl. Lexington, 2022.
    • Anne Stewart. Angry Planet: Decolonial Fiction and the American Third World. U of Minnesota P, 2022.
    • Darko Suvin. Disputing the Deluge: Collected 21st-Century Writings on Utopia, Narration, and Survival. Ed. Hugh C. O'Connell. Bloomsbury Academic, 2022.
    • David Venditto. Whiteness at the End of the World: Race in Post-Apocalyptic Cinema. SUNY P, 2022.
    • Sherryl Vint and Sümera Buran, eds. Technologies of Feminist Speculative Fiction: Gender, Artificial Life, and the Politics of Reproduction. Springer Verlag Nature, 2022.
    • Harry Warwick. Dystopia and Dispossession in the Hollywood Science-Fiction Film, 1979-2017: The Aesthetics of Enclosure. Liverpool UP, LIVERPOOL SCIENCE FICTION TEXTS AND STUDIES, 2023.
    • D. Harlan Wilson. Alfred Bester's The Stars My Destination: A Critical Companion. Palgrave Macmillan, PALGRAVE SFF, 2022.
    • Gary Westfahl. The Stuff of Science Fiction. McFarland, 2022.
    • Wu Yan, Er Shi Shi Ji Zhong Guo Ke Huan Xiao Shuo Shi [History of Chinese Science Fiction in the 20th Century]. Beijing UP, 2022.
    • Ida Yoshinaga, Sean Guynes, and Gerry Canavan, eds. Uneven Futures: Strategies for Community Survival from Speculative Fiction. MIT, 2022.


    • Caroline Alphin. Neoliberalism and Cyberpunk Science Fiction: Living on the Edge of Burnout. Routledge, 2021.
    • Sonia Baelo-Allué and Mónica Calvo-Pascual, eds. Transhumanism and Posthumanism in Twenty-First Century Narrative. Routledge, PERSPECTIVES ON THE NON-HUMAN IN LITERATURE AND CULTURE, 2021.
    • Christophe Becker and Clémentine Hougue, eds. The Pandemic in Science Fiction. Books on Demand (Hamburg), 2021.
    • Brent Ryan Bellamy. Remainders of the American Century: Post-Apocalyptic Novels in the Age of US Decline. Wesleyan UP, 2021.
    • Eileen Hunt Botting. Artificial Life after Frankenstein. U of Pennsylvania P, 2021.
    • Jayna Brown. Black Utopias: Speculative Life and the Music of Other Worlds. Duke UP, 2021.
    • Mark Bould. The Anthropocene Unconscious: Climate Catastrophe in Contemporary Culture. Verso, 2021.
    • Ian Campbell, ed. Science Fiction in Translation: Perspectives on the Global Theory and Practice of Translation. Palgrave, STUDIES IN GLOBAL SCIENCE FICTION, 2021.
    • Lara Choksey. Narrative in the Age of the Genome: Genetic Worlds. Bloomsbury Academic, EXPLORATIONS IN SCIENCE AND LITERATURE, 2021 (pbk 2022).
    • Thomas Connolly. After Human: A Critical History of the Human in Science Fiction from Shelley to Le Guin. Liverpool UP, LIVERPOOL SCIENCE FICTION TEXTS AND STUDIES, 2021.
    • Rachel S. Cordasco. Out of this World: Speculative Fiction in Translation from the Cold War to the New Millennium. U of Illinois P, 2021.
    • F. Brett Cox. Roger Zelazny. MODERN MASTERS OF SCIENCE FICTION, U of Illinois P, 2021.
    • Emily Cox-Palmer-White. The Biopolitics of Gender in Science Fiction: Feminism and Female Machines. Routledge, 2021.
    • Tereza Dědinová, Weronika Laszkiewichz, and Sylvia Borowska-Szerszun, eds. Images of the Anthropocene in Speculative Fiction: Narrating the Future. Lexington, 2021.
    • Sina Farzin, Susan M. Gaines, and Roslynn D. Haynes, eds. Under the Literary Microscope: Science and Society in the Contemporary Novel. Pennsylvania State UP, 2021.
    • Valerie Estelle Frankel. Jewish Science Fiction and Fantasy Through 1945: Immigrants in the Golden Age. Lexington, 2021.
    • William O. Gardner. The Metabolist Imagination: Visions of the City in Postwar Japanese Architecture and Science Fiction. U of Minnesota P, 2020.
    • Meghan Gilbert-Hickey and Miranda A. Green-Barteet, eds. Race in Young Adult Speculative Fiction. UP of Mississippi, 2021.
    • Gregory J. Hampton and Kendra R. Parker, eds. The Bloomsbury Handbook to Octavia E. Butler. Bloomsbury Academic, 2020.
    • Kazue Harada. Sexuality, Maternity, and (Re)productive Futures: Women's Speculative Fiction in Contemporary Japan. Brill, BRILL'S JAPANESE STUDIES LIBRARY, 2021.
    • David M. Higgins. Reverse Colonization: Science Fiction, Imperial Fantasy, and Alt-victimhood. U of Iowa P, 2021.
    • Jon Hoel. Stalker. U of Liverpool P, CONSTELLATIONS, 2021.
    • Richard Howard. Space for Peace: Fragments of the Irish Troubles in the Science Fiction of Bob Shaw and James White. Liverpool UP, LIVERPOOL SCIENCE FICTION TEXTS AND STUDIES, 2021.
    • Jia Liyuan. “Xian Dai ” yu “Wei Zhi ”: Wan Qing Ke Huan Ziao Shuo Yan Jiu [The Modern and the Unknown: A Study of Science Fiction in the Late Qing Dynasty]. Beijing UP, 2021.
    • Monika Kaup. New Ecological Realisms: Post-Apocalyptic Fiction and Contemporary Theory. Edinburgh UP, 2021.
    • Sami Ahmad Khan. Star Warriors of the Modern Raj: Materiality, Mythology and Technology of Indian Science Fiction. U of Wales P, NEW DIMENSIONS IN SCIENCE FICTION, 2021.
    • Paul Kincaid. Brian W. Aldiss. U of Illinois P, MODERN MASTERS OF SCIENCE FICTION, 2021.
    • Hua Li. Chinese Science Fiction during the Post-Mao Cultural Thaw. U of Toronto P, 2021.
    • Anna McFarlane. Cyberpunk Culture and Psychology: Seeing Through the Mirrorshades. Routledge, RESEARCH IN CULTURAL AND MEDIA STUDIES, 2021
    • Mitch R. Murray and Nathias Nilges, eds. William Gibson and the Futures of Contemporary Culture. U of Iowa P, THE NEW AMERICAN CANON, 2021. xx+268 pp. $90 pbk or ebk.
    • Joseph S. Norman. The Culture of “the Culture”: Utopian Processes in Iain M. Banks’s Space Opera Series. Liverpool UP, LIVERPOOL SCIENCE FICTION TEXTS AND STUDIES, 2021.
    • Christopher Palmer. Apocalypse in Crisis: Fiction from The War of the Worlds to Dead Astronauts. Liverpool UP, LIVERPOOL SCIENCE FICTION TEXTS AND STUDIES, 2021.
    • Michael Pitts. Alternative Masculinities in Feminist Speculative Fiction: A New Man. Lexington, 2021.
    • J. Jesse Ramirez. Against Automation Mythologies : Business Science Fiction and the Ruse of the Robots. Routledge, 2021.
    • John Rieder. Speculative Epistemologies. Liverpool UP, LIVERPOOL SCIENCE FICTION TEXTS AND STUDIES, 2021.
    • Joy Sanchez-Taylor. Diverse Futures: Science Fiction and Authors of Color. Ohio State UP, 2021.
    • Fred Scharmen. Space Forces: A Critical History of Life in Outer Space. Verso, 2021
    • Steven Shaviro. Extreme Fabulations. Goldsmith, 2021
    • Roger A. Sneed. The Dreamer and the Dream: Afrofuturism and Black Religious Thought. Ohio State UP, NEW SUNS: RACE, GENDER, AND SEXUALITY IN THE SPECULATIVE, 2021.
    • Eli Park Sorensen. Science Fiction Film: Predicting the Impossible in the Age of Neoliberalism. Edinburgh UP, 2021.
    • Miriam C. Brown Spiers. Encountering the Sovereign Other: Indigenous Science Fiction. Michigan State UP, 2021.
    • Douglas A. Vakoch, ed. Ecofeminist Science Fiction: International Perspectives on Gender, Ecology and Literature. Routledge, 2021.
    • Sherryl Vint. Biopolitical Futures in Twenty-First-Century Speculative Fiction. Cambridge UP, CAMBRIDGE STUDIES IN TWENTY FIRST CENTURY LITERTAURE AND CULTURE, 2021.
    • Sherryl Vint. Science Fiction. MIT, ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE, 2021.
    • Nathaniel Robert Walker. Victorian Visions of Suburban Utopia: Abandoning Babylon. Oxford UP, 2021.
    • Orrin N.C. Wang, ed. Frankenstein in Theory: A Critical Anatomy. Bloomsbury Academic, 2021
    • Allan Weiss. The Routledge Introduction to Canadian Fantastic Literature. Routledge, 2021.
    • Jerome Winter. Citizen Science Fiction. Lexington, 2021.
    • Bill Wood, ed. On Samuel R. Delany's DHALGREN. Fantastic Books, 2021.
    • Robert Yeates. American Cities in Post-Apocalyptic Science Fiction. UCL, Modern Americas, 2021.


    • Dustin A. Abnet. The American Robot: A Cultural History. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 2020.
    • Suparno Banerjee. Indian Science Fiction. U of Wales P, 2020.
    • Katherine E. Bishop, David Higgins, and Jerry Määttä, eds. Plants in Science Fiction: Speculative Vegetation. U of Wales P, NEW DIMENSIONS IN SCIENCE FICTION, 2020
    • Algis Budrys. Beyond the Outposts: Essays on SF and Fantasy, 1955-1996. Reading, UK: Ansible Editions, 2020.
    • William Butcher. Jules Verne, The Biography. Narrated by Simon Vance. Carol Stream, IL: Oasis Audio, 2020
    • Dan Byrne-Smith, ed. Science Fiction. Whitechapel Gallery/ MIT, DOCUMENTS OF CONTEMPORARY ART, 2020.
    • Stephen Cave, Kanta Dihal, Sarah Dillon, eds. AI Narratives: A History of Imaginative Thinking about Intelligent Machines. Oxford UP, 2020.
    • Ingo Cornils. Beyond Tomorrow: German Science Fiction and Utopian Thought in the 20th and 21st Centuries. Camden House, 2020.
    • Jörg Matthias Determann. Islam, Science Fiction and Extraterrestrial Life: The Culture of Astrobiology in the Muslim World. Bloomsbury Academic, 2020.
    • Jonathan R. Eller. Bradbury Beyond Apollo. U of Illinois P, 2020.
    • Liz W. Faber. The Computer's Voice: From Star Trek to Siri. U of Minnesota P, 2020.
    • William O. Gardner. The Metabolist Imagination: Visions of the City in Postwar Japanese Architecture and Science Fiction. U of Minnesota P, 2020.
    • Rebecca Gibson. Desire in the Age of Robots and AI: Investigations in Science Fiction and Fact. Palgrave Macmillan, 2020.
    • Elizabeth M. Ginway. Cyborgs, Sexuality,and the Undead: The Body in Mexican and Brazilian Speculative Fiction. Vanderbilt UP, 2020.
    • Barry Keith Grant. The Twilight Zone. Detroit: Wayne State UP, TV MILESTONES SERIES, 2020.
    • Jing Jiang. Found in Translation: New People in Twentieth-Century Chinese Science Fiction. Columbia UP, Association for Asian Studies, ASIA SHORTS, 2020.
    • Zachary Kendal, Aisling Smith, Giulia Champion, and Andrew Milner, eds. Ethical Futures and Global Science Fiction. Palgrave Macmillan, STUDIES IN GLOBAL SCIENCE FICTION, 2020.
    • Isiah Lavender III and Lisa Yaszek, eds. Literary Afrofuturism in the Twenty-First Century. Ohio State UP, NEW SUNS: RACE, GENDER, AND SEXUALITY IN THE SPECULATIVE, 2020.
    • Regina Yung Lee and Una McCormack, eds. Biology and Manners: Essays on the Worlds and Works of Lois McMaster Bujold. Liverpool UP, 2020.
    • Anna McFarlane, Graham J. Murphy, and Lars Schmeink, eds. The Routledge Companion to Cyberpunk Culture. Routledge, 2020.
    • Natania Meeker and Antónia Szabari. Radical Botany: Plants and Speculative Fiction. Fordham UP, 2020.
    • Sebastian Mitchell. Utopia and Its Discontents: Plato to Atwood. Bloomsbury Academic, 2020.
    • Gavin Miller. Science Fiction and Psychology. Liverpool: Liverpool UP, LIVERPOOL SCIENCE FICTION TEXTS AND STUDIES, 2020.
    • Glyn Morgan. Imagining the Unimaginable: Speculative Fiction and the Holocaust. Bloomsbury Academic, 2020.
    • Tom Moylan. Becoming Utopian: The Culture and Politics of Radical Transformation. Bloomsbury Academic, 2020.
    • Upamanyu Pablo Mukherjee. Final Frontiers: Science Fiction and Techno-Science in Non-Aligned India.Liverpool UP, 2020
    • Joe Sanders. Michael Bishop and the Persistence of Wonder: A Critical Study of the Writings. McFarland, 2020.
    • David Sandner, ed. Philip K. Dick: Essays of the Here and Now. McFarland, CRITICAL EXPLORATIONS IN SCIENCE FICTION AND FANTASY, 2020.
    • Alison Sperling, ed. "Climate Fictions." Paradoxa 31 (2019-2020)
    • Simon Spiegel, Andrea Reiter, and Marcy Goldberg, eds. Utopia and Reality: Documentary, Activism and Imagined Worlds. U of Wales P, 2020.
    • John L. Steadman. Aliens, Robots & Virtual Reality Idols in the Science Fiction of H.P. Lovecraft, Isaac Asimov and William Gibson. Zero, 2020.
    • Mads Rosendahl Thomsen and Jacob Wamberg, eds. The Bloomsbury Handbook of Posthumanism. Bloomsbury, 2020.
    • Sherryl Vint, ed. After the Human: Theory, Culture and Criticism in the 21st Century. Cambridge UP, 2020.
    • Nathaniel Robert Walker. Victorian Visions of Suburban Utopia: Abandoning Babylon. Oxford UP, 2020.
    • Phillip E. Wegner. Invoking Hope: Theory and Utopia in Dark Times. U of Minnesota P, 2020.
    • Jeremy Withers. Futuristic Cars and Space Bicycles: Contesting the Road in American Science Fiction. Liverpool, UK: Liverpool UP, LIVERPOOL SCIENCE FICTION TEXTS AND STUDIES, 2020.


    • Special Issue: David M. Higgins and Hugh C. O’Connell, eds. "Special Issue on Speculative Finance/Speculative Fiction." CR: The New Centennial Review 19.1 (Spr. 2019).
    • Special Issue: Amanda Rees and Iwan Rhys Morus, eds. "Presenting Futures Past: Science Fiction and the History of Science." Osiris 34 (2019)
    • Nivedita Bagchi. Human Nature and Politics in Utopian and Anti-Utopian Fiction. Lexington, 2019. xxii+78 pp. $80 hc, $76 ebk
    • Bridgitte Barclay and Christy Tidwell, eds. Gender and Environment in Science Fiction. Lexington, 2019.
    • Simone Brioni and Daniele Comberiati. Italian Science Fiction: The Other in Literature and Film. Palgrave Macmillan, Studies in Global Science Fiction, 2019.
    • Damien Broderick. The Time Machine Hypothesis: Extreme Science Meets Science Fiction. Springer Verlag, 2019.
    • Joseph W. Campbell. The Order and the Other: Young Adult Dystopian Literaure and Science Fiction. UP of Mississippi, 2019.
    • Gerry Canavan and Eric Carl Link, eds. The Cambridge History of Science Fiction. Cambridge UP, 2019.
    • Steve Carper. Robots in American Popular Culture. McFarland, 2019.
    • Ingrid E. Castro and Jessica Clark, eds. Child and Youth Agency in Science Fiction: Travel, Technology, Time. Lexington Books (Rowman & Littlefield), 2019.
    • Ria Cheyne. Disability, Literature, and Genre: Representation and Affect in Contemporary Fiction. Liverpool UP, REPRESENTATIONS: HEALTH, DISABILITY, CULTURE AND SOCIETY, 2019.
    • Jim Clarke. Science Fiction and Catholicism: The Rise and Fall of the Robot Papacy. Gylphi, 2019.
    • Sarah Cole. Inventing Tomorrow: H.G. Wells and the Twentieth Century.Columbia UP, 2019.
    • Samuel R. Delany. Letters from Amherst: Five Narrative Letters. Wesleyan UP, 2019.
    • Paul Dobraszczyk. Future Cities: Architecture and the Imagination. Reaktion, 2019.
    • Caroline Edwards. Utopia and the Contemporary British Novel. Cambridge UP, CAMBRIDGE STUDIES IN TWENTIETH-CENTURY LITERATURE AND CULTURE, 2019.
    • Jean-Paul Engélibert. Fabuler la fin du monde: la puissance critique des fictions d'apocalypse [Fantasizing the end of the world: the critical power of fictions of apocalypse]. Ed. La Découverte, L'HORIZON DES POSSIBLES, 2019.
    • Richard Grigg. Science Fiction and the Imitation of the Sacred. Bloomsbury Academic, 2019.
    • Heather Duerre Humann. Reality Simulation in Science Fiction Literature, Film, and Television. McFarland, 2019.
    • Tom Idema. Stages of Transmutation: Science Fiction, Biology, and Environmental Posthumanism. Routledge, PERSPECTIVES ON THE NONHUMAN IN LITERATURE AND CULTURE, 2019.
    • Gwyneth Jones. Joanna Russ. U of Illinois P, Modern Masters of Science Fiction, 2019.
    • Matthew Jones. Science Fiction Cinema and 1950s Britain: Recontextualising Cultural Anxiety. Bloomsbury Academic, 2019.
    • Silvia G. Kurlat Ares and Ezequiel De Rozzo, eds. Peter Lang Companion to Latin American Science Fiction. Peter Lang, 2019.
    • Isiah Lavender III. Afrofuturism Rising: The Literary Prehistory of a Movement. Ohio State UP, New Suns: Race, Gender, and Sexuality in the Speculative, 2019.
    • Michael M. Levy and Farah Mendlesohn, eds. Aliens in Popular Culture. Greenwood, 2019.
    • Xiao Liu. Information Fantasies: Precarious Mediation in Postsocialist China. U of Minnesota P, 2019.
    • Rick McGrath, ed. Deep Ends: A Ballardian Anthology 2019. Terminal Press, 2019.
    • Robert Markley. Kim Stanley Robinson. U of Illinois P, MODERN MASTERS OF SCIENCE FICTION, 2019.
    • Melanie A. Marotta, ed. Women's Space: Essays on Female Characters in the 21st Century Science Fiction Western. McFarland, 2019.
    • Farah Mendlesohn. The Pleasant Profession of Robert A. Heinlein. Unbound, 2019
    • Simona Micali. Towards a Posthuman Imagination in Literature and Media: Monsters, Mutants, Aliens, Artificial Beings. Peter Lang, NEW COMPARATIVE CRITICISM, 2019.
    • Glyn Morgan and C. Palmer-Patel, eds. Sideways in Time: Critical Essays on Alternate History Fiction. Liverpool UP, 2019.
    • Robin R. Murphy. Robotics Through Science Fiction: Artificial Intelligence Explained Through Six Classic Robot Short Stories. MIT, 2019.
    • Claire Nally. Steampunk: Gender, Subculture, and the Neo-Victorian. Bloomsbury Academic, LIBRARY OF GENDER AND POPULAR CULTURE, 2019.
    • Guillaume Pinson and Maxime Prévost, eds. Jules Verne et la culture médiatique: De la presse du XIXe siècle au steampunk. Presses de l'Université Laval, COLLECTION LITTÉRATURE ET IMAGINAIRE CONTEMPORAIN, 2019.
    • Amy J. Ransom and Dominick Grace, eds. Canadian Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror: Bridging the Solitudes. Palgrave, 2019.
    • Kevin Reese. Celestial Hellscapes: Cosmology as the Key to the Strugatskiis' Science Fictions. Academic Studies, THE REAL TWENTIETH CENTURY, 2019.
    • Adam Roberts. H.G. Wells: A Literary Life. Palgrave Macmillan, LITERARY LIVES, 2019.
    • Adam Roberts. Publishing and the Science Fiction Canon: The Case of Scientific Romance. Cambridge UP, CAMBRIDGE ELEMENTS SERIES, 2019.
    • Max Saunders. Imagined Futures: Writing, Science, and Modernity in the "To-day and Tomorrow" Book Series, 1923-31. Oxford UP, 2019.
    • Artur Skweres. McLuhan's Galaxies: Science Fiction Film Aesthetics in Light of Marshall McLuhan's Thought. Springer, 2019.
    • Simon Spiegel. Bilder einer besseren Welt: Die Utopie im nichtfiktionalen Film. Schüren, 2019.
    • Tarshia L. Stanley, ed. Approaches to Teaching the Works of Octavia E. Butler. MLA, Approaches to Teaching World Literature, 2019.
    • Adam Stock. Modern Dystopian Fiction and Political Thought: Narratives of World Politics. Routledge, 2019.
    • Peter Swirski. American Utopia: Literature, Society, and the Human Use of Human Beings. Routledge, 2019.
    • Takayuki Tatsumi, ed. Trans-Pacific Cultural Studies (Vol. 3: Science Fiction and Cyber Culture). Sage, SAGE BENCHMARKS IN CULTURE AND SOCIETY, 2019. 4 volumes (not sold individually).
    • J.P. Telotte. Movies, Modernism, and the Science Fiction Pulps. Oxford UP, 2019.
    • Derek J. Thiess. Sport and Monstrosity in Science Fiction. Liverpool UP, LIVERPOOL SCIENCE FICTION TEXTS AND STUDIES, 2019.
    • Christy Tidwell and Bridgitte Barclay, eds. Gender and Environment in Science Fiction.Lexington, 2019.
    • Patricia Ventura and Edward K. Chan, eds. Race and Utopian Desire in American Literature and Society. Palgrave Macmillan, 2019.
    • Robert H. Waugh. The Tragic Thread in Science Fiction. Hippocampus, 2019.
    • Stephen Webb. New Light Through Old Windows: Exploring Contemporary Science Through 12 Classic Science Fiction Tales. SCIENCE AND FICTION, 2019.
    • Gary Westfahl. The Rise and Fall of American Science Fiction, from the 1920s to the 1960s. McFarland, 2019.
    • Gary Westfahl, Gregory Benford, Howard V. Hendrix, and Jonathan Alexander, eds. Science Fiction and the Dismal Science: Essays on Economics in and of the Genre. McFarland, 2019.
    • Matthew J. Wolf-Meyer. Theory for the World to Come: Speculative Fiction and Apocalyptic Anthropology. U of Minnesota P, FORERUNNERS: IDEAS FIRST, 2019.
    • Alex Zamalin. Black Utopia: The History of an Idea from Black Nationalism to Afrofuturism. Columbia UP, 2019.


    • Mike Ashley. Science Fiction Rebels: The Story of the Science Fiction Magazines from 1981 to 1990. Liverpool: Liverpool UP, 2018.
    • Aimee Bahng. Migrant Futures: Decolonizing Speculation in Financial Times. Durham, NC: Duke UP, 2018.
    • Anindita Banerjee, ed. Russian Science Fiction Literature and Cinema: A Critical Reader. Brighton, MA: Academic Studies P, 2018.
    • Anindita Banerjee and Sonja Fritzsche, eds. Science Fiction Circuits of the South and East. Oxford: Peter Lang, World Science Fiction Studies, 2018.
    • Jason Barr. Video Gaming in Science Fiction: A Critical Study. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2018.
    • Gregory Benford, Gary Westfahl, Howard V. Hendrix, and Joseph D. Miller, eds. Bridges to Science Fiction and Fantasy. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2018.
    • Christopher Bolton. Interpreting Anime. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 2018.
    • Damien Broderick. Consciousness and Science Fiction. Palgrave: Cham, Switzerland, SCIENCE AND FICTION, 2018.
    • Damien Broderick. Psience Fiction: The Paranormal in Science Fiction Literature. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2018.
    • Ian Campbell. Arabic Science Fiction. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, STUDIES IN GLOBAL SCIENCE FICTION, 2018.
    • Debra Ann Castillo and Liliana Colanzi, eds. Latin American Speculative Fiction (Paradoxa no. 30). Vashon Island, WA: Paradoxa, 2018.
    • Margaret Cavendish. Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle: Poems and Fancies with The Animal Parliament. Ed. Brandie R. Siegfried. Toronto: Iter, 2018.
    • William Davies, ed. Economic Science Fictions.London: Goldsmiths, 2018.
    • Carol Margaret Davison and Marie Mulvey-Roberts, eds. Global Frankenstein. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, STUDIES IN GLOBAL SCIENCE FICTION, 2018.
    • James Fenwick, ed. Understanding Kubrick’s 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY: Representation and Interpretation. Bristol, UK: Intellect (dist. Univ. of Chicago Press), 2018.
    • Hans Frey. James Tiptree, Jr.: Zwischen Entfremdung, Liebe und Tod. Berlin: Golkonda Verlag, SF PERSONALITY 27, 2018.
    • Lisa Garforth. Green Utopias: Environmental Hope Before and After Nature. Polity, 2018
    • Alexander C.T. Geppert, ed. Limiting Outer Space: Astroculture After Apollo. London: Palgrave Macmillan, PALGRAVE STUDIES IN THE HISTORY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2018.
    • Barry Keith Grant. Monster Cinema.New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers UP, Quick TAKES: Movies and Popular Culture, 2018.
    • Richard Grigg. Science Fiction and the Imitation of the Sacred. London: Bloomsbury, 2018.
    • David J. Gunkel. Robot Rights. Boston: MIT, 2018.
    • James Gunn. Alternate Worlds: The Illustrated History of Science Fiction. 3rd. ed. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2018.
    • Paul C. Gutjahr, ed. 'Voyage to the Moon' and Other Imaginary Lunar Flights of Fancy in Antebellum America. London: Anthem, 2018.
    • John J. Han, C. Clark Triplett, and Ashley G. Anthony, eds. Worlds Gone Awry: Essays on Dystopian Fiction. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2018.
    • Sarah Hentges. Girls on Fire: Transformative Heroines in Young Adult Dystopian Literature. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2018.
    • Thomas Horan. Desire and Empathy in Twentieth-Century Dystopian Fiction. Cham, Switzerland: Springer/Palgrave Macmillan, PALGRAVE STUDIES IN UTOPIANISM, 2018.
    • Nick Hubble, Esther MacCallum-Stewart, and Joseph Norman, eds. The Science Fiction of Iain M. Banks. Canterbury, UK: Gylphi, SF Storyworlds, 2018.
    • Joseph Hurtgen. The Archive Incarnate: The Embodiment and Transmission of Knowledge in Science Fiction. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, CRITICAL EXPLORATIONS IN SCIENCE FICTION AND FANTASY, 2018.
    • Mark C. Jerng. Racial Worldmaking: The Power of Popular Fiction. New York: Fordham UP, 2018.
    • Marianne Kac-Vergne. Masculinity in Contemporary Science Fiction Cinema: Cyborgs, Troopers, and Other Men of the Future. London: I.B. Tauris, 2018.
    • Dale Knickerbocker, ed. Lingua Cosmica: Science Fiction from Around the World. Urbana: U of Illinois P, 2018.
    • Silvía G. Kurlat Ares. La ílusíón persistente: Diálogos entre la cíencía ficcíón y el camp cultural. Pittsburgh, PA: Instituto Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericana, NUEVA SIGLO, 2018.
    • Ian Larue. Libère-toi Cyborg ! Le pouvoir transformateur de la science-fiction féministe. Paris: Cambourakis, 2018.
    • Carlen Lavigne. Post-Apocalyptic Patriarchy: American Television and Gendered Visions of Survival. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2018.
    • Teresa López-Pellisa, ed. Historia de la ciencia ficción en la cultura española. Madrid: Iberoamericana/Vervuert, 2018.
    • Alexis Lothian. Old Futures: Speculative Fiction and Queer Possibility. New York: New York UP, POSTMILLENIAL POP, 2018.
    • Susana Loza. Speculative Imperialisms: Monstrosity and Masquerade in Postracial Times. Lanham, MD: Lexington, 2018.
    • Diane Adesola Mafe. Where No Black Woman Has Gone Before: Subversive Portrayals in Speculative Film and TV. Austin, TX: U of Texas Press, 2018.
    • Mark A. McCutcheon. The Medium Is the Monster: Canadian Adaptations of Frankenstein and the Discourse of Technology. Edmonton, AB: Athabasca UP, 2018.
    • Shawn Malley. Excavating the Future: Archaeology and Geopolitics in Contemporary North American Science Fiction and Television. Liverpool: Liverpool UP, Liverpool Science Fiction Texts and Studies, 2018.
    • Yael Maurer and Meyrav Koren-Kuik, eds. Cityscapes of the Future: Urban Spaces in Science Fiction. Leiden, Netherlands: Brill Rodopi, Consciousness, Literature and the Arts, 2018.
    • Andrew May. Rockets and Ray Guns: The Sci-Fi Science of the Cold War. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International, Science and Fiction, 2018.
    • Colin Milburn. Respawn: Gamers, Hackers, and Technogenic Life. Durham, NC: Duke UP, 2018.
    • Andrew Milner. Again, Dangerous Visions: Essays in Cultural Materialism. Ed. J.R. Burgmann. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill, HISTORICAL MATERIALISM SERIES, 2018.
    • Graham J. Murphy and Lars Schmeink, eds. Cyberpunk and Visual Culture. Routledge, 2018.
    • Susan Napier. Miyazakiworld: A Life in Art. New Haven, CT: Yale UP, 2018.
    • Alec Nevala-Lee. Astounding: John W. Campbell, Isaac Asimov, Robert A. Heinlein, L. Ron Hubbard, and the Golden Age of Science Fiction. New York: Dey St., 2018.
    • Luis Ortiz, ed. The Science Fiction Fanzine Reader: Focal Points 1930-1960. New York: Nonstop Press, 2018.
    • Aidan Power. Contemporary European Science Fiction Cinemas. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018.
    • Amy J. Ransom. I AM LEGEND as American Myth: Race and Masculinity in the Novel and its Film Adaptations. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2018.
    • Satyajit Ray. Travails with the Alien: the film that was never made and other adventures with science fiction. Ed. Sandip Ray, Dhritiman Chaterji, Arup K. De, Riddhi Goswami, and Deepak Mukherjee. Delhi: Harper Collins and Society for the Preservation of Satyajit Ray Archives, 2018.
    • Trace Reddell. The Sound of Things to Come: An Audible History of the Science Fiction Film. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota Press, 2018.
    • Conor Reid. The Science Fiction of Edgar Rice Burroughs. Canterbury, UK: Gylphi, 2018.
    • Jennifer Rhee. The Robotic Imaginary: The Human and the Price of Dehumanized Labor. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 2018.
    • Adam Roberts. Publishing the Science Fiction Canon: The Case of the Scientific Romance. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge UP, 2018.
    • Benjamin J. Robertson. None of This is Normal: The Fiction of Jeff Vandermeer. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota Press, 2018.
    • Franz Rottensteiner. Zukunftskrieg in der Science Fiction: Kommentiere Beispiele aus den Jahren 1871-1918. Lünenburg: Dieter von Reeken Verlag, 2018.
    • Francesca Saggini and Anna Enrichetta Soccio, eds. Transmedia Creatures: Frankenstein's Afterlives. Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell UP, 2018.
    • Myrna Santos, ed. Handmaids, Tributes, and Carers: Dystopian Females’ Roles and Goals. Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars, 2018.
    • Sami Schalk. Bodyminds Reimagined: (Dis)Ability, Race, and Gender in Black Women's Speculative Fiction. Durham, NC: Duke UP, 2018.
    • Dahlia Schweitzer. Going Viral: Zombies, Viruses, and the End of the World. Rutgers, NJ: Rutgers UP, 2018.
    • Simon Sellars. Applied Ballardianism: Memoir from a Parallel Universe. Falmouth, UK: Urbanomic, 2018.
    • Nicholas Serruys. Progrès, dérives, et autres sens du véhicule dans la science-fiction québécoise contemporaine. Orthez: Presses universitaires de Valenciennes, COLL. TRANSPORTS ET MOBILITES #3, 2018.
    • Patrick B. Sharp. Darwinian Feminism and Early Science Fiction: Angels, Amazons, and Women.Cardiff: U of Wales P, New Dimensions in Science Fiction, 2018.
    • Shelley Streeby. Imagining the Future of Climate Change: World-Making Through Science Fiction and Activism. Oakland, CA: U of California P, American Studies Now: Histories of the Present, 2018.
    • J.P. Telotte. Animating the Science Fiction Imagination.New York: Oxford UP, 2018.
    • John Timberlake. Landscape and the Science Fiction Imaginary. Bristol, UK: Intellect, 2018.
    • Kieran Tranter. Living in Technical Legality: Science Fiction and Law as Technology. Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 2018.
    • Natacha Vas-Deyres, Patrick Bergeron, et Patrick Guay, eds. C'était demain: anticiper la science-fiction en France et au Québec (1880-1950). Pessac: Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux, 2018.
    • Jesse Weiner, Benjamin Eldon Stevens, and Brett M. Rogers, eds. Frankenstein and its Classics: The Modern Prometheus from Antiquity to Science Fiction. London: Bloomsbury Academics, 2018.
    • H.G. Wells. The Invisible Man. Ed. Nicole Lobdell and Nancee Reeves. Peterborough, ON: Broadview, 2018.
    • Gary Westfahl. Arthur C. Clarke. Urbana: U of Illinois P, Modern Mastesrs of Science Fiction, 2018.
    • Nathaniel Williams. Gears and God: Technocratic Fiction, Faith, and Empire in Mark Twain's America. Tuscaloosa, AL: UP of Alabama, 2018.
    • Agnès Zevaco. Voyage au centre de la Tech: science-fiction et innovation. Paris: Diateino, 2018.
    • Zoran Zivkovic. First Contact and Time Travel: Selected Essays and Short Stories. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, Science and Fiction, 2018.


    • Esterino Adami, Francesca Bellino, Alessandro Mengozzi, eds. Other Worlds and the Narrative Construction of Otherness. Torino, Italy: Mimesis International, 2017.
    • Bill Ashcroft. Utopianism in Postcolonial Literatures. New York: Routledge, 2017.
    • Christian Baron, Peter Nicolai Halvorsen, and Christine Cornea, eds. Science Fiction, Ethics and the Human Condition. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International, 2017.
    • Russell Blackford. Science Fiction and the Moral Imagination: Visions, Minds, Ethics. New York: Springer, Science and Fiction, 2017.
    • Artur Blaim. Utopian Visions and Revisions, or The Uses of Ideal Worlds. Frankfurt Am Main, Germany: Peter Lang, 2017.
    • Mike Bogue. Apocalypse Then: American and Japanese Atomic Cinema, 1951-1967. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2017.
    • Peter J. Bowler. A History of the Future: Prophets of Progress from H.G. Wells to Isaac Asimov. New York: Cambridge UP, 2017.
    • Suzanne Bray, ed. Dimensions of Madeleine L’Engle: New Critical Approaches. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2017.
    • James Burton. The Philosophy of Science Fiction: Henri Bergson and the Fabulations of Philip K. Dick. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2017.
    • Jared S. Buss. Willy Ley: Prophet of the Space Age. Gainesville: U of Florida P, 2017.
    • Luis C. Cano. Los espíritus de la ciencia ficción: Espiritismo, periodismo y cultura popular en las novelas de Eduardo Holmberg, Francisco Miralles y Pedro Castera [The Spirits of Science Fiction: Spiritism, Journalism and Popular Culture in the Novels of Eduardo Holmberg, Francisco Miralles and Pedro Castera]. Chapel Hill, NC: U of North Carolina P, 2017.
    • Ben Carver. Alternate Histories and Nineteenth-Century Literature: Untimely Meditations in Britain, France and America. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017.
    • Gregory Claeys. Dystopia: A Natural History. A Study of Modern Despotism, Its Antecedents, and Its Literary Diffractions. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2017.
    • Bruce Clarke and Manuela Rossini, eds. The Cambridge Companion to Literature and the Posthuman. New York: Cambridge UP, 2017.
    • Daniel Cordle. Late Cold War Literature and Culture: The Nuclear 1980s. Nottingham, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017.
    • Zsolt Czigányik, ed. Utopian Horizons: Ideology, Politics, Literature. New York: Central European UP, 2017.
    • Christopher Frayling. Frankenstein: The First Two Hundred Years. London: Reel Art, 2017.
    • James Gunn. Star-Begotten: A Life Lived in Science Fiction. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2017.
    • David H. Guston, Ed Finn, and Jason Scott Robert, eds. Frankenstein by Mary Shelley: Annotated for Scientists, Engineers, and Creators of All Kinds. Cambridge, UK: MIT, 2017.
    • Sean Guynes and Dan Hassler-Forest, eds. Star Wars and the History of Transmedia Storytelling. Amsterdam: Amsterdam UP, 2017.
    • Andrew Hammond. Cold War Stories: British Dystopian Fiction, 1945-1990. Cham, Switzerland: Springer (Palgrave Macmillan), 2017.
    • Everett Hamner. Editing the Soul: Science and Fiction in the Genome Age. University Park, PA: U of Pennsylvania P, AnthropoScene: The SLSA Book Series, 2017.
    • N. Katherine Hayles. Unthought: The Power of the Cognitive Unconscious.Chicago: Chicago UP, 2017.
    • Nathaniel Isaacson. Celestial Empire: The Emergence of Chinese Science Fiction. EARLY CLASSICS OF SCIENCE FICTION. Middleton, CT: Wesleyan UP, 2017.
    • Kenneth R. James, ed. In Search of Silence: The Journals of Samuel R. Delany, Volume 1, 1957-1969. Middletown, CT: Wesleyan UP, 2017.
    • Matthew Jones. Science Fiction Cinema and 1950s Britain: Recontextualizing Cultural Anxiety. New York: Bloomsbury, 2017.
    • Paul Kincaid. Iain M. Banks. Champaign, IL: U of Illinois P, Modern Masters of Science Fiction, 2017.
    • Edward King and Joanna Page. Posthumanism and the Graphic Novel in Latin America. London: UCL, 2017.
    • Sonja Klimek, Tobias Lambrecht, and Tom Kindt, eds. Funktionen der Fantastik: Neue Formen des Weltbezugs von Literatur und Film nach 1945. Heidelberg, Germany: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2017.
    • Nicolas Labarre. Heavy Metal, l'autreMétal Hurlant. Pessac: Presses universitaires de Bordeaux, SF INCOGNITA, 2017.
    • Viktoriya et Patrice Lajoye. Étoiles Rouges: La Littérature de Science-fiction Soviétique [Red Stars: Soviet SF Literature]. Paris: Piranha, 2017.
    • Isiah Lavender III, ed. Dis-Orienting Planets: Racial Representations of Asia in Science Fiction. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 2017.
    • Rob Latham, ed. Science Fiction Criticism: An Anthology of Essential Writings. London: Bloomsbury, 2017.
    • Roger Luckhurst, ed. Science Fiction: A Literary History. London: The British Library, 2017.
    • Jean-Clet Martin. Logique de la science-fiction de Hegel à Philip K. Dick. Paris: Les Impressions Nouvelles, 2017.
    • Andrew May. Pseudoscience and Science Fiction. SCIENCE AND FICTION. Basel, Switzerland: Springer International, 2017.
    • Paul J. Nahin. Time Machine Tales: The Science Fiction Adventures and Philosophical Puzzles of Time Travel. SCIENCE AND FICTION. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International, 2017.
    • Wojciech Orliński. Lem: życie nie z tej ziemi [Life From Another Planet]. Wołowiec: Wydawnictwo Czarne and Wydawnictwo Agora, 2017.
    • Alexandra Pierce and Mimi Mondal, eds. Luminescent Threads: Connections to Octavia E. Butler. Yokine, WA: Twelfth Planet Press, 2017.
    • Ace G. Pilkington. Science Fiction and Futurism: Their Terms and Ideas. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2017.
    • Andrew Pilsch. Transhumanism: Evolutionary Futurism and the Human Technologies of Utopias. Minneapolis: U Minnesota P, 2017.
    • Iva Polak. Futuristic Worlds in Australian Aboriginal Fiction. Oxford: Peter Lang, World Science Fiction Studies, 2017
    • Aidan Power, Delia González de Reufels, Rasmus Greiner, and Winfried Pauleit, eds. Reality Unbound: New Departures in Science Fiction Cinema. Berlin: Bertz & Fischer, 2017.
    • John Rieder. Science Fiction and the Mass Cultural Genre System. Middletown, CT: Wesleyan UP, 2017.
    • Elizabeth M. Sanders. Genres of Doubt: Science Fiction, Fantasy and the Victorian Crisis of Faith. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2017.
    • Bradley Schauer. Escape Velocity: American Science Fiction Film, 1950-1982. Middleton, CT: Wesleyan UP, 2017.
    • Nat Segaloff. A Lit Fuse: The Provocative Life of Harlan Ellison. Framingham, MA: NESFA, 2017.
    • Michael Starr. Wells Meets Deleuze: The Scientific Romances Reconsidered. CRITICAL EXPLORATIONS IN SCIENCE FICTION AND FANTASY #57. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2017.
    • Andrew Tate. Apocalyptic Fiction. New York: Bloomsbury, 2017.
    • J.P. Telotte. Animating the Science Fiction Imagination. New York: Oxford UP, 2017.
    • Elizabeth L. Throesch. Before Einstein: The Fourth Dimension in Fin-de-Siècle Literature and Culture. London: Anthem, 2017.
    • Michael Titlestad and David Watson, eds. The Ongoing End: On the Limits of Apocalyptic Narrative. New York: Routledge, 2017.
    • Jean-Louis Trudel. Petit guide de la science-fiction au Québec. Lévis, Québec: Alire, 2017.
    • Roger Whitson. Steampunk and Nineteenth-Century Digital Humanities: Literary Retrofuturisms, Media Archeologies, Alternate Histories. INTERDISCIPLINARY PERSPECTIVES ON LITERATURENew York: Routledge, 2017.
    • Brian Willems. Speculative Realism and Science Fiction. Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 2017.
    • D. Harlan Wilson. J.G. Ballard. Urbana: U of Illinois P, Modern Masters of Science Fiction, 2017.
    • Jerome Winter. Science Fiction, Space Opera and Neoliberal Globalism. NEW DIMENSIONS IN SCIENCE FICTION. Cardiff, UK: U of Wales P, 2016. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 2017.
    • Jeremy Withers. The War of the Wheels: H.G. Wells and the Bicycle. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse UP, 2017.


    • Special Issue: Paweł Frelik, ed. “On Digital Science Fiction.” SFS 43.1 (Mar. 2016): 1-139.
    • Special Issue: John Rieder, Grace Dillon, and Mike Levy, eds. “On Indigenous Futurism.” Extrapolation 57.1-2 (Spring/Summer 2016): 1-228.
    • Special Section: Rob Latham, ed. “The 2015 SFS Symposium: Retrofuturism.” SFS 43.2 (Jul. 2016): 193-236.
    • Carl Abbott. Imagining Urban Futures: Cities in Science-Fiction and What we Might Learn from Them. Middletown, CT: Wesleyan UP, 2016.
    • Mike Ashley. Science Fiction Rebels: The Story of the Science-Fiction Magazines from 1981 to 1990. Liverpool: Liverpool UP, 2016.
    • Peter J. Beck. The War of the Worlds: From H.G. Wells to Orson Welles, Jeff Wayne, Steven Spielberg and Beyond. London: Bloomsbury, 2016.
    • Rachel A. Bowser and Brian Croxall, eds. Like Clockwork: Steampunk Pasts, Presents, and Futures. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 2016.
    • Richard Brown, Christopher Duffy, and Elizabeth Stainforth, eds. J.G. Ballard: Landscapes of Tomorrow. Leiden, Netherlands: Brill, 2016.
    • Christos Callow Jr. and Anna McFarlane, eds. Adam Roberts: Critical Essays. Canterbury: Gylphi, 2016.
    • Ritch Calvin. Feminist Science Fiction and Feminist Epistemology: Four Modes. STUDIES IN GLOBAL SCIENCE FICTION. Palgrave/Springer, 2016.
    • Gerry Canavan. Octavia E. Butler. MODERN MASTERS OF SCIENCE FICTION Urbana: U of Illinois P, 2016.
    • André M. Carrington. Speculative Blackness: The Future of Race in Science Fiction. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 2016.
    • Louis Chude-Sokei. The Sound of Culture: Diaspora and Black Technopoetics. Middletown, CT: Wesleyan UP, 2016.
    • Bruce Clarke and Manuela Rossini, eds. The Cambridge Companion to Literature and the Posthuman. New York: Cambridge UP, 2017.
    • Shawn Edri and Danielle Gurevitch, eds. Science Fiction Beyond Borders. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars, 2016.
    • Caroline Edwards and Tony Venezia, eds. China Miéville: Critical Essays. Canterbury, UK: Glyphi, 2015.
    • Lester D. Friedman and Allison B. Kavey. Monstrous Progeny: A History of the Frankenstein Narratives. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers UP, 2016.
    • Ian S. Garlington. The Adventures of Acidman: Psychedelics and the Evolution of Consciousness in Science Fiction and Superhero Comics from the 1960s Onward.Tokyo, Japan: Eihosha, 2016.
    • Agnieszka Gajewska. Zagłada i gwiazdy: przeszłość w prozie Stanisława Lema [The Holocaust and the Stars: The Past in Stanisław Lem's Fiction]. Poznań: Adam Mickiewicz UP, 2016.
    • Donna J. Haraway. Manifestly Haraway. Preface by Cary Wolfe. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 2016.
    • Donna J. Haraway. Staying with the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene. Durham, NC: Duke UP, 2016.
    • Dan Hassler-Forest. Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Politics: Transmedia World-Building Beyond Capitalism. London: Rowman & Littlefield, Radical Cultural Studies, 2016.
    • Heather J. Hicks. The Post-Apocalyptic Novel in the Twenty-First Century: Modernity Beyond Salvage. New York: Palgrave, 2016.
    • Carl Kears and James Paz, eds. Medieval Science Fiction. London: King’s College London Centre for Late Antique and Medieval Studies, 2016.
    • Ewa Mazierska and Alfredo Suppia, eds. Red Alert: Marxist Approaches to Science Fiction Cinema. Detroit: Wayne State UP, 2016.
    • Judith Merril. The Merril Theory of Lit’ry Criticism: Judith Merril’s Nonfiction. Ed. Ritch Calvin. Seattle: Aqueduct, 2016.
    • Marie Mulvey-Roberts. Dangerous Bodies: Historicising the Gothic Corporeal.Manchester, UK: Manchester UP, 2016.
    • Joanna Page. Science Fiction in Argentina: Technologies of the Text in a Material Multiverse. Ann Arbor: U of Michigan P, 2016.
    • Chris Pak. Terraforming: Ecopolitical Transformations and Environmentalism in Science Fiction. Liverpool Science Fiction Texts and Studies 55. Liverpool: Liverpool UP, 2016.
    • Christopher Palmer. Castaway Tales: From Robinson Crusoe to Life of Pi. Middletown, CT: Wesleyan UP, 2016.
    • Nicholas Ruddick. Science Fiction Adapted to Film. Canterbury, UK: Glyphi, SF Storyworlds, 2016.
    • Lars Schmeink. Biopunk Dystopias: Genetic Engineering, Society, and Science Fiction. LIVERPOOL SCIENCE FICTION TEXTS AND STUDIES. Liverpool: Liverpool UP, 2016.
    • Lorenzo Servitje and Sherryl Vint, eds. The Walking Med: Zombies and the Medical Image. University Park, PA: Penn State UP, 2016.
    • Steven Shaviro. Discognition. London: Repeater, 2016.
    • Rebekah Sheldon. The Child to Come: Life After the Human Catastrophe. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 2016.
    • Tom Shippey. Hard Reading: Learning From Science Fiction. Liverpool Science Fiction Texts and Studies 53. Liverpool: Liverpool UP, 2016.
    • Jennifer Simkins. The Science Fiction Mythmakers: Religion, Science and Philosophy in Wells, Clarke, Dick and Herbert. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2016.
    • Andrew Smith. Gothic Death 1740-1914: A Literary History. Manchester, UK: Manchester UP, 2016.
    • Andrew Smith, ed. The Cambridge Companion to Frankenstein. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge UP, 2016.
    • Jad Smith. Alfred Bester. Urbana: U of Illinois P, MODERN MASTERS OF SCIENCE FICTION, 2016.
    • Brian Stableford. New Atlantis: A Narrative History of Scientific Romance. 4 volumes. Rockville, MD: Wildside, 2016.
    • Brian Stableford. The Plurality of Imaginary Worlds: The Evolution of French Roman Scientifique. Encino, CA: Black Coat, 2016.
    • Andrew Tate. Apocalyptic Fiction. New York: Bloomsbury, 2017.
    • J.P. Telotte. Robot Ecology and the Science Fiction Film. New York: Routledge, Routledge Focus, 2016.
    • Elizabeth L. Throesch. Before Einstein: The Fourth Dimension in Fin-de-Siècle Literature and Culture. London: Anthem, 2017.
    • Jon Towlson. Close Encounters of the Third Kind. Leighton Buzzard: Auteur, CONSTELLATIONS:STUDIES IN SCIENCE FICTION FILM AND TV, 2016.
    • Sherryl Vint, ed. Science Fiction and Cultural Theory: A Reader. New York: Routledge, 2016.
    • Jeremy Withers. The War of the Wheels: H.G. Wells and the Bicycle. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse UP, 2017.
    • Jerome Winter. Science Fiction, Space Opera and Neoliberal Globalism. New Dimensions in Science Fiction. Cardiff, UK: U of Wales P,2016. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 2017.
    • Jack Womack. Flying Saucers Are Real! The UFO Library of Jack Womack. Ed. Michael P. Daley, Johan Kugelberg, and Gabriel McKee. Intro. William Gibson. New York: Anthology Editions, 2016. 288 pp. $40 pbk.
    • Grant Wythoff, ed. The Perversity of Things: Hugo Gernsback on Media, Tinkering, and Scientifiction. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 2016.
    • Lisa Yaszek and Patrick B. Sharp, eds. Sisters of Tomorrow: The First Women of Science Fiction. Middletown, CT: Wesleyan UP, 2016.
    • Dongshin Yi. A Genealogy of Cyborgothic: Aesthetics and Ethics in the Age of Posthumanism. New York: Routledge, 2016


    • Special Issue: “Canadian Science Fiction.” Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts 26.2 (2015): 233-352.
    • Special Issue: Umberto Rossi, Arielle Saiber, and Salvatore Proietti, “On Italian Science Fiction.” SFS 42.2 (Jul. 2015): 209-356.
    • Reynaldo Anderson, and Charles E. Jones, eds. Afrofuturism 2.0: The Rise of Astro-Blackness. Lanham, MD: Lexington, 2015.
    • Angelika Bammer. Partial Visions: Feminism and Utopianism in the 1970s. 1991. Rev. ed. Ralahine Utopian Studies 16. New York: Peter Lang, 2015.
    • Florian Bast. Of Bodies, Communities, and Voices: Agency in Writings by Octavia Butler. AMERICAN STUDIES—A MONOGRAPH SERIES, vol. 262. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2015.
    • Peter J. Beck. The War of the Worlds: From H.G. Wells to Orson Welles, Jeff Wayne, Steven Spielberg and Beyond. London: Bloomsbury, 2016.
    • Roger Bozzetto. Mondes fantastiques et réalités de l’imaginaire [Fantastic Worlds and Realities of the Imaginary]. Aix-en-Provence: Presses Universitaires de Provence, 2015.
    • James Burton. The Philosophy of Science Fiction: Henri Bergson and the Fabulations of Philip K. Dick. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2015.
    • William Butcher. Jules Verne inédit: les manuscrits déchiffrés [The Unpublished Jules Verne: The Manuscripts Deciphered]. Lyon: ENS Éditions, 2015.
    • Ritch Calvin. Feminist Science Fiction and Feminist Epistemology: Four Modes. Studies in Global Science Fiction. Palgrave/Springer, 2016.
    • Simone Caroti. The Culture Series of Iain M. Banks: A Critical Introduction. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2015.
    • Edward K. Chan. The Racial Horizon of Utopia: Unthinking the Future of Race in Late Twentieth-Century Utopian Novels. Oxford, UK: Peter Lang, 2015.
    • Daniel Cojocaru. Violence and Dystopia: Mimesis and Sacrifice in Contemporary Western Dystopian Narratives. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars, 2015.
    • Alexander Dunst and Stefan Schlensag, eds. The World According to Philip K. Dick. New York: Palgrave, 2015.
    • Justin D. Edwards. Technologies of the Gothic in Literature and Culture: Technogothics. New York: Routledge, 2015.
    • Matthew Edwards, ed. The Atomic Bomb in Japanese Cinema: Critical Essays. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2015.
    • William J. Fanning, Jr. Death Rays and the Popular Media, 1876-1939. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2015.
    • Jennifer L. Feeley and Sarah Ann Wells, eds. Simultaneous Worlds: Global Science Fiction Cinema. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 2015.
    • Carl Freedman. Art and Idea in the Novels of China Miéville. SF Story Worlds: Critical Studies in Science Fiction. Canterbury, UK: Glyphi, 2015.
    • Dominick Grace. The Science Fiction of Phyllis Gotlieb. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2015.
    • Alan P.R. Gregory. Science Fiction Theology: Beauty and the Transformation of the Sublime. Waco, TX: Baylor UP, 2015.
    • Aaron John Gulyas. The Paranormal and the Paranoid: Conspiratorial Science Fiction Television. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 2015.
    • Carlos Gutiérrez-Jones. Suicide and Contemporary Science Fiction. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2015.
    • Gregory Jerome Hampton. Imagining Slaves and Robots in Literature, Film, and Popular Culture: Reinventing Yesterday’s Slave with Tomorrow’s Robot. Lanham, MD: Lexington, 2015.
    • Donna J. Haraway. Staying with the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene. Durham, NC: Duke UP, 2016.
    • Terry Harpold, Daniel Compère, and Vokler Dehs, eds. Collectionner l'extraordinaire, sonder l'ailleurs: Essais sur Jules Verne en hommage à Jean-Michel Margot [Collecting the Extraordinary, Probing the Elsewhere: Essays on Jules Verne in Honor of Jean-Michel Margot]. Amiens: Centre Rocambole, 2015.
    • Jason Haslam. Gender, Race, and American Science Fiction: Reflections on Fantastic Identities. Routledge Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Literature. New York: Routledge, 2015.
    • Heather J. Hicks. The Post-Apocalyptic Novel in the Twenty-First Century: Modernity Beyond Salvage. New York: Palgrave, 2016.
    • Gilbert Hottois, Jean-Noël Missa, and Laurence Perbal, eds. Encylopédie du trans/posthumanisme: L’humain et ses préfixes [The Human and its Prefixes: An Encyclopedia of Trans/Posthumanism]. Paris: Editions Vrin, 2015.
    • Giulia Iannuzzi. Distopie, viaggi spaziali, allucinazioni: Fantascienza italiana contemporanea [Dystopias, Space Voyages, Hallucinations: Contemporary Italian Science Fiction]. Milan: Mimesis, 2015.
    • Edward James. Lois McMaster Bujold. Modern Masters of Science Fiction. Urbana: U of Illinois P, 2015.
    • Clint Jones, and Cameron Ellis, eds. The Individual and Utopia: A Multidisciplinary Study of Humanity and Perfection. Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2015.
    • Matthew Jones and Joan Ormrod, eds. Time Travel in Popular Media: Essays on Film, Television, Literature and Video Games. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2015.
    • Carl Kears and James Paz, eds. Medieval Science Fiction. London: King’s College London Centre for Late Antique and Medieval Studies, 2016.
    • Ulrike Küchler, Silja Maehl, and Graeme Stout, eds. Alien Imaginations: Science Fiction and Tales of Transnationalism. New York: Bloomsbury, 2015.
    • Lauren J. Lacey. The Past That Might Have Been, the Future That May Come: Women Writing Fantastic Fiction, 1960s to the Present. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2014.
    • Eric Carl Link and Gerry Canavan, eds. The Cambridge Companion to American Science Fiction. New York: Cambridge, 2015.
    • Paul March-Russell. Modernism and Science Fiction. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015.
    • Colin Milburn. Mondo Nano: Fun and Games in the World of Digital Matter. Experimental Futures. Durham, NC: Duke UP, 2015.
    • Sarah J. Montross, ed. Past Futures: Science Fiction, Space Travel, and Postwar Art of the Americas. Cambridge, MA: MIT, 2015.
    • Adnan Morshed. Impossible Heights: Skyscrapers, Flight, and the Master Builder. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 2015.
    • Dominika Oramus. Grave New World: The Decline of The West in the Fiction of J.G. Ballard. 2007. Toronto: Terminal, 2015.
    • David Ian Paddy. The Empires of J.G. Ballard: An Imagined Geography. Canterbury, UK: Glyphi, 2015.
    • Michael R. Page. Frederik Pohl. Modern Masters of Science Fiction. Urbana: U of Illinois P, 2015.
    • Gavin Parkinson. Futures of Surrealism: Myth, Science Fiction and Fantastic Art in France 1936-1969. New Haven, CT: Yale UP, 2015.
    • Gavin Parkinson, ed. Surrealism, Science Fiction and Comics. LIVERPOOL SCIENCE FICTION TEXTS AND STUDIES #50. Liverpool, UK: Liverpool UP, 2015.
    • Patrick Parrinder. Utopian Literature and Science: From the Scientific Revolution to Brave New World and Beyond. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015.
    • David Roas and Patricia Garcia, eds. Visiones de lo fantástico (aproximaciones teóricas) [Visions of the Fantastic: Theoretical Approaches]. Benalmadena, Malaga, Spain: e.d.a. libros, 2013.
    • David S. Roh, Betsy Huang, and Greta A. Niu, eds. Techno-Orientalism: Imagining Asia in Speculative Fiction, History and Media. Asian American Studies Today. Rutgers, NJ: Rutgers UP, 2015.
    • Brett M. Rogers and Benjamin Eldon Stevens, eds. Classical Traditions in Science Fiction. Classical Presences. New York: Oxford UP, 2015.
    • Nicholas Ruddick. Science Fiction Adapted to Film. Canterbury, UK: Glyphi, SF Storyworlds, 2016.
    • Mark Scroggins. Michael Moorcock: Fiction, Fantasy and the World’s Pain. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2015.
    • David Seed. Ray Bradbury. Modern Masters of Science Fiction. Urbana: U of Illinois P, 2015.
    • Steven Shaviro. Discognition. London: Repeater, 2015.
    • Brian Stableford. The Plurality of Imaginary Worlds: The Evolution of French Roman Scientifique. Encino, CA: Black Coat, 2016.
    • Bruce Sterling, Richard Kadrey, and Tom Jennings. The Dead Media Notebook: 20th Anniversary Edition. Ed. Tom Whitwell. Music Thing, 2015.
    • Peter Swirski. Stanisław Lem: Philosopher of the Future. Liverpool: Liverpool UP, 2015.
    • Brian Taves. Hollywood Presents Jules Verne: The Father of Science Fiction on Screen. Lexington: U of Kentucky P, 2015.
    • J.P. Telotte and Gerald Duchovnay, eds. Science Fiction Double Feature: The Science Fiction Film as Cult Text. Liverpool: Liverpool UP, 2015.
    • Neal Tringham. Science Fiction Video Games. Boca Raton, FL: CRC, 2015.
    • Julie A. Turnock. Plastic Reality: Special Effects, Technology, and the Emergence of 1970s Blockbuster Aesthetics. Film and Culture Series. New York: Columbia UP, 2015.
    • Sherryl Vint, ed. Science Fiction and Cultural Theory: A Reader. New York: Routledge, 2015.
    • Eckart Voigts and Allesandra Voller, eds. Dystopia, Science Fiction, Post-Apocalypse: Classics--New Tendencies--Model Interpretations. Trier, Germany: WVT, Handbücher zum Literaturwissenschaftlichen Studium [Handbooks for the Study of Science and Literature], 2015


    • Special Issue: Mark Bould, ed. Africa SF. Paradoxa 25 (2014).
    • Special Issue: Mark Bould and Rhys Williams. Sf Now. Paradoxa 26 (2014): 7-316.
    • Special Section: Rob Latham, ed. “The 2013 SFS Symposium: SF Media(tions).” SFS 41.2 (Jul. 2014): 257-313.
    • Charles L. Adler. Wizards, Aliens, and Starships: Physics and Math in Science Fiction. Princeton, NJ: Princeton UP, 2014.
    • Brian Baker. Science Fiction. New York: Palgrave, 2014.
    • Suparna Banerjee. Science, Gender, and History: The Fantastic in Mary Shelley and Margaret Atwood. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars, 2014.
    • Susan M. Bernardo, ed. Environments in Science Fiction: Essays on Alternative Spaces. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2014.
    • Mark Bould. Solaris. BFI Film Classics. London: Palgrave McMillan, 2014.
    • Karen Burnham. Greg Egan. Modern Masters of Science Fiction. Chicago: U of Illinois P, 2013.
    • Gerry Canavan and Kim Stanley Robinson, eds. Green Planets: Ecology and Science Fiction. Middletown, CT: Wesleyan UP, 2014.
    • Edward K. Chan. The Racial Horizon of Utopia: Unthinking the Future of Race in Late Twentieth-Century Utopian Novels. Oxford, UK: Peter Lang, 2015.
    • James Chapman and Nicholas J. Cull. Projecting Tomorrow: Science Fiction and Popular Cinema. New York: I.B. Taurus, 2014.
    • Thomas D. Clareson and Joe Sanders. The Heritage of Heinlein: A Critical Reading of the Fiction. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2014.
    • Bruce Clarke. Neocybernetics and Narrative. Minnesota: U of Minnesota P, 2014.
    • Jonathan R. Eller. Ray Bradbury Unbound. Urbana: U of Illinois P, 2014.
    • Arthur B. Evans, ed. Vintage Visions: Essays on Early Science Fiction. Middletown, CT: Wesleyan UP, 2014.
    • Jack Fennell. Irish Science Fiction. Liverpool: Liverpool UP, 2014.
    • Sonia Fritzsche. Alien Imaginations: Science Fiction and Tales of Transnationalism. Liverpool: Liverpool UP, 2014.
    • Monica Germaná and Aris Mousoutzanis, eds. Apocalyptic Discourse in Contemporary Culture: Post-Millennial Perspectives on the End of the World. New York: Routledge, 2014.
    • Elana Gomel. Narrative Space and Time: Representing Impossible Topologies in Literature. New York: Routledge, 2014.
    • _____. Science Fiction, Alien Encounters, and the Ethics of Posthumanism: Beyond the Golden Rule. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014.
    • Aaron John Gulyas. Extraterrestrials and the American Zeitgeist: Alien Contact Tales Since the 1950s. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2014.
    • Giulia Iannuzzi. Fantascienza Italiana: riviste, autori, dibattiti dagli anni Cinquanta agli anni Settanta. Milan: Mimesis Edizioni, 2014.
    • Despina Kakoudaki. Anatomy of a Robot: Literature, Cinema, and the Cultural Work of Artificial People. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers UP, 2014
    • Paul Kincaid. Call and Response. Essex, UK: Beccon, 2014.
    • Nikolai Krementsov. Revolutionary Experiments: The Quest for Immortality in Bolshevik Science Fiction. New York: Oxford UP, 2014.
    • Britte Lange. Die Entdeckung Deutschlands: Science Fiction als Propaganda [The Discovery of Germany: Science Fiction as Propoganda]. Berlin: Verbrecher Verlag, 2014.
    • Rob Latham, ed. The Oxford Handbook of Science Fiction. New York: Oxford UP, 2014.
    • Isiah Lavender III, ed. Black and Brown Planets: The Politics of Race in Science Fiction. Jackson, MS: U Mississippi P, 2014.
    • Rick McGrath, ed. Deep Ends: The J.G. Ballard Anthology. Toronto, ON: Terminal, 2014.
    • Gloria McMillan, ed. Orbiting Ray Bradbury’s Mars: Biographical, Anthropological, Literary, Scientific and Other Perspectives. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2014.
    • Sylvie Magerstädt. Body, Soul, and Cyberspace in Contemporary Science Fiction Cinema: Virtual Worlds and Ethical Problems. New York: Palgrave Pivot, 2014.
    • Marcin Mazurek. A Sense of Apocalypse: Technology, Textuality, Identity. Frankfurt: Peter Lang, Literature and Cultural Theory, 2014.
    • Tom Moylan. Demand the Impossible: Science Fiction and the Utopian Imagination. Expanded edition. Ed. Raffaella Baccolini. New York: Peter Lang, 2014.
    • Patrick A. Smith, ed. Conversations with William Gibson.Jackson: U of Mississippi P, 2014.
    • Laurence A. Rickels. Germany: A Science Fiction. Fort Wayne, IN: Anti-Oedipus, 2014.
    • Cynthia Sugars. Canadian Gothic: Literature, History and the Spectre of Self-Invention. Cardiff: U of Wales P, 2014.
    • Peter Swirski and Wacław M. Osadnik, eds. Lemography: Stanisław Lem in the Eyes of the World. Liverpool: Liverpool UP, 2014.
    • Peter Swirski, ed. Stanislaw Lem: Selected Letters to Michael Kandel. Trans. Peter Swirski. Liverpool: Liverpool UP, 2014.
    • J.P. Telotte. Science Fiction TV. New York: Routledge, 2014.
    • Derek J. Theiss. Relativism, Alternate History, and the Forgetful Reader: Reading Science Fiction and Historiography. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 2014.
    • Natacha Vas-Deyres, Patrick Bergeron, Patrick Guay, Florence Plet-Nicolas, and Danièle André, eds. Les Dieux cachés de la science-fiction française et francophone (1950-2010)[The Hidden Gods of French and Francophone SF, 1950-2010]. Bordeaux: Presses universitaires de Bordeaux, coll. Eidôlon, 2014.
    • Sherryl Vint. Science Fiction: A Guide for the Perplexed. New York: Bloomsbury, 2014.
    • Phillip E. Wegner. Shockwaves of Possibility: Essays on Science Fiction, Globalization, and Utopia. Bern: Peter Lang, 2014.
    • Jeffrey Andrew Weinstock, ed. The Ashgate Encyclopedia of Literary and Cinematic Monsters. Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2014.
    • Allan Weiss, ed. The Canadian Fantastic in Focus: New Perspectives. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2014.
    • Kristen Whissel. Spectacular Visual Effects: CGI and Contemporary Cinema. Durham, NC: Duke UP, 2014.


    • Special Issue: Mark Bould, ed. Africa SF. Paradoxa 25 (2013): 7-340.
    • Special Issue: Yan Wu and Veronica Hollinger, eds. “On Chinese Science Fiction.” SFS 40.1 (Mar. 2013): 1-147.
    • “On Stanisław Lem’s Summa Technologiae.” SFS 40.3 (Nov. 2013): 417-62.
    • Kathryn Allan, ed. Disability in Science Fiction: Representations of Technology as Cure. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013.
    • Guilhem Armand. Les Fictions à vocation scientifique de Cyrano de Bergerac à Diderot: Vers une poétique hybride. Pessac: Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux, 2013.
    • Brian Attebery and Veronica Hollinger, eds. Parabolas of Science Fiction. Middletown, CT: Wesleyan UP, 2013.
    • Ada Barbaro. La fanta-scienza nella letteratura araba [Science Fiction in Arabic Literature]. Rome: Carocci, 2013.
    • Balaka Basu, Katherine R. Broad, and Carrie Hintz, eds. Contemporary Dystopian Fiction for Young Adults: Brave New Teenagers. New York: Routledge, 2013.
    • Artur Blaim. Gazing in Useless Wonder: English Utopian Fictions, 1516-1800. Bern: Peter Lang, 2013.
    • David Brittain. Eduardo Paolozzi at New Worlds: Science Fiction and Art in the Sixties. Manchester, UK: Savoy, 2013.
    • Algis Budrys. Benchmarks Concluded: F&SF "Books" Columns 1987-1993. Reading, UK: Ansible Editions, 2013.
    • Algis Budrys. Benchmarks Revisited: F&SF "Books" Columns 1983-1986. Reading, UK: Ansible Editions, 2013.
    • Lewis Call. BDSM in American Science Fiction and Fantasy. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013.
    • Ian Condry. The Soul of Anime: Collaborative Creativity and Japan’s Media Success Story. Durham, NC: Duke UP, 2013
    • Janet Brennan Croft, ed. Lois McMaster Bujold: Essays on a Modern Master of Science Fiction and Fantasy. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2013.
    • Jonathan R. Eller. Becoming Ray Bradbury. 2011. Urbana: U of Illinois P, 2013.
    • Robert C. Elliott. The Shape of Utopia: Studies in a Literary Genre. 2nd ed. Intro. Phillip E. Wegner. Ralahine Utopian Studies, vol. 10. New York: Peter Lang, 2013.
    • Aurélia Gaillard, Jean-Yves Goffi, Bernard Roukhomovsky, and Sophie Roux, eds. L’Automate: Modèle Métaphor Machine Merveille. Grenoble: Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux, 2013.
    • Susan A. George. Gendering Science Fiction Films: Invaders from the Suburbs.New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013.
    • Margaret Grebowicz and Helen Merrick. Beyond the Cyborg: Adventures with Donna Haraway. New York: Columbia UP, 2013.
    • Aaron John Gulyas. Extraterrestrials and the American Zeitgeist: Alien Contact Tales Since the 1950s. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2013.
    • James Gunn. Paratexts: Introductions to Science Fiction and Fantasy. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow, 2013
    • Rebecca J. Holden and Nisi Shawl, eds. Strange Matings: Science Fiction, Feminism, African American Voices, and Octavia E. Butler. Seattle, WA: Aqueduct, 2013.
    • Gilbert Hottois. Généalogies Philosophique, Politique, et Imaginaire de la Technoscience. Paris: Vrin, 2013.
    • Nick Hubble, and Aris Mousoutzanis, eds. The Science Fiction Handbook. New York: Bloomsbury, 2013.
    • Kevin LaGrandeur. Androids and Intelligent Networks in Early Modern Literature and Culture. Routledge Studies in Renaissance Literature and Culture. New York: Routledge, 2013.
    • Carlen Lavigne. Cyberpunk Women, Feminism and Science Fiction. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2013.
    • Marina Levina and Diem-My T. Bui, eds. Monster Culture in the 21st Century: A Reader. New York: Bloomsbury, 2013.
    • Lindy Orthia, ed. Doctor Who and Race. Bristol, UK: Intellect, 2013.
    • Frenchy Lunning, ed. Mecademia 8: Tezuka’s Manga Life. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 2013.
    • Michelle Pierson. Special Effects: Still in Search of Wonder. New York: Columbia UP, 2013.
    • Valentina Polcini. Oltre la fantascienza: Paradigmi e intertestualità  nella  narrativa  di  J.G.  Ballard  [Beyond  Science  Fiction: Paradigms and Intertextuality in J.G. Ballard’s Fiction]. Roma: Aracne, 2013.
    • Joshua Raulerson. Singularities: Technoculture, Transhumanism, and Science Fiction in the 21st Century.Liverpool: Liverpool UP, 2013.
    • David Seed. Under the Shadow: The Atomic Bomb and Cold War Narratives. Kent, OH: Kent State UP, 2013.
    • Christopher A. Sims. Tech Anxiety: Artificial Intelligence and Ontological Awakening in Four Science Fiction Novels.Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2013.
    • Kathleen Singles. Alternate History: Playing with Contingency and Necessity. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2013.
    • Jad Smith. John Brunner. Modern Masters of Science Fiction. Chicago: U of Illinois P, 2013. 
    • Walter Smyrniw. Ukrainian Science Fiction: Historical and Thematic Perspectives. Bern: Peter Lang, 2013.
    • Peter Szendy. Kant in the Land of Extraterrestrials: Cosmopolitical Philosofictions. Trans. Will Bishop. New York: Fordham UP, 2013.
    • Robert T. Tally, Jr. Utopia in the Age of Globalization: Space, Representation, and the World-System. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013.
    • Motoko Tanaka. Apocalypse in Japanese Science Fiction. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013.
    • Richard Toronto. War Over Lemuria: Richard Shaver, Ray Palmer and the Strangest Chapter of 1940s Science Fiction. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2013. 
    • William F. Touponce. Lord Dunsany, H.P. Lovecraft, and Ray Bradbury: Spectral Journeys. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow, 2013.
    • Alexandra Urakova, ed. Deciphering Poe: Subtexts, Contexts, Subversive Meanings. Bethlehem, PA: Lehigh UP, 2013.
    • Heather Urbanski. The Science Fiction Reboot: Canon, Innovation and Fandom in Refashioned Franchises. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2013.
    • Thomas Van Parys, and I.Q. Hunter, eds. Science Fiction Across Media: Adaptation/Novelization. Canterbury, UK: Gylphi, 2013.
    • Natacha Vas-Deyres. Ces français qui on écrit demain: Utopie, anticipation et science-fiction au XXe siècle [Those Frenchmen Who Wrote Tomorrow: Utopia, Anticipation and Science Fiction in the Twentieth Century]. Paris: Honore Champion, 2013.
    • Jennifer A. Wagner-Lawlor. Postmodern Utopias and Feminist Fictions. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2013.
    • Gary Westfahl. William Gibson. Modern Masters of Science Fiction. Chicago: U of Illinois P, 2013.
    • Rosalind Williams. The Triumph of Human Empire: Verne, Morris, and Stevenson at the End of the World. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 2013.
    • David Wittenberg. Time Travel: The Popular Philosophy of Narrative. New York: Fordham UP, 2013.
    • Ytasha Womack. Afrofuturism: The World of Black Sci-Fi and Fantasy Culture. Chicago: Lawrence Hill, 2013.


    • Special Section: Rob Latham, ed. “The 2011 SFS Symposium: The Singularity.” SFS 39.1 (Mar. 2012): 1-39.
    • Special Issue: David Higgins and Rob Latham, eds. “On Sf and Globalization.” SFS 39.3 (Nov. 2012): 369-493.
    • Anindita Banerjee. We Modern People: Science Fiction and the Making of Russian Modernity. Middletown, CT: Wesleyan UP, 2013.
    • Matthew Beaumont. The Spectre of Utopia: Utopian and Science Fictions at the Fin de Siècle. Ralahine Utopian Studies. Bern: Peter Lang, 2012.
    • Mark Bould. Science Fiction. Routledge Film Guidebooks. London: Routledge, 2012.
    • Simon Bréan. La Science-Fiction en France: Théorie et histoire d’une littérature. Paris: Presses de l’université Paris-Sorbonne, 2012.
    • Keith Brooke, ed. Strange Divisions and Alien Territories: The Sub-Genres of Science Fiction. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.
    • Algis Budrys. Benchmarks Continued: F&SF "Books" Columns 1975-1982. Reading, UK: Ansible Editions, 2012.
    • Andrew M. Butler. Solar Flares: Science Fiction in the 1970s.Liverpool: Liverpool UP, 2012.
    • John Cheng. Astounding Wonder: magining Science and Science Fiction in Interwar America. Philadelphia: U of Pennsylvania P, 2012.
    • Sabine Coelsch-Foisner and Sarah Herbe, eds. New Directions in the European Fantastic. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2012.
    • Claire P. Curtis. Postapocalyptic Fiction and the Social Contract: “We’ll Not Go Home Again.” Lanham, MD: Lexington, 2012.
    • Samuel R. Delany, Starboard Wine: More Notes on the Language of Science Fiction. 1984. Middletown, CT: Wesleyan UP, 2012.
    • Grace Dillon, ed. Walking the Clouds: An Anthology of Indigenous Science Fiction. Tucson: U of Arizona P, 2012.
    • Daniel Fondanèche. La Littérature d’imagination scientifique. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2012.
    • Alexander C.T. Geppert, ed. Imagining Outer Space: European Astroculture in the Twentieth Century. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.
    • William Gibson. Distrust that Particular Flavor. New York: Putnam, 2012.
    • Sherry Ginn and Michael G. Cornelius, eds. The Sex is Out of this World: Essays on the Carnal Side of Science Fiction. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2012.
    • M. Elizabeth Ginway, and J. Andrew Brown, eds. Latin American Science Fiction: Theory and Practice. New York: Palgrave Mcmillan, 2012.
    • Simon J. James. Maps of Utopia: H.G. Wells, Modernity, and the End of Culture. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2012.
    • Sandra J. Lindow, Dancing the Tao: Le Guin and Moral Development. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars, 2012.
    • Roger Luckhurst. The Mummy’s Curse: The True History of a Dark Fantasy. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2012.
    • Emily McAvan. The Postmodern Sacred: Popular Culture Spirituality in the Science Fiction, Fantasy and Urban Fantasy Genres. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2012.
    • Caroline McCracken-Flesher, ed. Scotland as Science Fiction. Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell UP, 2012.
    • David McNally. Monsters of the Market: Zombies, Vampires and Global Capitalism. Chicago: Haymarket, 2012.
    • Cynthia J. Miller and A. Bowdoin Van Riper, eds. 1950s “Rocketman” TV Series and Their Fans: Cadets, Rangers, and Junior Space Men. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.
    • Gerald Alva Miller, Jr. Exploring the Limits of the Human through Science Fiction. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.
    • Andrew Milner. Locating Science Fiction. Liverpool: Liverpool UP, 2012.
    • Dianne Newell and Victoria Lamont. Judith Merril: A Critical Study. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2012.
    • Eric C. Otto. Green Speculations: Science Fiction and Transformative Environmentalism. Columbus: Ohio State UP, 2012.
    • Michael R. Page. The Literary Imagination from Erasmus Darwin to H.G. Wells: Science, Evolution, and Ecology. Farnham, UK: Ashgate, 2012.
    • Carlo Pagetti. Il senso del futuro: La fantascienza nella letteratura americana [The Sense of the Future: Science Fiction in American Literature]. 1970. Milan-Udine: Mimesis, 2012.
    • Michael Saler. As If: Modern Enchantment and the Literary Prehistory of Virtual Reality. New York: Oxford UP, 2012.
    • David Seed. Future Wars: The Anticipations and the Fears. Liverpool: Liverpool UP, 2012.
    • Howard P. Segal. Utopias: A Brief History from Ancient Writings to Virtual Communities. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012.
    • Lars Schmeink and Astrid Böger, eds. Collision of Realities: Establishing Research on the Fantastic in Europe. Berlin/Boston: DeGruyter, 2012.
    • Eric D. Smith. Globalization, Utopia and Postcolonial Science Fiction: New Maps of Hope. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.
    • Billee J. Stallings and Jo-An J. Evans. Murray Leinster: The Life and Works.Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2012.
    • Anne Stiles. Popular Fiction and Brain Science in the Late Nineteenth Century. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2012.
    • Sven Wagner. The Scientist as God: A Typological Study of a Literary Motif, 1818 to the Present. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2012.
    • Gary Westfahl. A Sense-of-Wonder Century: Explorations of Science Fiction and Fantasy Films. San Bernardino, CA: Borgo, 2012.
    • Gary Westfahl. The Spacesuit Film: A History, 1918-1969. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2012.


    • Special Issue: Amy Ransom, ed. “On élisabeth Vonarburg.” Femspec 11.2 (2011).
    • Special Issue: Jerry Canavan and Priscilla Wald, eds. “Speculative Fictions.” American Literature 83.2 (June 2011).
    • Special Issue: Rob Latham, ed. “On Slipstream.” SFS 38.1 (Mar. 2011): 1-174.
    • Mike Ashley. Out of This World: Science Fiction But Not As You Know It. London: The British Library, 2011.
    • Margaret Atwood. In Other Worlds: SF and the Human Imagination. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 2011.
    • Emily E. Auger. Tech-Noir Film: A Theory of the Development of Popular Genres. Bristol, UK: Intellect, 2011
    • Mark Bould and Sherryl Vint. The Routledge Concise History of Science Fiction. New York: Routledge, 2011. 
    • Simone Caroti. The Generation Starship in Science Fiction: A Critical History, 1934-2001. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2011.
    • John Clute. Pardon This Intrusion: Fantastika in the World Storm. Essex, UK: Beccon, 2011.
    • Robert Crossley. Imagining Mars: A Literary History. Middletown, CT: Wesleyan UP, 2011.
    • Philip K. Dick. The Exegesis of Philip K. Dick. Ed. Pamela Jackson and Jonathan Lethem. New York: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2011.
    • Éric Dufour. Le cinéma de science-fiction. Paris: Armand Colin, 2011.
    • Rachel Haywood Ferreira. The Emergence of Latin American Science Fiction. Middletown, CT: Wesleyan UP, 2011. 
    • David T. Fortin. Architecture and Science-Fiction Film: Philip K. Dick and the Spectacle of Home. Surrey, UK: Ashgate, 2011.
    • Howard V. Hendrix, George Slusser, and Eric S. Rabkin, eds. Visions of Mars: Essays on the Red Planet in Fiction and Science. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2011.
    • Tom Henthorne. William Gibson: A Literary Companion. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2011.
    • Matt Hills. Blade Runner. Cultographies Series. New York: Columbia UP, 2011.
    • Minsoo Kang. Sublime Dreams of Living Machines: The Automaton in the European Imagination. Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP, 2011.
    • Jeffrey J. Kripal. Mutants & Mystics: Science Fiction, Superhero Comics, and the Paranormal. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 2011.
    • Jessica Langer. Postcolonialism and Science Fiction. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011.
    • Isiah Lavender III. Race in American Science Fiction. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 2011.
    • Bradford Lyau. The Anticipation Novelists of 1950s French Science Fiction: Stepchildren of Voltaire. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2011.
    • James F. McGrath, ed. Religion and Science Fiction. Eugene, OR: Pickwick, 2011.
    • Angela Ndalianis. Science Fiction Experiences. Washington DC: New Academia, 2011.
    • Masood Ashraf Raja, Jason W. Ellis, and Swaralipi Nandi, eds. The Postcolonial Fantasy: Essays on Postcolonialism, Cosmopolitics, and Science Fiction. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2011.
    • Umberto Rossi. The Twisted Worlds of Philip K. Dick: A Reading of Twenty Ontologically Uncertain Novels. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2011. 
    • David Sandner, ed. Critical Discourses of the Fantastic, 1712-1831. Farnham, UK: Ashgate, 2011.
    • Geetha B. Sarwal and Amit Sarwal, eds. Exploring Science Fiction: Text and Pedagogy. New Delhi: SSS Publications, 2011. 
    • Andy Sawyer and Peter Wright, eds. Teaching Science Fiction. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011.
    • John Scheckter. The Isle of Pines, 1668: Henry Neville’s Uncertain Utopia. Surrey, UK: Ashgate, 2011.
    • David Seed. Science Fiction: A Very Short Introduction. New York: Oxford UP, 2011.
    • Robert Silverberg. Musings and Meditations: Reflections on Science Fiction, Science and Other Matters. New York: Nonstop, 2011.
    • Matthew Solomon, ed. Fantastic Voyages of the Cinematic Imagination: Georges Méliès’s Trip to the Moon. Albany, NY: SUNY P, 2011. 
    • John C. Tibbets. The Gothic Imagination: Conversations on Fantasy, Horror, and Science Fiction in the Media. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011.
    • Sara Wasson and Emily Alder. Gothic Science Fiction, 1980-2010. Liverpool UP, 2011.
    • Roslyn Weaver. Apocalypse in Australian Fiction and Film: A Critical Study. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2011.
    • Gary Westfahl, Wong Kin Yuen, and Amy Kit-Sze Chan, eds. Science Fiction and the Prediction of the Future. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2011.
    • Paul Williams. Race, Ethnicity and Nuclear War: Representations of Weapons and Post-Apocalyptic Worlds. Liverpool: Liverpool UP, 2011.
    • D.E. Wittkower, ed. Philip K. Dick and Philosophy: Do Androids Have Kindred Spirits? Chicago: Open Court, 2011.
    • Gary K. Wolfe. Evaporating Genres: Essays on Fantastic Literature. Middletown, CT: Wesleyan UP, 2011.


    • Special Issue: Rachel A. Bowser and Brian Croxall, eds. “Steampunk, Science, and (Neo)Victorian Technologies.” Neo-Victorian Studies 3.1 (2010). Online.
    • Special section: De Witt Douglas Kilgore and Ranu Samantrai, eds. "On Octavia E. Butler." SFS 37.3 (Nov. 2010): 353-442.
    • Special section: Rob Latham, ed. "The 2009 SFS Symposium: Histories of Science Fiction." SFS 37.1 (Mar. 2010): 1-33.
    • Special section: Rob Latham, ed. "The 2010 SFS Symposium: Animal Studies and SF." SFS 37.3 (Nov. 2010): 443-77.
    • SFS Showcase: presented by Rob Latham. "Library Collections and Archives of SF and Related Materials." SFS 37.2 (July 2010): 161-90.
    • Noga Applebaum. Representations of Technology in Science Fiction for Young People. New York: Routledge, 2010.
    • Harold Billings. M.P. Shiel; The Middle Years 1897-1923. Austin, TX: Roger Beacham, 2010.
    • M. Keith Booker. Historical Dictionary of Science Fiction Cinema. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow, 2010.
    • Mark Bould, Andrew M. Butler, Adam Roberts, and Sherryl Vint, eds. Fifty Key Figures in Science Fiction. New York: Routledge, 2010.
    • Steven T. Brown. Tokyo Cyberpunk: Posthumanism in Japanese Visual Culture. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010. 
    • Seo-Young Chu. Do Metaphors Dream of Literal Sleep?: A Science-Fictional Theory of Representation. Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP, 2010.
    • Amy M. Clarke, Ursula K. Le Guin’s Journey to Post-Feminism. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2010.
    • Douglas E. Cowan. Sacred Space: The Quest for Transcendence in Science Fiction Film and Television. Waco, TX: Baylor UP, 2010.
    • Richard D. Erlich, Coyote’s Song: The Teaching Stories of Ursula K. Le Guin. n.d. Rockville, MD: Borgo, 2010.
    • Consuela Francis, ed. Conversations with Octavia Butler. Jackson, MS: UP of Mississippi, 2010.
    • Elana Gomel. Postmodern Science Fiction and Temporal Imagination. London: Continuum, 2010.
    • Gregory Jerome Hampton. Changing Bodies in the Fiction of Octavia Butler: Slaves, Aliens, and Vampires. Lanham, MD: Lexington, 2010.
    • Karen Hellekson, Craig B. Jacobsen, Patrick B. Sharp, and Lisa Yaszek, eds. Practicing Science Fiction: Critical Essays on Writing, Reading and Teaching the Genre. Jefferson, NC: McFarland 2010.
    • Ericka Hoagland and Reema Sarwal, eds. Science Fiction, Imperialism and the Third World: Essays on Postcolonial Literature and Film. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2010.
    • Eric Carl Link. Understanding Philip K. Dick. Columbia, SC: U of South Carolina P, 2010.
    • Svante Lovén. Also Make the Heavens: Virtual Reality in Science Fiction. Uppsala, Sweden: Section for Sociology of Literature at the Department of Literature, Uppsala U, 2010.
    • Anthony Miccoli. Posthuman Suffering and the Technological Embrace. Lanham, MD: Lexington, 2010.
    • Fernando Ángel Moreno. Teoría de la literatura de ciencia ficción [Theory of Science Fiction Literature]. Vitoria, Spain: Portal Editions, 2010.
    • Graham J. Murphy and Sherryl Vint, eds. Beyond Cyberpunk: New Critical Perspectives. New York: Routledge, 2010.
    • Adilifu Nama. Black Space: Imagining Race in Science Fiction Film. Austin: U Texas P, 2010.
    • Peter Y. Paik. From Utopia to Apocalypse: Science Fiction and the Politics of Catastrophe. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 2010.
    • Mike Resnick and Barry N. Malzberg. The Business of Science Fiction: Two Insiders Discuss Writing and Publishing. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2010.
    • Darko Suvin. Defined by a Hollow: Essays on Utopia, Science Fiction and Political Epistemology. Ed. Rafalla Baccolini, Joachim Fischer, Tom Moylan, and Michael J. Griffin. Ralahine Utopian Studies, Vol. 6. Bern: Peter Lang, 2010.
    • Ingrid Thaler. Black Atlantic Speculative Fictions: Octavia E. Butler, Jewelle Gomez, and Nalo Hopkinson. New York: Routledge, 2010.
    • Sara J. Van Ness. Watchmen as Literature: A Critical Study of the Graphic Novel. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2010.
    • Sherryl Vint. Animal Alterity: Science Fiction and the Question of the Animal. Liverpool: Liverpool UP, 2010.
    • Bill Warren. Keep Watching the Skies: American Science Fiction Movies of the Fifties. The 21st Century Edition. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2010.
    • Raymond Williams, Tenses of Imagination: Raymond Williams on Science Fiction, Utopia and Dystopia. Andrew Milner, ed. Bern: Peter Lang, 2010.
    • Paul Youngquist. Cyberfiction: After the Future. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010.


    • Special issue: "On Proto/Early Science Fiction." SFS 36.2 (July 2009): 193-320.
    • Special issue: "Science Fiction and Sexuality." SFS 36.3 (Nov. 2009): 385-507.
    • Special Issue: Sandra Jackson and Julie Moody-Freeman, eds. "The Black Imagination and Science Fiction." African Identities 7.2 (May 2009).
    • Jeannette Baxter. J.G. Ballard’s Surrealist Imagination: Spectacular Authorship. Farnham, UK: Ashgate, 2009.
    • Christopher Bolton. Sublime Voices: The Fictional Science and Scientific Fiction of Abe Kobo. Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP, 2009.
    • M. Keith Booker, and Anne-Marie Thomas. The Science Fiction Handbook. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009.
    • Mark Bould, Andrew M. Butler, Adam Roberts, and Sherryl Vint, eds. Fifty Key Figures in Science Fiction. New York: Routledge, 2009.
    • Mark Bould, Andrew M. Butler, Adam Roberts, and Sherryl Vint, eds. The Routledge Companion to Science Fiction. New York: Routledge, 2009.
    • Mark Bould and China Miéville, eds. Red Planets: Marxism and Science Fiction. Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University Press, 2009.
    • Damien Broderick. Unleashing the Strange: Twenty-First Century Science Fiction Literature. EVANS STUDIES IN THE PHILOSOPHY AND CRITICISM OF LITERATURE 47 Rockville, MD: Borgo/Wildside, 2009.
    • John Clute, Canary Fever: Reviews. Harold Wood, Essex: Beccon, 2009.
    • Samuel R. Delany. The Jewel-Hinged Jaw: Notes on the Language of Science Fiction. Rev. ed. Middletown, CT: Wesleyan UP, 2009.
    • Carl Freedman, ed. Conversations with Samuel R. Delany. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 2009.
    • Lincoln Geraghty, ed. Channeling the Future: Essays on Science Fiction and Fantasy Television. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow, 2009.
    • Gwyneth Jones. Imagination/Space: Essays and Talks on Fiction, Feminism, Technology, and Politics. Seattle, WA: Aqueduct, 2009.
    • Lejla Kucukalic. Philip K. Dick: Canonical Writer of the Digital Age. New York: Routledge, 2009.
    • Frank McConnell. The Science of Fiction and the Fiction of Science: Collected Essays on SF Storytelling and the Gnostic Imagination. Ed. Gary Westfahl. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2009.
    • Farah Mendlesohn. The Inter-Galactic Playground: A Critical Study of Children’s and Teens’ Science Fiction. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2009.
    • Farah Mendlesohn, ed. On Joanna Russ. Middletown, CT: Wesleyan UP, 2009.
    • Farah Mendlesohn and Edward James. A Short History of Fantasy. London: Middlesex UP, 2009.
    • Helen Merrick. The Secret Feminist Cabal: A Cultural History of Science Fiction Feminisms. Seattle, WA: Aqueduct, 2009.
    • Amy J. Ransom. Science Fiction From Québec: A Postcolonial Study. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2009.
    • Nicholas Ruddick. The Fire in the Stone: Prehistoric Fiction from Charles Darwin to Jean M. Auel. Middletown, CT: Wesleyan UP, 2009.
    • Elizabeth Russell, ed. Trans/Forming Utopia: Looking Forward to the End. Vol. 1. New York: Peter Lang, 2009.
    • Elizabeth Russell, ed. Trans/Forming Utopia: The "Small Thin Story." Vol. 2. New York: Peter Lang, 2009.
    • Jason P. Vest. The Postmodern Humanism of Philip K. Dick. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow, 2009.
    • Gary Westfahl. Islands in the Sky: The Space Station Theme in Science Fiction Literature. 2nd ed. Rockville, MD: Borgo/Wildside, 2009.
    • Gary Westfahl, and George Slusser, eds. Science Fiction and the Two Cultures: Essays on Bridging the Gap between the Sciences and the Humanities. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2009.
    • D. Harlan Wilson. Technologized Desire: Selfhood and the Body in Postcapitalist Science Fiction. Hyattsville, MD: Guide Dog Books, 2009.


    • Special Issue: Wendy Pearson and Susan Knabe, eds. "Geoff Ryman." Extrapolation 49.2 (Summer 2008): 181-308.
    • Special Issue: Sherryl Vint, ed. "On Animals and Science Fiction." SFS 35.2 (July 2008): 177-307.
    • Special Issue: Sylvia Kelso, ed. "Ursula K. Le Guin." Paradoxa No. 21 (2008).
    • Marleen S. Barr, ed. Afro-Future Females: Black Writers Chart Science Fiction’s Newest New Wave Trajectory. Columbus: Ohio State UP, 2008.
    • Jeannette Baxter, ed. J.G. Ballard. CONTEMPORARY CRITICAL PERSPECTIVES. New York: Continuum, 2008.
    • Christopher Bolton, Istvan Csicsery-Ronay, Jr., and Takayuki Tatsumi, eds. Robot Ghosts and Wired Dreams: Japanese Science Fiction from Origins to Anime. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 2008.
    • Fred Botting. Limits of Horror: Technology, Bodies, Gothic. Manchester: Manchester UP, 2008.
    • Samuel Gerald Collins. All Tomorrow’s Cultures: Anthropological Engagements with the Future. New York: Berghahn, 2008.
    • Istvan Csicsery-Ronay, Jr. The Seven Beauties of Science Fiction. Middletown, CT: Wesleyan UP, 2008.
    • Carl Freedman, ed. Conversations with Ursula K. Le Guin. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 2008.James Gunn, Marleen S. Barr, and Matthew Candelaria, eds. Reading Science Fiction. New York: Palgrave/Macmillan, 2008.
    • Donald M. Hassler and Clyde Wilcox, eds. New Boundaries in Political Science Fiction. Columbia: U South Carolina P, 2008.
    • Paul Kincaid, What It Is We Do When We Read Science Fiction. Harold Wood, Essex, UK: Beccon, 2008
    • Paul Meehan. Tech-Noir: The Fusion of Science Fiction and Film Noir. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2008.
    • Colin Milburn, Nanovision: Engineering the Future. Durham, NC: Duke UP, 2008.
    • Adilifu Nama. Black Space: Imagining Race in Science Fiction Film. Austin: U of Texas P, 2008.
    • Wendy Gay Pearson, Veronica Hollinger, and Joan Gordon, eds. Queer Universes: Sexualities in Science Fiction. Liverpool: Liverpool UP, 2008
    • Tiffany Potter and C.W. Marshall, eds. Cylons in America: Critical Studies in Battlestar Galactica. New York: Continuum, 2008
    • John Rieder. Colonialism and the Emergence of Science Fiction. Middletown, CT: Wesleyan UP, 2008.
    • Steven M. Sanders, ed. The Philosophy of Science Fiction Film. Lexington: UP of Kentucky, 2008.
    • Maria Serena Sapegno and Laura Salvini, eds. Figurazioni del possible. Sulla fantascienza femminista [Representations of the Possible. On Feminist Science Fiction]. Roma: Iacobelli, 2008
    • J.P Telotte, ed. The Essential Science Fiction Television Reader. Lexington: UP of Kentucky, 2008.
    • Lisa Yaszek, Galactic Suburbia: Recovering Women's Science FictionColumbus: Ohio State UP, 2008.


    • Special Issue: Mark Bould and Rone Shavers, eds. "Afrofuturism." SFS 102 (July 2007).
    • Special Issue: On Latin American SF. SFS 103 (Nov. 2007): 369-483.
    • Special Issue: Rieder, John, ed. "Life Writing and Science Fiction." Biography: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly 30.1 (Winter 2007).
    • Special Issue: David Seed, ed. "Science Fiction." Yearbook of English Studies 37.2 (2007): 1-254.
    • Mike Ashley. Gateways to Forever: The Story of Science-Fiction Magazines from 1970-1980. Liverpool Science Fiction Texts and Studies. Liverpool: Liverpool UP/U Chicago P, 2007.
    • Christopher Bolton, Istvan Csicsery-Ronay, Jr., and Takayuki Tatsumi, eds. Robot Ghosts and Wired Dreams: Japanese Science Fiction from Origins to Anime. Minneapolis: U Minnesota P, 2008.
    • Sharon DeGraw. The Subject of Race in American Science Fiction. New York: Routledge, 2007.
    • Lincoln Geraghty. Living with Star Trek: American Culture and the Star Trek Universe. London: I.B. Taurus, 2007.
    • Margaret Grebowicz, ed. SciFi in the Mind’s Eye: Reading Science through Science Fiction.Chicago, IL: Open Court, 2007.
    • Michael J. Griffin, and Tom Moylan, eds. Exploring the Utopian Impulse: Essays on Utopian Thought and Practice. Ralahine Utopian Studies 2. Bern: Peter Lang, 2007.
    • Susan Tyler Hitchcock. Frankenstein: A Cultural History. New York: Norton, 2007.
    • Patricia Kerslake. Science Fiction and Empire. Liverpool Science Fiction Texts and Studies. Liverpool: Liverpool UP/U Chicago P, 2007.
    • Judith A. Little, ed. Feminist Philosophy and Science Fiction: Utopias and Dystopias. Amherst, NY: Prometheus, 2007.
    • Barry N. Malzberg. Breakfast in the Ruins: Science Fiction in the Last Millennium. New York: Baen, 2007.
    • David Mead and Pawel Frelik, eds. Playing the Universe: Games and Gaming in Science Fiction. Lublin: Wydawnictwo U Marii Curie-Sklodowskiej, 2007.
    • Tom Moylan and Raffaella Baccolini, eds. Utopia Method Vision: The Use Value of Social Dreaming. Oxford: Peter Lang, 2007.
    • Dominika Oramus. Grave New World: The Decline of the West in the Fiction of J.G. Ballard. Warsaw: U of Warsaw P, 2007.
    • Tiffany Potter and C.W. Marshall, eds. Cylons in America: Critical Studies in Battlestar Galactica. New York: Continuum, 2007.
    • Jeff Prucher, ed. Brave New Words: The Oxford Dictionary of Science Fiction. Intro. Gene Wolfe. New York: Oxford UP, 2007.
    • Joanna Russ. The Country You Have Never Seen: Essays and Reviews. Liverpool: U of Liverpool P, 2007.
    • Patrick B. Sharp. Savage Perils: Racial Frontiers and Nuclear Apocalypse in American Culture. Norman, OK: U Oklahoma P, 2007.
    • Simon Spiegel. Die Konstitution des Wunderbaren. Zu einer Poetik des Science-Fiction-Films[The Constitution of the Marvellous. Towards a Poetics of the Science Fiction Film]. Zürcher Filmstudien 16. Marburg: Schüren Verlag, 2007.
    • Sherryl Vint. Bodies of Tomorrow: Technology, Subjectivity, Science Fiction. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 2007.
    • Heather Urbanski. Plagues, Apocalypses and Bug-Eyed Monsters: How Speculative Fiction Shows Us Our Nightmares. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2007.
    • Gary Westfahl. Hugo Gernsback and the Century of Science Fiction. Critical Explorations in Science Fiction and Fantasy 1. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2007.
    • William Wittington. Sound Design and Science Fiction. Austin: U of Texas P, 2007.
    • Peter Wright, ed. Shadows of the New Sun: Wolfe on Writing/Writers on Wolfe. Liverpool: Liverpool UP, 2007.


    • Special Issue: "On Ursula K. Le Guin." Extrapolation 47 (Winter 2006): 349-504.
    • Special Issue: Yusuf Nuruddin, Alcena M.D. Rogan, and Victor Wallis, eds. "Socialism and Social Critique in Science Fiction." Socialism and Democracy 20.3 (Nov. 2006): viii-276.
    • Special Issue: "Technoculture and Science Fiction." SFS 98 (March 2006): 1-148.
    • Special Section: "On William Gibson's Pattern Recognition." SFS 100 (November 2006): 452-504.
    • Carl Abbott. Frontiers Past and Future: Science Fiction and the American West. Lawrence: UP of Kansas, 2006.
    • William Butcher. Jules Verne: The Definitive Biography. New York: Thunder’s Mouth, 2006.
    • John Clute. The Darkening Garden: A Short Lexicon of Horror. Seattle, WA: Payseur and Schmidt, 2006.
    • Sonja Fritzsche. Science Fiction Literature in East Germany. East German Studies/DDR-Studien 15. New York: Peter Lang, 2006.
    • Eric Greene. Planet of the Apes as American Myth: Race and Politics in the Films and Television Series. 1996. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2006.
    • William S Haney, II. Cyberculture, Cyborgs and Science Fiction: Consciousness and the Posthuman. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2006.
    • Irène Langlet, La science fiction. Lecture et poétique d'un genre littéraire. Paris: Armand Colin, 2006.
    • Justine Larbalestier, ed. Daughters of Earth: Feminist Science Fiction in the Twentieth Century. Middletown, CT: Wesleyan UP, 2006.
    • Patricia Melzer, Alien Constructions: Science Fiction and Feminist Thought. Austin: U of Texas P, 2006.
    • Andrew Milner, Matthew Ryan, and Robert Savage, eds. Imagining the Future: Utopia and Dystopia. Melbourne: Arena, 2006.
    • Patricia Monk. Alien Theory: The Alien as Archetype in the Science Fiction Short Story. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow, 2006.
    • Donald E. Morse, ed. Anatomy of Science Fiction. Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars P, 2006.
    • Annalee Newitz. Pretend We’re Dead: Capitalist Monsters in American Pop Culture. Durham, NC: Duke UP, 2006
    • Julie Phillips, James Tiptree, Jr.: The Double Life of Alice B. Sheldon. New York: St. Martin's, 2006.
    • Diana M.A. Relke,  Drones, Clones and Alpha Babes: Retrofitting Star Trek's Humanism. Calgary, AB: U of Calgary P, 2006.
    • Adam Roberts. The History of Science Fiction. New York: Palgrave/Macmillan, 2006.
    • Brian Stableford, Science Fiction and Science Fact: An Encyclopedia. New York: Routledge, 2006.
    • Takayuki Tatsumi. Full Metal Apache: Transactions Between Cyberpunk Japan and Avant-Pop America. Durham, NC: Duke UP, 2006.
    • Martin Willis. Mesmerists, Monsters, and Machines: Science Fiction and the Cultures of Science in the Nineteenth Century. Kent, OH: Kent State UP, 2006.


    • Special Issue: "A Jules Verne Centenary." SFS 32 (March 2005): 1- 176.
    • Special Issue: "Jules Verne." Europe 909-910 (janvier-février 2005).
    • Mike Ashley. Transformations: The Story of the Science-Fiction Magazines from 1950 to 1970. Vol. 2 of The History of the Science-Fiction Magazine. Liverpool: Liverpool UP, 2005.
    • Debbora Battaglia, ed. E.T. Culture: Anthropology in Outerspaces. Durham, NC: Duke UP, 2005.
    • Lucian Boia. Jules Verne: Les paradoxes d’un mythe. Paris: Belles Lettres, 2005.
    • J. Andrew Brown. Test Tube Envy: Science and Power in Argentine Narrative. Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell UP, 2005.
    • Andrew M. Butler, ed. Christopher Priest: The Interaction. Foundation Studies in Science Fiction 6. London: Science Fiction Foundation, 2005.
    • Emannuel Carrère. I Am Alive and You Are Dead: A Journey into the Mind of Philip K. Dick.1993. Trans. Timothy Bent. New York: Picador, 2005.
    • Laurence Davis and Peter Stillman, eds. The New Utopian Politics of Ursula K. Le Guin’s The Dispossessed. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2005. 
    • Joëlle Dusseau. Jules Verne. Paris: Perrin, 2005.
    • Thomas Foster. The Souls of Cyberfolk: Posthumanism as Vernacular Theory. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 2005.
    • Stacy Gillis, ed. The Matrix Trilogy: Cyberpunk Reloaded. London: Wallflower, 2005.
    • James Gunn and Matthew Candelaria, eds. Speculations on Speculation: Theories of Science Fiction. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow, 2005.
    • Darren Harris-Fain. Understanding Contemporary American Science Fiction: The Age of Maturity, 1970–fc2000. Columbia, SC: U South Carolina P, 2005.
    • N. Katherine Hayles. My Mother Was a Computer: Digital Subjects and Literary Texts.U of Chicago P, 2005.
    • Fredric Jameson. Archaeologies of the Future. London: Verso, 2005.
    • Roger Luckhurst. Science Fiction. Cambridge, UK: Polity, 2005.
    • Richard A. Lupoff. Master of Adventure: The Worlds of Edgar Rice Burroughs. 1965. Bison Frontiers of the Imagination. Lincoln, NE: U of Nebraska P, 2005.
    • Philippe Mellot and Jean-Marie Embs. Le Guide Jules Verne. Paris: Ed. de l’Armateur, 2005.
    • Djuna M. Mohr. Worlds Apart? Dualism and Transgression in Contemporary Female Dystopias.Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2005
    • Jean-Pierre Picot and Christian Robin, eds. Jules Verne: cent ans après. Actes du colloque de Cerisy. Rennes: Terre de Brume, 2005.
    • David Seed, ed. A Companion to Science Fiction. Oxford: Blackwell, 2005.
    • Robert M. Philmus. Visions and Re-Visions: (Re)constructing Science Fiction. Liverpool: Liverpool UP, 2005.
    • Timothy Unwin. Jules Verne: Journeys in Writing. Liverpool: Liverpool UP, 2005.
    • Gary Westfahl,  ed. The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy: Themes, Works, and Wonders. 3 vols. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2005
    • Gary K. Wolfe. Soundings: Reviews, 1992-1996. Harold Wood, Essex: Beccon, 2005.
    • Wong Kin Yuen, Gary Westfahl, and Kit-sze Chan. World Weavers: Globalization, Science Fiction, and the Cybernetic Imagination. Hong Kong: Hong Kong UP, 2005.


    • Special Issue: "Soviet Science Fiction: The Thaw and After." SFS 94 (November 2004): 337-420.
    • Neil Badmington. Alien Chic: Posthumanism and the Other Within. New York: Routledge, 2004.
    • Martha Bartter, ed. The Utopian Fantastic: Selected Essays From the Twentieth International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts. Contributions to the study of science fiction and fantasy 105. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2004.
    • M. Keith Booker. Science Fiction Television. Praeger Television Collection. Westport, CT: Praeger, 2004.
    • Damien Broderick. x, y, z, t: dimensions of science fiction. Evans Studies in the Philosophy and Criticism of Literature # 20. Holicong, PA: Borgo/Wildside, 2004
    • Peter Fitting, ed. Subterranean Worlds: A Critical Anthology. Middletown, CT: Wesleyan UP, 2004.
    • Sonja Fritzsche, "Reconceptualizing East German Popular Literature via the Science Fiction Niche." The German Quarterly, 77: 4 (Autumn, 2004). 443-461.
    • Elizabeth M. Ginway. Brazilian Science Fiction: Cultural Myths and Nationhood in the Land of the Future. Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell UP, 2004.
    • Philip Hayward, ed. Off the Planet. Music, Sound and Science Fiction Cinema. London: John Libbey Publishing/Perfect Beat Press.
    • Sabine Heuser. Virtual Geographies: Cyberpunk at the Intersection of the Postmodern and Science Fiction. New York: Rodopi, 2003.
    • Ursula Le Guin. The Wave in the Mind: Talks and Essays on the Writer, the Reader, and the Imagination. Boston: Shambhala, 2004.
    • Jean-François Leroux and Camille R. La Bossière. Worlds of Wonder: Readings in Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Literature. Ottawa, Ont., Canada: U of Ottawa P, 2004.
    • Jean-Michel Margot. Jules Verne en son temps. Amiens: Encrage, 2004
    • Aaron Parrett. The Translunar Narrative in the Western Tradition. Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2004.
    • John S. Partington.  Building Cosmopolis: The Political Thought of H.G. Wells. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate, 2003.
    • Sean Redmond. Liquid Metal: The Science Fiction Film Reader.London: Wallflower, 2004.
    • David Seed. Brainwashing, The Fictions of Mind Control: A Study of Novels and Films Since World War II.Kent, OH: Kent State UP, 2004.
    • Alan Shapiro. STAR TREK: Technologies of Disappearance.Berlin: Avinus, 2004.
    • Jeffrey Allen Tucker. A Sense of Wonder: Samuel R. Delany, Race, Identity, and Difference. Middletown, CT: Wesleyan UP, 2004.
    • W. Warren Wagar. H.G. Wells: Traversing Time. Middletown, CT: Wesleyan UP, 2004.
    • Eric Weissenberg. Jules Verne: Un univers fabuleux. Lausanne: Favre, 2004.
    • Andrzej Zgorzelski. Born of the Fantastic. Gdańsk, Poland: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, 2004


    • Special Issue: "Social Science Fiction." SFS 90 (July 2003): 161-304
    • Special Issue: "The British SF Boom." SFS 91 (November 2003): 353-499.
    • Raffaella Baccolini and Tom Moylan, eds. Dark Horizons: Science Fiction and the Dystopian Imagination. New York: Routledge, 2003.
    • Andrea Bell and Yolanda Molina-Gavilán, eds. Cosmos Latinos: An Anthology of Science Fiction from Latin America and Spain. Middletown, CT: Wesleyan UP, 2003
    • Scott Bukatman. Matters of Gravity: Special Effects and Supermen in the 20th Century. Durham, NC: Duke UP, 2003.
    • John Clute. Scores: Reviews 1993-2003. Harold Wood, UK: Beccon, 2003
    • Charles E. Gannon. Rumors of War and Infernal Machines: Technomilitary Agenda-Setting in American and British Speculative Fiction. Liverpool: Liverpool UP, 2003.
    • Sandra M. Grayson. Visions of the Third Millennium: Black Science Fiction Novelists Write the Future. Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press, 2003.
    • Edward James and Farah Mendlesohn, eds. The Cambridge Companion to Science Fiction. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2003.
    • DeWitt Douglas Kilgore. Astrofuturism: Science, Race, and Visions of Utopia in Space. Philadelphia: U Pennsylvania P, 2003.
    • Christopher Palmer, Philip K. Dick: Exhilaration and Terror of the Postmodern. Liverpool: Liverpool UP, 2003.
    • Michael Pinsky. Future Present: Ethics and/as Science Fiction. Madison, WI: Fairleigh Dickinson UP, 2003.
    • Kenneth Roemer. Utopian Audiences: How Readers Locate Nowhere. Boston: U of Massachusetts P, 2003.
    • Tatiana Teslenko. Feminist Utopian Novels of the 1970s: Joanna Russ & Dorothy Bryant. Literary criticism and cultural theory: outstanding dissertations. New York: Routledge, 2003.
    • Peter Wright. Attending Daedalus: Gene Wolfe, Artifice and the Reader. Liverpool Science Fiction Texts and Studies. Liverpool: Liverpool UP, 2003.


    • Special Issue: "Japanese Science Fiction." SFS 29 (November 2002): 321-491
    • Attebery, Brian. Decoding Gender in Science Fiction. New York: Routledge, 2002.
    • Peter Brigg. The Span of Mainstream and Science Fiction: A Critical Study of a New Literary Genre. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2002.
    • Volker Dehs. Bibliographischer Führer durch die Jules-Verne-Forschung: 1872-2001; Guide bibliographique à travers la critique vernienne. Wetzlar, Germany: Förderkreiz Phantastik, 2002.
    • Mark Featherstone. Knowledge and the Production of Nonknowledge: An Exploration of Alien Mythology in Post-War America. Creskill, NJ: Hampton Press, 2002.
    • Amanda Fernbach. Fantasies of Fetishism: From Decadence to the Post-Human.New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers UP, 2002.
    • Mary Flanagan and Austin Booth, ed., Reload: Rethinking Women and Cyberculture. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2002.
    • Riikka Forsström. Possible Worlds: The Idea of Happiness in the Utopian Vision of Louis-Sébastien Mercier. Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, 2002.
    • Elaine L. Graham, Representations of the Post/Human: Monsters, Aliens and Others in Popular Culture. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers UP, 2002.
    • Veronica Hollinger & Joan Gordon, eds. Edging into the Future: Science Fiction and Contemporary Cultural Transformation. Philadelphia: U Pennsylvania Press, 2002.
    • Rob Kitchin and James Kneale, eds. Lost in Space: Geographies of Science Fiction. New York: Continuum, 2002.
    • Justine Larbalestier. The Battle of the Sexes in Science Fiction. Middletown, CT: Wesleyan UP, 2002
    • Rob Latham. Consuming Youth: Vampires, Cyborgs, and the Culture of Consumption. Chicago: U Chicago Press, 2002.
    • Judith Merril and Emily Pohl-Weary. Better to Have Loved: The Life of Judith Merril. Toronto: Between the Lines, 2002.
    • Donald Palumbo. Chaos Theory: Asimov’s Foundations and Robots, and Herbert’s Dune: The Fractal Aesthetic of Epic Science Fiction. Contributions To The Study Of Science Fiction And Fantasy 100. Westport, CT: Greenwood. 2002.
    • Domna Pastourmatzi, ed. Biotechnological and Medical Themes in Science Fiction. Thessaloniki, Greece: University Studio Press, 2002.
    • "Symposium: Marxism and Fantasy." Special Issue of Historical Materialism: Research in Critical Marxist Theory 10.4 (2002).
    • Ziauddin Sardar and Sean Cubitt, eds. Aliens R Us: The Other in Science Fiction Cinema. London: Pluto Press, 2002.
    • Jerome F. Shapiro. Atomic Bomb Cinema: The Apocalyptic Imagination on Film. New York: Routledge, 2002.
    • Ellen Weil and Gary K. Wolfe. Harlan Ellison: The Edge of Forever. Ohio State UP, 2002.
    • Gary Westfahl, George Slusser, and David Leiby, eds. Worlds Enough and Time: Explorations of Time in Science Fiction and Fantasy. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2002.


    • M. Keith Booker, Monsters, Mushroom Clouds, and the Cold War: American Science Fiction and the Roots of Postmodernism, 1946-1964. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2001.
    • Damien Broderick, ed. Earth Is But a Star: Excursions Through Science Fiction To the Far Future. U of Western Australia P, 2001.
    • I.F. Clarke, ed. British Future Fiction (8 vols.). London: Pickering & Chatto, 2001.
    • Thomas Elsaesser. Metropolis. Indiana UP, 2001.
    • Karen Hellekson. The Alternate History: Refiguring Historical Time. Kent, OH: Kent State UP, 2001.
    • Karen L. Hellekson. The Science Fiction of Cordwainer Smith. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2001.
    • Francesca Rispoli. Universi che cadono a pezzi: La fantascienza di Philip K. Dick. Bruno Mondadori, 2001.
    • Warren G. Rochelle. Communities of the Heart: The Rhetoric of Myth in the Fiction of Ursula K. Le Guin. Liverpool: Liverpool UP, 2001.
    • George Slusser, Patrick Parrinder, and Danièle Chatelain, eds. H.G. Wells’s Perennial Time Machine: Selected Essays from the Centenary Conference, "The Time Machine: Past, Present, and Future." Athens, GA: U of Georgia P, 2001.
    • Warren Smith, Matthew Higgins, Martin Parker, and Geoff Lightfoot, eds. Science Fiction and Organization. Routledge Studies in Human Resource Development. New York: Routledge, 2001.
    • Takayuki Tatsumi. Science Fiction Controversies in Japan: 1957-1997 [in Japanese].
    • J. P Telotte. Science Fiction Film. Genres in American Cinema. Cambridge UP, 2001.
    • Errol Vieth. Screening Science: Contexts, Texts, and Science in Fifties Science Fiction Film. Lanham, Maryland: Scarecrow, 2001.


    • Special Issue: "On Global Science Fiction - Part 2." SFS 27 (March 2000): 1-146.
    • Special Issue: "Combativeness and SF." Extrapolation 41 (Spring 2000): 2-79.
    • Ashley, Mike  The Time Machines: The Story of the Science-Fiction Pulp Magazines from the Beginning to 1950 . Vol. 1 of The History of the Science-Fiction Magazine. Liverpool: Liverpool UP, 2000.
    • Marleen S. Barr, ed. Future Females, The Next Generation: New Voices and Velocities in Feminist Science Fiction Criticism. New York: Rowman & Littlefield, 2000.
    • Samuel R. Delany. Shorter Views: Queer Thoughts & the Politics of the Paraliterary. Wesleyan UP, 2000.
    • Carl Freedman. Critical Theory and Science Fiction. Hanover, NH: Wesleyan UP, 2000.
    • Gill Kirkup, Linda Janes, Kathryn Woodward, and Fiona Hovenden, eds. The Gendered Cyborg: A Reader. London/New York: Routledge, 2000.
    • Tom Moylan. Scraps of the Untainted Sky: Science Fiction, Utopia, Dystopia. Boulder, CO: Westview, 2000.
    • Patrick Parrinder. Learning from Other Worlds: Estrangement, Cognition and the Politics of Science Fiction and Utopia. Liverpool: Liverpool UP, 2000.
    • Adam Roberts. Science Fiction. New Critical Idiom series. London & New York: Routledge, 2000.
    • Andy Sawyer and David Seed, eds. Speaking Science Fiction: Dialogues and Interpretations. Liverpool: University of Liverpool Press, 2000.
    • Sandison, Alan and Robert Dingley, eds. Histories of the Future: Studies in Fact, Fantasy and Science Fiction. New York: Palgrave, 2000.
    • Lucy Sargisson. Utopian Bodies and The Politics of Transgression. New York: Routledge, 2000.
    • Karen Sayer and John Moore, eds. Science Fiction, Critical Frontiers. St. Martin's 2000. (reviewed in issue #84)
    • David Seed, ed. Imagining Apocalypse: Studies in Cultural Crisis. New York: St. Martin's Press, 2000.
    • Debra Benita Shaw. Women, Science and Fiction: The Frankenstein Inheritance. New York: Palgrave/Macmillan, 2000.
    • Edmund J. Smyth, ed. Jules Verne: Narratives of Modernity. Liverpool: Liverpool UP, 2000.
    • Peter Stockwell. The Poetics of Science Fiction. Harlow, Essex: Longman, 2000.
    • James Tiptree, Jr. Meet Me at Infinity: The Uncollected Tiptree: Fiction and Nonfiction. New York: Tor, 2000.
    • Inez Van Der Spek. Alien Plots: Female Subjectivity and the Divine in the Light of James Tiptree's "A Momentary Taste of Being". Liverpool: Liverpool UP, 2000.
    • Gary Westfahl. Science Fiction, Children's Literature, and Popular Culture: Coming of Age in Fantasyland. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2000.
    • Gary Westfahl, ed. Space and Beyond: The Frontier Theme in Science Fiction.Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2000.


    • Special Issue. "Symposium on Law, Literature and Science Fiction." Legal Studies Forum. 23.3 (1999): 267-354.
    • Special Issue: "Science Fiction and Queer Theory." SFS 26 (March 1999): 1-53.
    • Special Issue: "A History of Science Fiction Criticism." SFS 26 (July 1999): 161-283.
    • Special Issue: "On Global Science Fiction - Part 1." SFS 26 (November 1999): 353-446.
    • Camille Bacon-Smith. Science Fiction Culture. Philadelphia: U of Pennsylvania P, 1999.
    • Russell Blackford, Van Ikin, and Sean McMullen, eds. Strange Constellations: A History of Australian Science Fiction. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1999.
    • Fred Botting. Sex, Machines and Navels: Fiction, Fantasy and History in the Future Present. Manchester: Manchester UP, 1999.
    • Jeanne Cortiel. Demand My Writing: Joanna Russ/Feminism/Science Fiction. Liverpool: Liverpool UP, 1999.
    • Chris Ferns. Narrating Utopia: Ideology, Gender, Form in Utopian Literature. Liverpool: Liverpool UP, 1999.
    • Jean-Marc Gouanvic. Sociologie de la traduction: la science fiction americaine dans l'espace culturel francais des annes 1950. Artois Presses Universite, 1999. (reviewed in issue #84)
    • N. Katherine Hayles. How We Became Posthuman: Virtual Bodies in Cybernetics, Literature, and Informatics. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1999.
    • I.Q. Hunter, ed. British Science Fiction Cinema. London/New York: Routledge, 1999.
    • Annette Kuhn, ed. Alien Zone II: The Spaces of Science Fiction Cinema. New York: Verso, 1999.
    • Helen Merrick and Tess Williams, eds. Women of Other Worlds: Excursions Through Science Fiction and Feminism. Nedlands, WA: U of Western Australia P, 1999.
    • Paul J. Nahin. Time Machines: Time Travel in Physics, Metaphysics, and Science Fiction. 2nd ed. Springer-Verlag [American Institute of Physics Press], 1999. 
    • Wendy Pearson. "Alien Cryptographies: The View from Queer." SFS 26 (March 1999): 1-22.
    • Robin Roberts. Sexual Generation. Star Trek: The Next Generation and Gender. Champaign: U of Illinois P, 1999.
    • Richard Saint-Gelais. L'Empire du pseudo: modernités de la science-fiction. Montréal: Editions Nota Bene, 1999.
    • Karen Sands and Marietta Frank. Back in the Spaceship Again: Juvenile Science Fiction Series Since 1945. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1999.
    • C.W. Sullivan III, ed., Young Adult Science Fiction. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1999.
    • David Seed. American Science Fiction and the Cold War: Literature and Film. Fitzroy Dearborn, 1999.
    • J.P. Telotte. A Distant Technology: Science Fiction Film and the Machine Age. Hanover, NH: Wesleyan UP, 1999.
    • Jenny Wolmark, ed. Cybersexualities: A Reader on Feminist Theory, Cyborgs and Cyberspace. Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 1999.


    • Special Issue: "On Psi Powers." Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts. 9.4 (1998): 257-344.
    • Special Issue: "The Future of Narrative." Paradoxa: Studies in Literary Genres 4.11 (1998): 375-609.
    • Daniel Leonard Bernardi. Star Trek and History: Race-ing Toward a White Future. New Jersey: Rutgers UP, 1998.
    • Everett F. Bleiler with Richard Bleiler. Science-Fiction: The Gernsback Years: A Complete Coverage of the Genre Magazines "Amazing," "Astounding," "Wonder," and Others from 1926 through 1936. Kent, OH: Kent State UP, 1998.
    • Daniel Compère and Jean-Michel Margot, eds. Entretiens avec Jules Verne, 1873-1905. Genève: Slatkine, 1998.
    • Thomas M. Disch. The Dreams Our Stuff Is Made Of: How Science Fiction Conquered the World. New York: Free, 1998.
    • Gwyneth Jones. Deconstructing the Starships: Science, Fiction and Reality. Liverpool: Liverpool UP, 1998.
    • Roger Luckhurst. "The Angle Between Two Walls": The Fiction of J.G. Ballard. Liverpool: Liverpool UP, 1998; Syracuse, NY: Syracuse UP, 1998.
    • David J. Skal. Screams of Reason: Mad Science and Modern Culture. New York: Norton, 1998.
    • Brian Stableford. "Speculative Fiction in Europe and America: The Past and the Future." The New York Review of Science Fiction 10.115 (March 1998): 1, 8-11.
    • Gary Westfahl. The Mechanics of Wonder: The Creation of the Idea of Science Fiction. Liverpool: Liverpool UP, 1998.


    • Special Section: "On Star Trek." SFS 24 (July 1997): 207-266.
    • Jennifer Burwell. Notes on Nowhere: Feminism, Utopian Logic, and Social Transformation. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 1997.
    • I.F. Clarke. "Future-War Fiction: The First Main Phase, 1871-1900." SFS 24.3 (Nov. 1997): 387-412.
    • John Clute and John Grant, eds. The Encyclopedia of Fantasy. New York: St. Martin's, 1997.
    • Jane L. Donawerth. Frankenstein's Daughters: Women Writing Science Fiction. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse UP, 1997.
    • Donald M. Hassler and Clyde Wilcox, eds. Political Science Fiction. Columbia, SC: U of South Carolina P, 1997.
    • Gwyneth Jones. "Metempsychosis of the Machine: Science Fiction in the Halls of Karma." SFS 24.1 (March 1997): 1-10.
    • Brooks Landon. Science Fiction After 1900: From the Steam Man to the Stars. Studies in Literary Themes and Genres No. 12. New York: Twayne, 1997.
    • Elizabeth Anne Leonard, ed. Into Darkness Peering: Race and Color in the Fantastic. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1997.
    • Constance Penley. NASA/TREK: Popular Science and Sex in America. New York: Routledge/Verso, 1997.


    • Special Issue: "Cities of the Future." Paradoxa: Studies in Literary Genres. 2.1 (1996): 3-83.
    • Special Section: "Science Fiction and Academe." SFS 23.3 (November 1996)
    • Lucie Armitt. Theorizing the Fantastic. New York: Arnold, 1996.
    • Anne Balsamo. Technologies of the Gendered Body: Reading Cyborg Women. Durham, NC: Duke UP, 1996.
    • Mark Dery. Escape Velocity: Cyberculture at the End of the Century. New York: Grove, 1996.
    • Roland Innerhofer. Deutsche Science Fiction 1870-1914: Rekonstruktion und Analyse der Anfange einer Gattung. Wien-Koln-Weimar: Bohllau, 1996.
    • Brian Taves and Stephen Michaluk, Jr. The Jules Verne Encyclopedia. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow, 1996.
    • Gary Westfahl. Cosmic Engineers: A Study of Hard Science Fiction. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1996.
    • -----. "Evolution of Modern Science Fiction: The Textual History of Hugo Gernsback's Ralph 124C41+." SFS 23.1 (March 1996): 37-92.


    • Special Issue: "Feminisms, Feminist Theory, and SF." Extrapolation 36 (Fall 1995): 176-280.
    • Brian Aldiss. The Detached Retina: Aspects of SF and Fantasy. Liverpool UP, 1995; Syracuse, NY: Syracuse UP, 1995.
    • Neil Barron, ed. Anatomy of Wonder 4: A Critical Guide to Science Fiction. New Providence, NJ: Bowker, 1995.
    • Sharona Ben-Tov. The Artificial Paradise: Science Fiction and American Reality. Ann Arbor: U Michigan P, 1995.
    • Damien Broderick. Reading by Starlight: Postmodern Science Fiction. New York: Routledge, 1995.
    • John Clute. Look at the Evidence: Essays and Reviews. New York: Serconia, 1995.
    • Philip K. Dick. The Shifting Realities of Philip K. Dick: Selected Literary and Philosophical Writings, ed. Lawrence Sutin. NY: Vintage, 1995.
    • H. Bruce Franklin. Future Perfect: American Science Fiction in the Nineteenth Century-- An Anthology. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers UP, 1995.
    • Patrick Parrinder. Shadows of the Future: H.G. Wells, Science Fiction, and Prophecy. Liverpool: Liverpool UP, 1995; Syracuse: Syracuse UP, 1995.
    • Joanna Russ. To Write Like a Woman: Essays in Feminism and Science Fiction. Bloomington, IN: Indiana UP, 1995.
    • David Seed, ed. Anticipations: Essays on Early Science Fiction and its Precursors. Liverpool UP, 1995; Syracuse, NY: Syracuse UP, 1995.
    • J.P. Telotte. Replications: A Robotic History of the Science Fiction Film. Champaign: U of Illinois P, 1995.
    • Samuel J. Umland, ed. Philip K. Dick: Contemporary Critical Interpretations. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1995.
    • Qingyun Wu. Female Rule in Chinese and English Literary Utopias. Liverpool: Liverpool UP, 1995; Syracuse, NY: Syracuse UP, 1995.


    • Special Issue: "On He, She and It." Utopian Studies 5.2 (1994): 1-55.
    • Paul K. Alkon. Science Fiction Before 1900: Imagination Discovers Technology. Studies in Literary Themes and Genres No. 3. New York: Twayne, 1994.
    • Robert Crossley. Olaf Stapledon: Speaking for the Future. Liverpool: Liverpool UP, 1994; Syracuse, NY: Syracuse UP, 1994.
    • Samuel R. Delany. Silent Interviews: On Language, Race, Sex, Science Fiction, and Some Comics. Hanover, NH: Wesleyan UP, 1994.
    • Jane L. Donawerth and Carol A. Kolmerten, eds. Utopian and Science Fiction by Women: Worlds of Difference. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse UP, 1994.
    • Jean-Marc Gouanvic. La Science-fiction française au XXe siècle (1900-1968). Atlanta: Rodopi, 1994.
    • Edward James. Science Fiction in the Twentieth Century. New York: Oxford UP, 1994.
    • Roger Luckhurst. "The Many Deaths of Science Fiction: A Polemic." SFS 21.1 (March 1994): 35-50.
    • Carol McGuirk. "NoWhere Man. Towards a Poetics of Post-Utopian Characterization." SFS 21.2 (July 1994): 129-132.
    • John J. Pierce. Odd Genre: A Study in Imagination and Evolution. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1994.
    • Joe Sanders, ed. Science Fiction Fandom. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1994.
    • Ralph Willingham. Science Fiction and the Theatre. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1994.
    • Jenny Wolmark. Aliens and Others: Science Fiction, Feminism, and Postmodernism. Hemel Hempstead, Herts: Harvester, 1994.


    • Special Section: "On Hard Science Fiction." SFS (July 1993): 145-240.
    • Special Issue:"Politics and SF." Extrapolation34 (Fall 1993): 194-284.
    • Special Issue: "Cyberpunk: Technologies of Cultural Identity," ed. Thomas Foster. Genders 18 (Winter 1993): 1-142.
    • Marleen S. Barr. Lost in Space: Probing Feminist Science Fiction and Beyond. Chapel Hill, NC: U of North Carolina P, 1993.
    • Albert I. Berger. The Magic That Works: John W. Campbell and the American Response to Technology. San Bernardino, CA: Borgo, 1993.
    • Scott Bukatman. Terminal Identity: The Virtual Subject in Postmodern Science Fiction. Durham, NC: Duke UP, 1993.
    • John W. Campbell, Jr. The John W. Campbell Letters, Volume 2: Isaac Asimov and A. E. van Vogt, eds. Perry A. Chapdelaine, Sr., Tony Chapdelaine, and George Hay. Franklin, TN: AC Project, 1993.
    • John Clute and Peter Nicholls, eds. The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction. New York: St. Martin's, 1993.
    • Edward James and Farah Mendlesohn. "Science Fiction Courses in Higher Education in Great Britain: A Preliminary Guide." Foundation: The Review of Science Fiction 59 (Autumn 1993): 59-69.
    • Robin Roberts. A New Species: Gender and Science in Science Fiction. Urbana: U of Illinois P, 1993.
    • Nicholas Ruddick. Ultimate Island: On the Nature of British Science Fiction. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1993.


    • Special Section: "On Stanislaw Lem." SFS 19 (July 1992): 161-218.
    • Marleen S. Barr. Feminist Fabulation: Space/Postmodern Fiction. Iowa City: U of Iowa P, 1992.
    • Roger Bozzetto. L'Obscur objet d'un savoir: Fantastique et science-fiction. Aix-en-Provence: U de Province, 1992.
    • Damien Broderick. "Reading SF as a Megatext." The New York Review of Science Fiction 47 (July 1992): 1, 8-11.
    • I.F. Clarke. Voices Prophesying War: Future Wars, 1763-3749. London: Oxford UP, 1992.
    • James E. Gunn. Inside Science Fiction: Essays on Fantastic Literature. San Bernardino, CA: Borgo, 1992.
    • Henry Jenkins. Textual Poachers: Television Fans and Participatory Culture. New York: Routledge, 1992.
    • David Ketterer. Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy. Bloomington, IN: Indiana UP, 1992.
    • Brooks Landon. The Aesthetics of Ambivalence: Rethinking Science Fiction Film in the Age of Electronic (Re)Production. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1992.
    • Brian McHale. Constructing Postmodernism. New York: Routledge, 1992.
    • R.D. Mullen et al, eds. On Philip K. Dick: 40 Articles from Science-Fiction Studies. Terre Haute, IN: SF-TH, 1992.
    • Patrick D. Murphy, ed. Staging the Impossible: The Fantastic Mode in Modern Drama. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1992.
    • George E. Slusser and Tom Shippey, eds. Fiction 2000: Cyberpunk and the Future of Narrative. Athens, GA: U of Georgia Press, 1992.
    • Richard Toby Widdicombe. "Early Histories of Utopian Thought (to 1950)." Utopian Studies 3.1 (1992): 1-38.


    • Special Issue: "Science Fiction and Postmodernism." SFS 18.3 (November 1991)
    • Special Issue: "On 'The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas'." Utopian Studies 2.1&2 (1991):1-62.
    • Lucie Armitt, ed. Where No Man Has Gone Before: Women and Science Fiction. London: Routledge, 1991.
    • Jean Baudrillard. "Two Essays": "Simulacra and Science Fiction" and "Ballard's Crash." SFS 18.3 (November 1991): 309-320.
    • Daniel Compère. Jules Verne, Ecrivain. Genève: Droz, 1991.
    • Istvan Csicsery-Ronay, Jr. "The SF of Theory: Baudrillard and Haraway." SFS 18.3 (November 1991): 387-404.
    • Donald M. Hassler. Isaac Asimov. Mercer Island, WA: Starmont, 1991.
    • Judith B. Kerman, ed. Retrofitting Blade Runner: Issues in Ridley Scott's Blade Runner and Philip K. Dick's Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? Bowling Green, Ohio: Bowling Green State University Popular Press, 1991.
    • Carl Malmgren. Worlds Apart: Narratology of Science Fiction. Bloomington, IN: Indiana UP, 1991.
    • Larry McCaffery, ed. Storming the Reality Studio: A Casebook of Cyberpunk and Postmodern Science Fiction. Durham, NC: Duke UP, 1991.
    • Constance Penley et al., eds. Close Encounters: Film, Feminism and Science Fiction. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 1991.
    • David Porush. "Prigogine, Chaos, and Contemporary SF." SFS 18.3 (Nov. 1991): 367-86.
    • Andrew Ross. Strange Weather: Culture, Science and Technology in the Age of LimitsStrange Weather: Culture, Science and Technology in the Age of Limits. New York: Verso, 1991.
    • Tom Shippey, ed. Fictional Space: Essays on Contemporary Science Fiction. Oxford: Blackwell, 1991.


    • Special Issue: "Science Fiction by Women." SFS 17 (July 1990): 129-258.
    • Special Issue: "Doris Lessing." Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts. 2.3 (1990): 2-62.
    • Everett F. Bleiler. Science-Fiction, the Early Years: A Full Description of more than 3000 Science-Fiction Stories from Earliest Times to the Appearance of the Genre Magazines in 1930, with Author, Title, and Motif Indexes. Kent, OH: Kent State UP, 1990.
    • Roger Bozzetto. "Kepler's Somnium; or Science Fiction's Missing Link." SFS 17.3 (Nov. 1990): 370-382.
    • William Butcher. Verne's Journey to the Centre of the Self. London: Macmillan, 1990.
    • Thomas D. Clareson. Understanding Comtemporary American Science Fiction. Columbia, SC: U of South Carolina P, 1990.
    • Philip John Davies, ed. Science Fiction, Social Conflict, and War. Manchester: Manchester UP, 1990.
    • Eric Garber and Lyn Paleo. Uranian Worlds: A Reader's Guide to Alternative Sexuality in Science Fiction and Fantasy, 2nd. ed. Boston: Hall, 1990.
    • Karl S. Guthke. The Last Frontier: Imagining Other Worlds From the Copernican Revolution to Modern Science Fiction. Ithaca, NY: Cornell UP, 1990.
    • N. Katherine Hayles. Chaos Bound. Orderly Disorder in Contemporary Literature and Science. Ithaca, NY: Cornell UP, 1990.
    • Veronica Hollinger. "Cybernetic Deconstructions: Cyberpunk and Postmodernism." Mosaic 23.2 (Spring 1990): 29-44.
    • Damon Knight. "Beauty, Stupidity, Injustice, and Science Fiction." Monad: Essays on Science Fiction 1 (September 1990): 67-88.
    • Annette Kuhn, ed. Alien Zone: Cultural Theory and Contemporary Science Fiction Cinema. New York: Verso, 1990.
    • Andrew Martin. The Mask of the Prophet: The Extraordinary Fictions of Jules Verne. Oxford: Clarendon, 1990.
    • Larry McCaffery, ed. Across the Wounded Galaxies: Interviews with Contemporary American Science Fiction Writers. Urbana: U of Illinois P, 1990.
    • Thomas J. Roberts. An Aesthetics of Junk Fiction. Athens: Georgia UP, 1990.
    • Norman Spinrad. Science Fiction in the Real World. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 1990.


    • Special Issue: "Forum on Science Fiction Film" Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts 2 (Summer 1989): 3-107.
    • Special Issue: "Science Fiction in France." SFS 16 (November 1989): 251-368.
    • Arthur C. Clarke. Astounding Days: A Science Fictional Autobiography. 1989. New York: Bantam, 1990.
    • Csicsery-Ronay, Istvan, Jr. "Cyberpunk and Neuromanticism." Mississippi Review 47/48 no. 2-3, 1989. (Reprinted in In the Reality Studio: A Casebook of Cyberpunk and Postmodern Fiction, Larry McCaffery, ed. Duke University Press, 1991.)
    • Robert A. Heinlein. Grumbles from the Grave, ed. Virginia Heinlein. New York: Ballantine, 1989.
    • John Huntington. Rationalizing Genius: Ideological Strategies in the Classic American Science Fiction Short Story. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers UP, 1989.
    • Ursula K. Le Guin. Dancing at the Edge of the World: Thoughts on Words, Women, Places. New York: Grove, 1989.
    • Patrick A. McCarthy, Charles Elkins, and Martin Harry Greenberg, eds. The Legacy of Olaf Stapledon: Critical Essays and an Unpublished Manuscript. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1989.
    • Alexei and Cory Panshin. The World beyond the Hill: Science Fiction and the Quest for Transcendence. Los Angeles: Tarcher, 1989.
    • John. J. Pierce. When World Views Collide: A Study in Imagination and Evolution. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1989.
    • Bruce Sterling. "Slipstream." Science Fiction Eye 1.5 (July 1989): 77-80.


    • Special Issue: "On Philip K. Dick." SFS 15 (July 1988): 121-233.
    • Special Issue: "Religion and Speculative Fiction." Extrapolation 29 (Winter 1988): 319-364.
    • Martha A. Bartter. The Way to Ground Zero: The Atomic Bomb in American Science Fiction. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1988.
    • Jean Bessière, ed. Modernités de Jules Verne. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1988.
    • John Clute. Strokes: Essays and Reviews, 1966-1986. Seattle: Serconia, 1988.
    • Robert A. Collins and Robert Latham, eds. Science Fiction and Fantasy Book Review Annual: 1988. Westport, CT: Meckler, 1988. 1989 volume also published by Meckler; 1990 and 1991 volumes published by Greenwood.
    • Samuel R. Delany. The Motion of Light in Water. New York: Arbor, 1988. Revised and expanded as The Motion of Light in Water: East Village Sex and Science Fiction Writing: 1960-65; with the Column at the Market's Edge. 1990.
    • Arthur B. Evans. Jules Verne Rediscovered: Didacticism and the Scientific Novel. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1988.
    • H. Bruce Franklin. War Stars: The Superweapon and the American Imagination. New York: Oxford UP, 1988.
    • James Gunn, ed. The New Encyclopedia of Science Fiction. New York: Viking, 1988.
    • Karl Kroeber. Romantic Fantasy and Science Fiction. New Haven: Yale UP, 1988.
    • Sarah Lefanu. In the Chinks of the World Machine: Feminism and Science Fiction. London: The Women's Press, 1988.
    • Cornel Robu. "A Key to Science Fiction: The Sublime." Foundation: The Review of Science Fiction 42 (Spring 1988): 21-37.
    • Norbert Spehner. Ecrits sur la science-fiction. Longueuil, Canada: Le Préambule, 1988.
    • Darko Suvin. Positions and Presuppositions in Science Fiction. Kent, OH: Kent State UP, 1988.


    • Special Issue: "Cyberpunk." Science Fiction Eye 1 (Winter 1987): 4-69.
    • Special Issue: "Philip K. Dick." Science Fiction Eye 1 (August 1987): 39-54.
    • Special Issue: "Critical Approaches to Science Fiction: Retrospects and Prospects." SFS 14 (July 1987): 131-240.
    • Special Issue: "Science-Fiction Film." SFS 14 (November 1987): 291-391.
    • Paul K. Alkon. Origins of Futuristic Fiction. Athens, GA: U of Georgia P, 1987.
    • Marleen S. Barr, Alien to Femininity: Speculative Fiction and Feminist Theory. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1987.
    • Paul Brians. Nuclear Holocausts: Atomic War in Fiction, 1895-1984. Kent, OH: Kent State UP, 1987.
    • David Dowling. Fictions of Nuclear Disaster. Iowa City: U of Iowa P, 1987.
    • Fredric Jameson. "Science Fiction as a Spatial Genre: Generic Discontinuities and the Problem of Figuration in Vonda McIntyre's The Exile Waiting." SFS 14.1 (March 1987): 44-59.
    • David Ketterer. Imprisoned in a Tesseract: The Life and Work of James Blish. Kent, OH: Kent State UP, 1987.
    • Stanislaw Lem. "On Stapledon's Starmaker." SFS 14.1 (March 1987): 1-8.
    • Brian McHale. Postmodernist Fiction. New York: Methuen, 1987.
    • John J. Pierce, Foundations of Science Fiction: A Study in Imagination and Evolution. Westport, CT: Greenwood. 1987.
    • -----. Great Themes of Science-Fiction: A Study in Imagination and Evolution. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1987.
    • Science Fiction Eye 1.1 (Winter 1987).
    • Vivian Sobchack. Screening Space: The American Science Fiction Film. New York: Ungar, 1987.
    • Brian Stableford. The Sociology of Science Fiction. San Bernardino CA: Borgo, 1987.
    • Carl Yoke, ed. Phoenix from the Ashes: The Literature of the Remade World. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1987.


    • Special Issue: "Nuclear War and Science Fiction." SFS 13 (July 1986): 115-199.
    • Special Issue: "Stanislaw Lem." SFS 13 (November 1986): 235-391.
    • Brian W. Aldiss with David Wingrove. Trillion Year Spree: The History of Science Fiction. London: Gollancz, 1986.
    • Claude Aziza and Jacques Goimard. Encyclopédie de poche de la science-fiction. Paris: Presses Pocket, 1986.
    • William Sims Bainbridge. Dimensions of Science Fiction. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1986.
    • Frederick A. Kreuziger. The Religion of Science Fiction. Bowling Green, OH: Bowling Green State U Popular P, 1986.
    • Stanislaw Lem. "On Stapledon's Last and First Men." SFS 13.3 (Nov. 1986): 272-91.
    • Colin Manlove. Science Fiction: Ten Explorations. Kent, OH: Kent State UP, 1986.
    • Tom Moylan. Demand the Impossible: Science Fiction and the Utopian Imagination. New York: Methuen, 1986.
    • Palumbo, Donald, ed. Eros in the Mind's Eye: Sexuality and the Fantastic in Art and Film. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1986.
    • -----, ed. Erotic Universe: Sexuality and Fantastic Literature. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1986.
    • George E. Slusser and Eric S. Rabkin, eds. Hard Science Fiction. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois UP, 1986.
    • Bruce Sterling. "Preface." In Mirrorshades: The Cyberpunk Anthology, ed. Bruce Sterling. New York: Arbor, 1986. vii-xiv.
    • Michael Swanwick. "A User's Guide to the Postmoderns." Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine 10 (August 1986): 20-53.
    • Gary K. Wolfe. Critical Terms for Science Fiction and Fantasy: A Glossary and Guide to Scholarship. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1986.


    • Algis Budrys. Benchmarks: Galaxy Bookshelf. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois UP, 1985.
    • John W. Campbell, Jr. The John W. Campbell Letters, Volume 1. Edited by Perry A. Chapdelaine, Sr., Tony Chapdelaine, and George Hay. Franklin, TN: AC Project, 1985.
    • Thomas D. Clareson. Some Kind of Paradise: The Emergence of American Science Fiction. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1985.
    • Luk De Vos, ed. Just the Other Day: Essays on the Suture of the Future. Antwerp: Restant, 1985.
    • Donna J. Haraway. "A Cyborg Manifesto: Science, Technology, and Socialist-Feminism in the Late Twentieth Century." 1985. Rpt. in Simians, Cyborgs, and Women: The Reinvention of Nature. New York: Routledge, 1991: 149-181.
    • David G. Hartwell. Age of Wonders: Exploring the World of Science Fiction. 1984. New York: McGraw, 1985. Rpt. and expanded, New York: Tor, 1996.
    • Donald M. Hassler and Carl B. Yoke, eds. Death and the Serpent: Immortality in Science Fiction and Fantasy. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1985.
    • Leonid Heller. Vselennaia za predelom dogmy: Razmyshleniia o sovetskoi fantastike. London: Overseas, 1985.
    • Patrick L. McGuire. Red Stars: Political Aspects of Soviet Science Fiction. Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Research Press, 1985.
    • David Porush. The Soft Machine: Cybernetic Fiction. New York: Metheun, 1985.
    • George Slusser and Eric S. Rabkin, eds. Shadows of the Magic Lamp: Fantasy and Science Fiction in Film. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois UP, 1985.
    • Brian Stableford. Scientific Romance in Britain, 1890-1950. New York: St. Martin's, 1985.
    • Marcel Thaon, Gérard Klein, Jacques Goimard, et al., eds. Science-fiction et psychanalyse: l'imaginaire social de la science-fiction. Paris: Dunod, 1985.
    • Marshall Tymn and Mike Ashley, eds. Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Weird Fiction Magazines. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1985.


    • Special Section: "To 1984 and Beyond." SFS 12 (July 1985): 113-183.
    • Thomas D. Clareson. Science Fiction in America, 1870-1930s: An Annotated Bibliography. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1984.
    • Gérard Cordesse. La nouvelle science-fiction américaine. Paris: Aubier, 1984.
    • Philippe Brun. Robida: sa vie, son oeuvre. Paris: Promodis, 1984.
    • Samuel R. Delany. Starboard Wine: More Notes on the Language of Science Fiction. Pleasantville, NY: Dragon, 1984.
    • Harlan Ellison. Sleepless Nights in the Procrustean Bed: Essays. Edited by Marty Clark. San Bernardino, CA: Borgo, 1984.
    • William B. Fischer. The Empire Strikes Out: Kurd Lasswitz, Hans Dominik, and the Development of German Science Fiction. Bowling Green, OH: Bowling Green State U Popular P, 1984.
    • Phil Hardy, ed. Science Fiction. London: Aurum, 1984. 2nd ed., 1991. Rpt. as The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction Movies. Minneapolis: Woodbury, 1986. 2nd ed. rpt. as The Overlook Film Encyclopedia: Science Fiction, 1994.
    • Kathryn Hume. Fantasy and Mimesis: Responses to Reality in Western Literature. New York: Methuen, 1984.
    • Fredric Jameson. "Postmodernism, or, the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism." New Left Review 146 (July/August 1984): 53-94.
    • Stanislaw Lem. Microworlds: Writings on Science Fiction and Fantasy. Ed. Franz Rottensteiner. New York: Harcourt, 1984.
    • Peter Nicholls. The World of Fantastic Films: An Illustrated Survey. New York: Dodd, 1984.
    • Everett C. Wilkie, Jr. "Mercier's L'An 2440: Its Publishing History During the Author's Lifetime." Harvard Library Bulletin 32.1 (Winter 1984): 5-35.
    • Jack Williamson. Wonder's Child: My Life in Science Fiction. New York: Bluejay, 1984.


    • Special Issue: "Science Fiction in the Nineteenth Century." SFS 10 (July 1983): 123-190.
    • Special Section: "Extraliterary Forms of Science Fiction." SFS 10 (November 1983): 261-305.
    • Richard D. Erlich and Thomas P. Dunn, eds. Clockwork Worlds: Mechanized Environments in SF. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1983.
    • Colin Greenland. The Entropy Exhibition: Michael Moorcock and the British "New Wave" in Science Fiction. London: Routledge, 1983.
    • Peter Nicholls, David Langford, and Brian Stableford. The Science in Science Fiction. New York: Knopf, 1983.
    • Charles Platt. Dream Makers, Vol. II: The Uncommon Men and Women Who Write Science Fiction. New York: Berkley, 1983.
    • Darko Suvin. Victorian Science Fiction in the UK: The Discourses of Knowledge and of Power. Boston: Hall, 1983.


    • Special Issue: "Utopia and Anti-Utopia." SFS 9 (July 1982): 115-220.
    • Special Issue: "The Science Fiction of Olaf Stapledon." SFS 9 (November 1982): 235-321.
    • Algis Budrys. "Nonliterary Influences on Science Fiction." In Science Fiction Dialogues, ed. Gary K. Wolfe. Chicago: Academy, 1982. 58-70.
    • Everett F. Bleiler, ed. Science Fiction Writers: Critical Studies of the Major Authors From the Early Nineteenth Century to the Present Day. New York: Scribner, 1982. 2nd edition, ed. Richard Bleiler, New York: Scribner, 1999.
    • Frank Cioffi. Formula Fiction? An Anatomy of American Science Fiction, 1930-1940. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1982.
    • David Cowart and Thomas L. Wymer. Twentieth Century American Science-Fiction Writers. Dictionary of Literary Biography, vol. 8. Detroit: Gale, 1981.
    • Thomas P. Dunn and Richard D. Erlich, eds. The Mechanical God: Machines in Science Fiction. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1982.
    • Casey Fredericks. The Future of Eternity: Mythologies of Science Fiction and Fantasy. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1982.
    • James Gunn. Isaac Asimov: The Foundations of Science Fiction. NY: Oxford UP, 1982. Rev. Ed. 1996.
    • Donald M. Hassler. Comic Tones in Science Fiction: The Art of Compromise with Nature. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1982.
    • Horst Heidtmann. Utopisch-phantastische Literatur in der DDR. Munich: Fink, 1982.
    • John Huntington. The Logic of Fantasy: H.G. Wells and Science Fiction. New York: Columbia UP, 1982.
    • Fredric Jameson. "Progress Versus Utopia, or Can We Imagine the Future?" SFS 9.2 (July 1982): 147-158.
    • Barry N. Malzberg. The Engines of the Night: Science Fiction in the Eighties. 1982. New York: Bluejay, 1984.
    • Tom Staicar, ed. The Feminine Eye: Science Fiction and the Women Who Write It. New York: Ungar, 1982.
    • W. Warren Wagar. Terminal Visions: The Literature of Last Things. Bloomington, IN: Indiana UP, 1982.


    • Special Section: "Science Fiction Through H.G. Wells." SFS 8 (March 1981): 1-53.
    • Isaac Asimov. Asimov on Science Fiction. Garden City: Doubleday, 1981.
    • Marleen S. Barr, ed. Future Females: A Critical Anthology. Bowling Green, OH: Bowling Green State U Popular P, 1981.
    • Christine Brooke-Rose. A Rhetoric of the Unreal: Studies in Narrative and Structure, Especially of the Fantastic. New York: Cambridge UP, 1981.
    • Rosemary Jackson. Fantasy: The Literature of Subversion. New York: Methuen, 1981.
    • Mark Rose. Alien Encounters: Anatomy of Science Fiction. Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP, 1981.


    • Special Issue: "Science Fiction on Women--Science Fiction by Women." SFS 7 (March 1980): 1-72.
    • Special Issue: "Science Fiction and the Non-Print Media." SFS 7 (November 1980): 245-329.
    • Algis Budrys. "Paradise Charted." TriQuarterly 49 (1980): 5-75.
    • H. Bruce Franklin. Robert A. Heinlein: America as Science Fiction. New York: Oxford UP, 1980.
    • Vladimir Gakov. Vitok sprirali: (Zarubezhnaia nauchnaia fantastika 60-70kh godov). Moskva: Znanie, 1980.
    • Ursula K. Le Guin, The Language of the Night: Essays on Fantasy and Science Fiction. Ed. Susan Wood. New York: Perigee, 1980.
    • Florin Manolescu. Literatura SF. Bucharest: Univers, 1980.
    • Walter E. Meyers. Aliens and Linguists: Language Study and Science Fiction. Athens, GA: U of Georgia P, 1980.
    • Chris Morgan. The Shape of Futures Past: The Story of Prediction. Exeter, England: Webb, 1980.
    • Sam Moskowitz. Science Fiction in Old San Francisco, Volume I: History of the Movement from 1854 to 1890. Kingston, RI: Grant, 1980.
    • Patrick Parrinder. Science Fiction: Its Criticism and Teaching. London: Methuen, 1980.
    • Charles Platt. Dream Makers: The Uncommon People Who Write Science Fiction. New York: Berkley, 1980.
    • Luigi Russo, ed. La Fantascienza e la critica. Milan: Feltrinelli, 1980.
    • Langley A. Searles. "Books on Science-Fiction, 1937-1973: A Critical Evaluation." Essays in Arts and Sciences 9.2 (August 1980): 157-202.
    • George E. Slusser, George R. Guffey, and Mark Rose, eds. Bridges to Science Fiction. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois UP, 1980.
    • Vivian Sobchack. The Limits of Infinity: The American Science Fiction Film, 1950-1975. S. Brunswick, NJ: Barnes, 1980. Rpt. and expanded as Screening Space: The American Science Fiction Film. New York: Ungar, 1987.
    • Patricia S. Warrick. The Cybernetic Imagination in Science Fiction. Cambridge, MA: M.I.T, 1980.
    • Jack Williamson, ed. Teaching Science Fiction: Education for Tomorrow. Philadelphia: Owlswick, 1980.
    • Andrzej Zgorzelski. Fantastyka. Utopia. Science Fiction. Ze studiów nad rozwojem gatunków. Warsaw: Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 1980.


    • Marc Angenot. "The Absent Paradigm: An Introduction to the Semiotics of Science Fiction." Science-Fiction Studies 6.1 (March 1979): 9-19.
    • Igor and Grichka Bogdanoff. L'Effet science-fiction: à la recherche d'une définition. Paris: Robert Laffont. 1979
    • I.F. Clarke. The Pattern of Expectation: 1644-2001. New York: Basic, 1979.
    • Frank N. Magill, ed. Survey of Science Fiction Literature. 5 volumes. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Salem, 1979.
    • Michael Moorcock. "New Worlds: A Personal History." Foundation: The Review of Science Fiction 15 (January 1979): 5-18.
    • Peter Nicholls, ed. The Science Fiction Encyclopedia. Garden City, New York: Doubleday, 1979.
    • Patrick Parrinder. Science Fiction: A Critical Guide. London: Longmans, 1979.
    • Eric S. Rabkin. Arthur C. Clarke. Starmont Reader's Guide 1. West Linn, OR: Starmont, 1979.
    • Rob Reginald. Science Fiction and Fantasy Literature: A Checklist, 1700-1974. 2 vols. Detroit: Gale, 1979.
    • Lyman Tower Sargent. British and American Utopian Literature 1516-1986. Boston: Hall, 1979. Enlarged and expanded in 2nd ed., New York: Garland, 1988.
    • Darko Suvin. Metamorphoses of Science Fiction: On the Poetics and History of a Literary Genre. New Haven: Yale UP, 1979.
    • Louis-Vincent Thomas. Civilisation et divagations: mort, fantasmes, science-fiction. Paris: Payot, 1979.
    • Gary K. Wolfe. The Known and the Unknown: The Iconography of Science Fiction. Kent, OH: Kent State UP, 1979.


    • Hilary Bailey. "Some Corner of a Funny Field." Foundation: The Review of Science Fiction 13 (May 1978): 78-83.
    • John Brosnan. Future Tense: The Cinema of Science Fiction. London: Macdonald, 1978.
    • William Contento. Index to Science Fiction Anthologies and Collections. Boston: Hall, 1978.
    • Harlan Ellison. The Book of Ellison. Ed. Andrew Porter. New York: ALGOL, 1978.
    • Takashi Ishikawa and Norio Itoh, eds. Sekai no SF Bungaku S´kaisetsu. Tokyo: Kokuminsha, 1978. Revised and expanded ed., 1986.
    • Bertrand Méheust. Science-fiction et soucoupes volantes. Paris: Mercure, 1978.
    • R.D. Mullen and Darko Suvin. Science-Fiction Studies: Selected Articles on Science Fiction 1976-1977. Boston: Gregg, 1978.
    • Frederik Pohl. The Way the Future Was: A Memoir. 1978. New York: Ballantine, 1979.
    • Boris Vian. Cinéma/science-fiction. Paris: Bourbons, 1978.


    • Special Issue: "The Sociology of Science Fiction." SFS 4 (November 1977): 223-308.
    • Special Issue: "Utopias." Extrapolation 19 (December 1977): 2-96.
    • Paul A. Carter. The Creation of Tomorrow: Fifty Years of Magazine Science Fiction. New York: Columbia UP, 1977.
    • Thomas D. Clareson, ed. Many Futures, Many Worlds. Kent, OH: Kent State UP, 1977.
    • Mary Elizabeth Bowen. "Introduction." In Louis-Sebastien Mercier, Memoirs of the Year 2500. 1770-71. Boston: Gregg, 1977. v-xxv.
    • Samuel R. Delany. The Jewel-Hinged Jaw: Notes on the Language of Science Fiction. Elizabethtown, New York: Dragon, 1977.
    • Luk De Vos, ed. Science Fiction: Status of Status Quo? Antwerp: Restant, 1977.
    • Gérard Klein. Malaise dans la science-fiction. Metz: Aube Enclavée, 1977.
    • Damon Knight. The Futurians: The Story of the Great Science Fiction "Family" of the 30s That Produced Today's Top SF Writers and Editors. New York: Day, 1977.
    • Sam J. Lundwall. Science Fiction: An Illustrated History. 1977. New York: Grosset, 1978.
    • Joseph P. Olander and Martin Harry Greenberg, eds. Isaac Asimov. Writers of the 21st Century. New York: Taplinger, 1977.
    • Patrick Parrinder. "The Black Wave: Science and Social Consciousness in Modern Science Fiction." Radical Science Journal 5 (1977): 37-61.
    • Robert Scholes and Eric S. Rabkin. Science Fiction: History/Science/Vision. New York: Oxford UP, 1977.
    • Darko Suvin and Robert M. Philmus, eds. H.G. Wells and Modern Science Fiction. Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell UP, 1977.


    • Special Issue: "Science Fiction before Wells." SFS 3 (November 1976): 219-286.
    • Michael Ashley. "Introduction: From Bomb to Boom." In The History of the Science Fiction Magazines, Volume III: 1946-1955, ed. Michael Ashley. London: New English, 1976. Chicago: Contemporary, 1977. 13-109.
    • Neil Barron, ed. Anatomy of Wonder: Science Fiction. New York: Bowker, 1976. Subsequent editions in 1981, 1987, and 1995.
    • Mary Elizabeth Bowen. "Introduction." In David Russen, Iter Lunare, or A Voyage to the Moon. 1703. Boston: Gregg, 1976. v-xiv.
    • Reginald Bretnor, ed. The Craft of Science Fiction. New York: Harper, 1976.
    • Thomas D. Clareson, ed. Voices for the Future. Bowling Green, OH: Bowling Green State U Popular P, 1976.
    • Lester del Rey. The World of Science Fiction, 1926-1976: The History of a Subculture. New York: Garland, 1976. Rpt. New York: Ballantine, 1979.
    • William B. Fischer, "German Theories of Science Fiction: Jean Paul, Kurd Lasswitz, and After." SFS 3.3 (Nov. 1976): 254-64.
    • Jack Benoit Gohn. Kingsley Amis: A Checklist. Kent, OH: Kent State UP, 1976.
    • Sam Moskowitz. Strange Horizons: The Spectrum of Science Fiction. New York: Scribner, 1976.
    • R.D. Mullen and Darko Suvin. Science-Fiction Studies: Selected Articles on Science Fiction 1973-1975. Boston: Gregg, 1976.
    • Alexei and Cory Panshin. SF in Dimension: A Book of Explorations. Chicago: Advent, 1976.
    • Eric S. Rabkin. The Fantastic in Literature. Princeton, NJ: Princeton UP, 1976.
    • Mark Rose, ed. Science Fiction: A Collection of Critical Essays. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1976.
    • The Science Fiction Writers of America. Writing and Selling Science Fiction. Cincinnati: Writer's Digest, 1976.
    • Brian Stableford. "William Wilson's Prospectus for Science Fiction: 1851." Foundation: The Review of Science Fiction 10 (June 1976): 6-13.
    • Harry Warner, Jr. A Wealth of Fable: The History of Science Fiction Fandom in the 1950s. New York: Fanhistorica, 1976.


    • Special Issue: "The Science Fiction of Philip K. Dick." SFS 2 (March 1975): 3-75.
    • Special Issue: "The Science Fiction of Ursula K. Le Guin." SFS 2 (November 1975): 203-274.
    • Brian Aldiss. Science Fiction Art. New York: Crown, 1975.
    • ----- and Harry Harrison, eds. Hell's Cartographers: Some Personal Histories of Science Fiction Writers. London: Weidenfeld, 1975.
    • Brian Ash. Faces of the Future: The Lessons of Science Fiction. New York: Taplinger, 1975.
    • Michael Ashley. "Introduction: SF Bandwaggon." In The History of the Science Fiction Magazines, Volume II: 1936-1945, ed. Michael Ashley. 11-76. London: New English, 1975. Rpt. Chicago: Regnery, 1976.
    • J.G. Ballard. "Introduction." In his French edition of Crash, 1975. Rpt. in English in J.G. Ballard. San Francisco: Re/Search 8-9, 1984. 96-98.
    • Philip K. Dick. "(Unpublished) Foreword to The Preserving Machine." SFS 2.1 (March 1975): 22-24.
    • -----. "Man, Android, and Machine." Lecture delivered at London's Institute of Contemporary Art. First pub. in Science Fiction at Large, ed. Peter Nicholls (London: Gollancz, 1976). Rpt. in The Dark-Haired Girl. Willimantic, CT: Ziesing, 1988. 199-231.
    • Harlan Ellison. The Other Glass Teat: Further Essays of Opinion on Television. New York: Pyramid, 1975.
    • James E. Gunn. Alternate Worlds: The Illustrated History of Science Fiction. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1975.
    • Robert M. Philmus and David Y. Hughes, eds. Early Writings in Science and Science Fiction by H.G. Wells. Berkeley: U. of California P, 1975.
    • Franz Rottensteiner. The Science Fiction Book: An Illustrated History. New York: Seabury, 1975.
    • Joanna Russ. "Toward an Aesthetic of Science Fiction." SFS 1:4 (1974): 255-69.
    • Robert Scholes. Structural Fabulation: An Essay on Fiction of the Future. Notre Dame, IN: U of Notre Dame P, 1975.
    • Seavey, Ormond. "Introduction." In Richard Adams Locke, The Moon Hoax, 1859. Boston: Gregg, 1975. vii-xxxvi.
    • Donald H. Tuck. The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy through 1968: A Bibliographic Survey of the Fields of Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Weird Fiction through 1968. 3 vols. Chicago: Advent, 1974. 2nd ed. 1982.
    • A.E. van Vogt. Reflections of A.E. van Vogt: The Autobiography of a Science Fiction Giant. Lakemont, GA: Fictioneer, 1975.


    • Michael Ashley. "Introduction: An Amazing Experiment." In The History of the Science Fiction Magazines, Volume I: 1926-1935, ed. Michael Ashley. London: New English, 1974. 11-51. Rpt. Chicago: Regnery, 1976.
    • Reginald Bretnor, ed. Science Fiction: Today and Tomorrow. New York: Harper, 1974.
    • Boris Eizykman. Science-fiction et capitalisme. Tours: Mame, 1974.
    • Fredric Jameson. "After Armageddon: Character Systems in Dr. Bloodmoney." SFS 5 (1974): 31-42.
    • David Ketterer. New Worlds for Old: The Apocalyptic Imagination, Science Fiction, and American Literature. Bloomington, IN: Indiana UP, 1974.
    • David N. Samuelson. Visions of Tomorrow: Six Journeys From Outer to Inner Space. New York: Arno, 1974.
    • Michel Serres. Jouvences sur Jules Verne. Paris: Minuit, 1974.


    • Brian Aldiss. Billion Year Spree. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1973.
    • Fredric Jameson. "Generic Discontinuities in SF: Brian Aldiss' Starship." SFS 1.2 (1973): 57-68.
    • R.D. Mullen. "The Prudish Prurience of H. Rider Haggard and Edgar Rice Burroughs." Riverside Quarterly 6.1-6.2 (Aug. 1973, April 1974): 4-19, 134-46.
    • Jean Jules-Verne. Jules Verne. Paris: Hachette, 1973. Rpt. in English as Jules Verne: A Biography, trans. Roger Greaves. New York: Taplinger, 1976.
    • Jacques Sadoul. Histoire de la science-fiction moderne. 2 vols. Paris: Albin Michel, 1973.
    • Jacques Van Herp. Panorama de la science-fiction. Verviers, Belgium: Marabout, 1973.


    • Philip K. Dick. "The Android and the Human." Guest of Honor Speech at Vancouver SF Convention. First pub. in SF Commentary in December 1972. Rpt. in The Dark-Haired Girl. Willimantic, CT: Ziesing, 1988. 121-162.
    • Manfred Nagl. Science Fiction in Deutschland: Untersuchungen zur Genese, Soziographie, und Ideologie der phantastischen Massenliteratur. Tübingen: Tübingen Vereinigung für Volkstunde, 1972.
    • Patrick Parrinder, ed. H. G. Wells: The Critical Heritage. London: Routledge, 1972.
    • Pierre Versins. L'Encyclopédie de l'utopie, des voyages extraordinaires et de la science-fiction. Lausanne, Switzerland: Editions L'Age d'Homme, 1972. 2nd ed. (with index), 1984.


    • Henri Baudin. La Science-fiction: un univers en expansion. Paris: Bordas, 1971.
    • Jean Chesneaux. Une lecture politique de Jules Verne. Paris: Maspero, 1971. Rpt. in English as The Political and Social Ideas of Jules Verne. London: Thames, 1972.
    • Thomas D. Clareson. SF: The Other Side of Realism. Bowling Green, OH: Bowling Green U Popular P, 1971.
    • M. John Harrison. "A Literature of Comfort." In New Worlds Quarterly, ed. Michael Moorcock. New York Berkley, 1971. 182-190.
    • Raymond Trousson. "Introduction." In Louis-Sébastien Mercier, L'An deux mille quatre cent quarante, ed. Raymond Trousson. Paris: Ducros, 1971. 7-73.
    • Donald A. Wollheim. The Universe Makers: Science Fiction Today. New York: Harper, 1971.


    • Roland Barthes. "Par où commencer?" Poétique 1 (février 1970): 3-9.
    • John Baxter. Science Fiction in the Cinema. New York: Barnes, 1970.
    • James Blish. [as William Atheling, Jr.] More Issues at Hand. Chicago: Advent, 1970.
    • Anatolii Fedorovich Britikov. Russkii sovetskii nauchno-fantasticheskii roman. Leningrad: Nauka, 1970.
    • Erica Harth. Cyrano de Bergerac and the Polemics of Modernity. New York: Columbia UP, 1970.
    • Sam Moskowitz. Under the Moons of Mars: A History and Anthology of "Scientific Romance" in the Munsey Magazines, 1912-1920. New York: Holt, 1970.
    • R.D. Mullen. "Edgar Rice Burroughs and the Fate Worse than Death." Riverside Quarterly 4.3 (June 1970): 186-91.
    • Robert M. Philmus. Into the Unknown: Science Fiction from Francis Godwin to H.G. Wells. Berkeley: U of Califomia P, 1970.
    • Carlo Pagetti. Il Senso del futuro. La fantascienza nella letteratura americana. Roma: Ed di storia e letteratura, 1970.
    • Tzvetan Todorov. Introduction à la littérature fantastique. Paris: Seuil, 1970. Rpt. in English as The Fantastic: A Structural Approach to a Literary Genre, trans. Richard Howard. Cleveland: Case Western Reserve UP, 1973.


    • Harlan Ellison. "Introduction: The Waves in Rio." In The Beast That Shouted Love at the Heart of the World. New York: Avon, 1969. 9-14.
    • Sam J. Lundwall. Science Fiction--Från begynnelsen till våra dagar. Sweden, 1969. Rpt. in English as Science Fiction: What It's All About. New York: Ace, 1971.
    • Franz Rottensteiner. "Kurd Lasswitz: A German Pioneer of S.F." Riverside Quarterly 4.1 (August 1969): 4-18.
    • Harry Warner, Jr. All Our Yesterdays: An Informal History of Science Fiction Fandom in the Forties. Chicago: Advent, 1969.


    • W.H.G. Armytage. Yesterday's Tomorrows: A Historical Survey of Future Societies. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 1968.
    • John W. Campbell, Jr. "Science Fiction We Can Buy." The Writer 81 (September 1968): 27-28.
    • André Carneiro. Introdução ao estudo da "science-fiction'. Saõ Paolo: Consenhlo estudual de cultura comissao de litteratura, 1968.
    • R.D. Mullen. "Blish, van Vogt, and the Uses of Spengler." Riverside Quarterly 3.3 (Aug. 1968): 172-86.
    • Alexei Panshin. Heinlein in Dimension. Chicago: Advent, 1968.


    • Kingsley Amis. "A Cosmic Despair." New York Times Book Review 22 (Oct. 1967): 6, 60.
    • Harlan Ellison. "Introduction: Thirty-Two Soothsayers." In Dangerous Visions, ed. Harlan Ellison. Garden City: Doubleday, 1967.
    • Mark R. Hillegas. The Future as Nightmare: H.G. Wells and the Anti-Utopians. New York: Oxford UP, 1967.
    • Stanislaw Lem. Fantastyka i futurologia. Krakow: Wydawnictwo Literackie, 1970.
    • Judith Merril. "Introduction." In SF: The Best of the Best, ed. Judith Merril. New York: Dell, 1967.
    • R.D. Mullen. "H.G. Wells and Victor Rousseau Emanuel." Extrapolation 8.2 (May 1967): 31-63.
    • Robert Scholes. The Fabulators. New York: Oxford UP, 1967.


    • J.G. Ballard. "The Coming of the Unconscious." New Worlds 164 (July 1966): 141-45.
    • John W. Campbell, Jr. Collected Editorials from Analog. Selected by Harry Harrison. Garden City, NJ: Doubleday, 1966.
    • I.F. Clarke. Voices Prophesying War: 1763-1984. London: Oxford UP, 1966, 2nd. ed., 1992.
    • H. Bruce Franklin. Future Perfect: American Science Fiction of the Nineteenth Century. New York: Oxford UP, 1966. Rpt. 1968. Revised 1970. Revised and expanded as Future Perfect: American Science Fiction in the Nineteenth Century--An Anthology. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers UP, 1995.
    • Pierre Macherey. "Jules Verne ou le récit en défaut." In his Pour une théorie de la production littéraire. Paris: Maspero, 1966. 183-266. Rpt. in English as "Jules Verne: The Faulty Narrative," in A Theory of Literary Production, trans. Geoffrey Wall. London: Routledge, 1978. 159-248.
    • Judith Merril. "What Do You Mean: Science? Fiction?" Extrapolation 7 (May 1966): 30-46; 8 (December 1966): 2-19. Rpt. in SF--The Other Side of Realism: Essays on Modern Fantasy and Science Fiction, ed. Thomas D. Clareson. Bowling Green, OH: Bowling Green U Popular P, 1971. 53-95.
    • Michael Moorcock. "Why So Conversative?" New Worlds SF 50, #166 (September 1966): 2-3, 156.
    • Sam Moskowitz. Seekers of Tomorrow: Masters of Modern Science Fiction. Cleveland: World, 1966.
    • Susan Sontag. "The Imagination of Disaster." In her Against Interpretation. New York: Farrar, 1966. 209-225.


    • James Blish. [as William Atheling, Jr.] The Issue at Hand. Chicago: Advent, 1964.
    • Pablo Capanna. El Sentido de la ciencia-ficcion. Buenos Aires: Columba, 1966.
    • Michael Moorcock. "A New Literature for the Space Age." New Worlds 142 (May-June 1964): 2-3.
    • Alva Rogers. A Requiem for Astounding. Chicago: Advent, 1964.


    • Julius Kagarlitski. The Life and Thought of H.G. Wells. 1963. Trans. Moura Budberg. London: Sidgwick, 1966.
    • Sam Moskowitz. Explorers of the Infinite: Shapers of Science Fiction. Cleveland: World, 1963.
    • Jack Williamson. H.G. Wells: Critic of Progress. Baltimore: Mirage, 1973 [originally a doctoral dissertation at the University of Colorado, 1963].


    • J.G. Ballard. "Which Way to Inner Space?" Guest editorial in New Worlds 118 (May 1962): 2-3, 116-18.
    • Lino Aldani. La Fantascienza: che cos'è, come è sorta, dove tende. Piacenza: Tribuna, 1962.
    • Chad Walsh. From Utopia to Nightmare. New York: Harper & Rowe, 1962.


    • Bernard Bergonzi. The Early H.G. Wells: A Study of the Scientific Romances. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 1961.
    • I.F. Clarke. The Tale of the Future from the Beginning to the Present Day: An Annotated Bibliography. London: Library, 1961. 2nd ed. 1972.
    • Hugo Gernsback. "Guest Editorial." Amazing Stories 36 (April 1961): 5-7, 93.
    • Mark R. Hillegas. "A Draft of the Science-Fiction Canon to be Proposed at the 1961 MLA Conference." Extrapolation 3 (December 1961): 26-30.
    • -----. "Dystopian Science Fiction: New Index to the Human Situation." New Mexico Quarterly 31.3 (Autumn 1961): 238-249.
    • W. Warren Wagar. H. G. Wells and the World State. New Haven: Yale UP, 1961.


    • Kingsley Amis. New Maps of Hell. A Survey of Science Fiction. New York: Harcourt, 1960.
    • Marcel Moré. Le Très curieux Jules Verne. Paris: NRF, 1960.


    • Maurice Blanchot. "Le Bon usage de la science-fiction." La Nouvelle Revue Française (Jan. 1959): 91-100.
    • John W. Campbell, Jr. "Non-Escape Literature." Astounding Science-Fiction 62 (February 1959): 5-7, 161-62.
    • Basil Davenport, ed. The Science Fiction Novel: Imagination and Social Criticism. Chicago: Advent, 1959.
    • Robert A. Heinlein. "Science Fiction: Its Nature, Faults, and Virtues." In The Science Fiction Novel: Imagination and Social Criticism, ed. Basil Davenport. Chicago: Advent, 1959.
    • C.M. Kornbluth. "The Failure of the Science Fiction Novel as Social Criticism." In The Science Fiction Novel: Imagination and Social Criticism, ed. Basil Davenport. Chicago: Advent, 1959.


    • Roger Lancelyn Green. Into Other Worlds: Space Flight in Fiction from Lucian to Lewis. New York: Abelard-Schuman, 1958.


    • Roland Barthes. "Nautilus et Bateau Ivre." In Mythologies. Paris: Seuil, 1957. 90-92. Rpt. in English as "The Nautilus and the Drunken Boat," trans. Annette Lavers. New York: Wang, 1972. 65-67.
    • John W. Campbell, Jr. "Science Fiction and the Opinion of the Universe." Saturday Review 39 (May 12, 1956): 9-10, 42-43.
    • Damon Knight. In Search of Wonder. Chicago: Advent, 1956. Revised and enlarged edition published in 1967.
    • Marjorie Hope Nicolson. Science and Imagination. Ithaca, NY: Cornell UP, 1956.
    • Raymond Williams. "Science Fiction." The Highway: Journal of the Workers' Educational Association 48 (Dec. 1956): 41-45.


    • Sam Moskowitz. The Immortal Storm: A History of Science Fiction Fandom. Atlanta: Atlanta Science Fiction Organization, 1954. Rpt. Westport, CT: Hyperion, 1974.


    • Reginald Bretnor, ed. Modern Science Fiction: Its Meaning and Its Future. New York: Coward, 1953. Rpt. Chicago: Advent, 1979.
    • Michel Butor. "La Crise de croissance de la science-fiction." Les Cahiers du Sud (mars 1953): 31-39. Rpt. in English as "Science Fiction: The Crisis of its Growth," trans. Robert Howard. Partisan Review 34 (Fall 1967): 595-602. Rpt. in SF: The Other Side of Realism, ed. Thomas D. Clareson. Bowling Green, OH: Bowling Green U Popular P, 1971. 157-65.
    • Hal Clement. "Whirligig World." Astounding Science-Fiction 51 (June, 1953): 102-114.
    • L. Sprague de Camp. Science Fiction Handbook: The Writing of Imaginative Fiction. New York: Hermitage House, 1953. Revised and republished by L. Sprague de Camp and Catherine Crook de Camp as Science Fiction Handbook--Revised: A Guide to Writing Imaginative Literature. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1975.
    • Hugo Gernsback. "The Impact of Science-Fiction on World Progress." Science-Fiction Plus 1 (March 1953): 2, 67.
    • -----. "The Science-Fiction Industry." Science-Fiction Plus 1 (May 1953): 2.
    • -----. "Science-Fiction Semantics." Science-Fiction Plus 1 (August 1953): 2.
    • -----. "Status of Science-Fiction: Snob Appeal or Mass Appeal?" Science-Fiction Plus 1 (December 1953): 2.


    • John W. Campbell, Jr. "Introduction." In Cloak of Aesir. 1952. New York: Lancer, 1952.
    • Hugo Gernsback. Evolution of Modern Science Fiction. New York, 1952.
    • Gotthard Günther. Die Entdeckung und die Sache der amerikanischen Weltraumliteratur. Düsseldorf: Kark Rauch, 1952.


    • H. L. Gold. "Step Outside." Galaxy 3 (November 1951): 2-3.
    • -----. "Yardstick for Science Fiction." Galaxy 1 (February 1951): 2-3.
    • Barbara Scott. "The Girls in Their Cosmic Dresses, or, The Thing of Shapes to Come." Rhodomagnetic Digest 3 (July-August 1951): 13-20.
    • Stéphan Spriel and Boris Vian. "Un nouveau genre littéraire: la science-fiction." Les Temps Modernes (Oct. 1951): 618-27.


    • Everett F. Bleiler and T.E. Dikty. "Preface." In The Best Science Fiction Stories: 1950, eds. Everett F. Bleiler and T.E. Dikty. New York: Fell, 1950.
    • Jean-Jacques Bridenne. La Littérature française d'imagination scientifique. Lausanne: Dassonville, 1950.
    • John W. Campbell, Jr. "Introduction." In Robert A. Heinlein, The Man Who Sold the Moon. Chicago: Shasta, 1950. 11-15.
    • H. L. Gold. "For Adults Only." Galaxy 1 (October 1950): 2-3.
    • Norman Siringer. "Literature and Science Fiction." Rhodomagnetic Digest 2 (August 1950): 19-22.


    • Everett F. Bleiler and T.E. Dikty. "Preface." In The Best Science Fiction Stories: 1949, eds. Everett F. Bleiler and T.E. Dikty. New York: Fell, 1949.
    • Michel Butor. "Le Point suprême et l'âge d'or à travers quelques oeuvres de Jules Verne." Arts et Lettres 15 (1949): 3-31. Rpt. in his Repertoire I. Paris: Minuit, 1960. 130-62.


    • Everett F. Bleiler. The Checklist of Fantastic Literature: A Bibliography of Fantasy, Weird and Science Fiction Books Published in the English Language. Chicago: Shasta, 1948. Revised and updated as The Checklist of Science-Fiction and Supernatural Fiction. Glen Rock, NJ: Firebell, 1978.
    • John W. Campbell, Jr. "The Science of Science-Fiction." Atlantic Monthly (May 1948): 97-98.
    • Marjorie Hope Nicolson. Voyages to the Moon. New York: Macmillan, 1948.


    • J.O. Bailey. Pilgrims Through Space and Time: Trends and Patterns in Scientific and Utopian Fiction. New York: Argus, 1947.
    • Lloyd Arthur Eshbach, ed. Of Worlds Beyond: The Science of Science Fiction Writing. Reading, PA: Fantasy, 1947. Rpt. Chicago: Advent, 1964.


    • Groff Conklin, ed. The Best of Science Fiction. New York: Crown, 1946, v-xi. Includes John W. Campbell, Jr.'s "Concerning Science Fiction" and an introduction by Conklin.


    • John W. Campbell, Jr. "Atomic Age." Astounding Science-Fiction 36 (November 1945): 5-6, 98.


    • John W. Campbell, Jr. "Too Good at Guessing." Astounding Science-Fiction 29 (April 1942): 6-7.


    • John W. Campbell, Jr. "History to Come." Astounding Science-Fiction 27 (May 1941): 5-6.
    • Philip Babcock Gove. The Imaginary Voyage in Prose Fiction. New York: Columbia UP, 1941. Rpt. New York: Arno, 1975.


    • Kenneth Allot. Jules Verne. London: Crescent, 1940.
    • John W. Campbell, Jr. "The Old Navy Game." Astounding Science-Fiction 25 (June 1940): 6.


    • John W. Campbell, Jr. "Future Tense." Astounding Science-Fiction 23 (June 1939): 6.


    • John W. Campbell, Jr. "Science-Fiction." Astounding Science-Fiction 21 (March 1938): 47.
    • Ray Palmer. "The Observatory by the Editor." Amazing Stories, 12 (June 1938): 8.


    • Clyde F. Beck. Hammer and Tongs. Lakeport, CA: Futile, 1937.
    • F. Orlin Tremaine. "The Growing Consciousness." Astounding Stories 19 (March 1937): 123.


    • Marjorie Hope Nicolson. "A World in the Moon: A Study of the Changing Attitude Toward the Moon in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries." Smith College Studies in Modern Languages 17.2 (1936): 1-72.
    • F. Orlin Tremaine. "Blazing New Trails." Astounding Stories 17 (August 1936): 153.
    • -----. "Ad Astra." Astounding Stories 18 (September 1936): 7.
    • Mort Weisinger. "The New Thrilling Wonder Stories." Thrilling Wonder Stories 8 (August 1936): 10.


    • Hugo Gernsback. "The Science Fiction League." Wonder Stories 5 (May 1934): 1061-1065.


    • Hugo Gernsback. "On Reprints." Wonder Stories Quarterly 4 (Winter 1933): 99.
    • H.G. Wells. "Preface." In The Scientific Romances of H.G. Wells. London: Gollancz, 1933. Published in the U.S. as Seven Famous Novels by H.G. Wells. New York: Knopf, 1934. vii-x. Rpt. as The Complete Science Fiction Treasury of H.G. Wells. New York: Avenel, 1978. Rpt. in Patrick Parrinder and Robert M. Philmus, eds., H.G. Wells's Literary Criticism. Sussex: Harvester, 1980. 240-245.


    • Hugo Gernsback. "Good News for Our Readers." Wonder Stories Quarterly 4 (Fall 1932): 5.
    • -----. "Reasonableness in Science Fiction." Wonder Stories 4 (December 1932): 585.


    • Hugo Gernsback. "Wonders of the Machine Age." Wonder Stories 3 (July 1931): 151-152, 286.
    • S. P. Meek. "The Pseudo-Scientific Story." Writer's Digest 11 (May 1931), 37-39, 69.
    • "The Reader Speaks" [letter column]. Wonder Stories 3 (June 1931): 132.


    • Harry Bates. "About Reprints." Astounding Stories of Super-Science 1 (July 1930): 134-135 [unsigned].
    • -----. "Editorial Number One: To Begin." Astounding Stories of Super-Science 1 (Jan. 1930). Rpt. in Alva Rogers, A Requiem for Astounding. Chicago: Advent, 1964. viii-xvi.
    • Hugo Gernsback. "How to Write 'Science' Stories." Writer's Digest 10 (February 1930): 27-29. Rpt. in SFS 21.2 (July 1994): 268-72.
    • -----. "Science Fiction vs. Science Faction." Wonder Stories Quarterly 2 (Fall 1930): 5.
    • -----. "Science Fiction Week." Science Wonder Stories 1 (May 1930): 1061.


    • Hugo Gernsback. "Air Wonder Stories." Air Wonder Stories 1 (July 1929): 5. Available on the Internet at
    • -----. "Science Wonder Stories." Science Wonder Stories 1 (June 1929): 5.
    • Régis Messac. "Voyages modernes au centre de la terre." Revue de Littérature comparée 9 (1929): 74-104.
    • T. O'Conor Sloane. "Amazing Stories." Amazing Stories 4 (May 1929): 103.
    • -----. "The Editor and the Reader." Amazing Stories 4 (September 1929): 485.


    • Marguerite Allotte de la Fuÿe. Jules Verne, sa vie, son oeuvre. Paris: Simon Kra, 1928. Rpt. in English as Jules Verne, trans. Erik de Mauny. London: Staples, 1954.
    • Hugo Gernsback. "The Rise of Scientifiction." Amazing Stories Quarterly 1 (Spring 1928): 147.
    • Maurice Renard. "Le Roman hypothèse." ABC (Dec. 15, 1928). Rpt. in his Romans et contes fantastiques. Paris: Laffont, "Bouquins," 1990. 1216-1218.
    • Jack Williamson. "Scientifiction, Searchlight of Science" [Guest editorial]. Amazing Stories Quarterly 1 (Fall 1928): 435.


    • Hugo Gernsback. "Amazing Youth." Amazing Stories 2 (October 1927): 625.
    • -----. "Idle Thoughts of a Busy Editor." Amazing Stories 1 (March 1927): 1085.


    • Anonymous blurb to The Island of Dr. Moreau. Amazing Stories 1 (October 1926): 637 [probably by either Gernsback or Sloane].
    • Hugo Gernsback. "Imagination and Reality." Amazing Stories 1 (October 1926): 579.
    • -----. "The Lure of Scientifiction." Amazing Stories 1 (June 1926): 195.
    • -----. "A New Sort of Magazine." Amazing Stories 1 (April 1926): 3.
    • -----. "Plausibility in Scientifiction." Amazing Stories 1 (November 1926): 675.
    • J. Morel. "Rosny Aîné et le merveilleux scientifique." Mercure de France 168 (1926): 82-94.


    • Geoffrey Atkinson. The Extraordinary Voyage in French Literature from 1700 to 1720. New York: Franklin, 1922.
    • Yevgeny Zamyatin. "H.G. Wells." In A Soviet Heretic: Essays by Yevgeny Zamyatin, ed. and trans. Mirra Ginsburg. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1970. 259-90.


    • George Allan England. "Facts about Fantasy." The Story World (July 1923). Rpt. in Darkness and Dawn. Westport, CT: Hyperion, 1974. i-vii.


    • Geoffrey Atkinson. The Extraordinary Voyage in French Literature before 1700. New York: Columbia UP, 1920.


    • Ralph E. Tieje. The Prose Voyage Imaginaire before 1800. Unpublished dissertation, U of Illinois, 1917. Portions reprinted in Gove, 90-91.
    • Dorothy Scarborough. "Supernatural Science." In The Supernatural in Modern English Fiction. New York: Putnam, 1917. 251-280.


    • J.D. Beresford. H.G. Wells. New York: Holt, 1915.
    • Hubert Matthey. "Le merveilleux-scientifique." In Essai sur le merveilleux dans la littérature française depuis 1800. Paris: Payot, 1915. 151-185.


    • Anonymous [probably Hugo Gernsback]. "Book Review [of Wicks's To Mars via the Moon]." Modern Electrics (Aug. 1911): 371.
    • Mark Wicks. "Preface." In To Mars via the Moon. New York: Lippincott, 1911. ix-xii.


    • Kurd Lasswitz. "Unser Recht auf Bewohner anderer Welten." Frankfurter Zeitung (Nov. 16, 1910). Reprinted in Empfundenes und Erkanntes. 1919. Portions reprinted in William B. Fischer, "German Theories of Science Fiction: Jean Paul, Kurd Lasswitz, and After," SFS 3.3 (Nov. 1976): 254-64.


    • Maurice Renard. "Du Merveilleux scientifique et de son influence sur l'intelligence du progrès." Le Spectateur (Oct. 1909). Rpt. in Maurice Renard, Romans et contes fantastiques. Paris: Laffont "Bouquins," 1990. 1205-1212. Rpt. in English as "On the Scientific-Marvellous Novel and Its Influence on the Understanding of Progress," trans. Arthur B. Evans. SFS 21.3 (Nov. 1994): 397-405.


    • Charles Lemire. Jules Verne. Paris: Berger-Levrault, 1908.


    • Anonymous. "Science in Romance," The Saturday Review 99 (April 1, 1905): 414-415.
    • G.K. Chesterton. "Mr. H.G. Wells and the Giants." In Heretics. London: Lane, 1905. Rpt. by Books for Libraries Press, 1970. 68-91.


    • Gordon Jones. "Jules Verne at Home," Temple Bar 129 (June 1904): 669-70.


    • Alfred Jarry. "De quelques romans scientifiques." La Plume 347-48 (Oct. 1-15, 1903): 431-32.
    • Robert H. Sherard. "Jules Verne Revisited." T.P.'s Weekly (Oct. 9, 1903): 589.


    • Walter Begley. "Bibliography of Romance from the Renaissance to the End of the Seventeenth Century." In Samuel Gott, Nova Solyma, the Ideal City, trans. Walter Begley. London: Murray, 1902. 355-400. Cited in Gove, 82-83.
    • E. Arnold Bennett. "Herbert George Wells and His Works." Cosmopolitan Magazine 33.4 (August 1902): 465-71. Rpt. in Harris Wilson, ed. Arnold Bennett and H.G. Wells: A Record of a Personal and a Literary Friendship. Urbana, IL: U of Illinois P, 1960. 260-76.
    • G.K. Chesterton. "First Men in the Moon." The Pall Mall Magazine 26.105 (January, 1902): 133-36.


    • Leo Berg. "Der Zukunftsroman." Das litterarische Echo 2.3 (Nov. 1, 1899): 159-65.


    • Anonymous. "The War of the Worlds." The Critic 39.844 (April 23, 1898): 282.


    • Marie A. Belloc. "Jules Verne at Home." Strand Magazine (Feb. 1895): 207-13.
    • Edgar Fawcett. "Introduction." In The Ghost of Guy Thyrle. London, 1895. 3-5.


    • Robert H. Sherard. "Jules Verne at Home." McClure's Magazine (Jan. 1894): 115-24.


    • Julian Hawthorne. "Introduction." In William Richard Bradshaw, The Goddess of Atvatabar. New York, 1892. 9-12.


    • Edward Bellamy. "How I Came to Write Looking Backward." The Nationalist (May 1889). Rpt. in SFS 4.2 (July 1977): 194-95.


    • Auguste de Villiers de l'Isle-Adam. "Avis au lecteur." In L'Eve future. Paris, 1886. Rpt. in Oeuvres complètes. Paris: Gallimard, 1986. 765. Cited in Paul K. Alkon, Science Fiction Before 1900: Imagination Discovers Technology. New York: Twayne, 1994. 84-85.


    • Jules Clarétie. Jules Verne. Paris: A. Quantin, 1883.
    • M.W. Hazeltine. "Jules Verne's Didactic Fiction." In Chats About Books, Poets and Novelists. New York, 1883. 337-346.


    • Anonymous. "Percy Greg's Across the Zodiac." The Saturday Review (London: Feb. 14, 1880): 219-220. Rpt. in SFS 4.3 (Nov. 1977): 311-14.


    • Kurd Lasswitz. "Preface." In Bilder aus der Zukunft. 1878. Portions reprinted in
    • Emile Zola. "Jules Verne." Le Figaro littéraire (Dec. 22, 1878). Rpt. in Romanciers naturalistes. Paris, 1881. 356-57.


    • William H.L. Barnes. (W.H.L.B.) "In Memoriam." In W.H. Rhodes, Caxton's Book: A Collection of Essays, Poems, Poems, Tales, and Sketches, ed. Daniel O'Connell. San Francisco, 1876. 5-9.
    • Robert Louis Stevenson. "Jules Verne's Stories." The Academy (3 June 1876): 532.


    • Charles Raymond. "Jules Verne." Musée des Familles 42 (1875). Rpt. in Jean Jules-Verne, Jules Verne. Paris: Hachette, 1973. 329.


    • Presley, James T. "Bibliography of Utopias and Imaginary Travels and Histories." Notes & Queries XI (1873): 519-21; XII (1873): 2-3, 22-23ff.; I (1874): 78-79, 237; II (1874): 252; VI (1876): 38, 118; VII (1877): 458; VIII (1877): 13-14; IX (1884): 84. Portions reprinted in Gove, 1941. 74-75.


    • Camille Flammarion. Les Mondes imaginaires et les mondes réels. Paris, 1865.


    • Jules Verne. "Edgard Poë [sic] et ses oeuvres." Musée des Familles (April 1864): 193-208. Rpt. in a highly edited English version as "The Bizarre Genius of Edgar Poe," trans. I.O. Evans in The Jules Verne Companion, ed. Peter Haining. London: Pictorial, 1978. 26-30.


    • Edmond and Jules Goncourt. Journal. vol. 1. Paris, 1885: 108. [essay date July 16, 1856].


    • Charles Baudelaire. "Edgar Poe, sa vie et ses oeuvres." Revue de Paris (March-April 1852): 90-110. Rpt. and slightly revised as the preface to Baudelaire's translation of Poe's works in Histoires extraordinaires par Edgar Poe. Paris, 1856. Rpt. in English in Baudelaire on Poe, eds. and trans. Lois and Francis E. Hyslop, Jr. State College, PA: Bald Eagle, 1952. 36-118.


    • William Wilson. "Chapter IX. The Poetry of Science. Chapter X. Science-Fiction." In A Little Earnest Book upon a Great Old Subject. London, 1851. 131-49.


    • Edgar Allan Poe. "Note" following his "The Unparalleled Adventure of One Hans Pfaall" (1835, 1840). Rpt. in The Complete Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe. New York: Modern, 1938. 38-41.


    • Félix Bodin. "Préface." In Le Roman de l'avenir. Paris, 1834. 15-32. Portions reprinted in Paul K. Alkon, Origins of Futuristic Fiction. Athens & London: U of Georgia P, 1987. 8-10, 245-289.


    • Charles Nodier. "Cyrano de Bergerac." Revue de Paris 29 (August 1831): 38-56.
    • Mary Shelley. "Author's Introduction." In Frankenstein. 1818. London, 1831. Rpt. Frankenstein. London: Penguin, 1992. 5-10.


    • Anonymous. "Frankenstein: or, the Modern Prometheus" [book review]. The Edinburgh Magazine and Literary Miscellany 2 (March 1818): 249-53.
    • Walter Scott (Sir). "Remarks on Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus: A Novel." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 2.12 (March 1818): 613-20.
    • Mary Shelley. "Preface." In Frankenstein. 1818 [written by Percy Shelley]. Rpt. Mary Shelley, Frankenstein. London: Penguin, 1992. 11-12.


    • John Colin Dunlop. History of Fiction: Being a Critical Account of the Most Celebrated Prose Works of Fiction, from the Earliest Greek Romances to the Novels of the Present Day. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1814. Rpt. as History of Prose Fiction, ed. Henry Wilson. London, 1896. Portions reprinted in Gove, 1941. 69-74.


    • Henry William Weber. "Introductory Dissertation." In Popular Romances: Consisting of Imaginary Voyages and Travels. Edinburgh, 1812. Portions reprinted in Gove, 1941. 65-68.


    • Louis-Sébastien Mercier. "Préface." In his L'An 2440, Rêve s'il en fût jamais. 1770-71. Paris, 1799. 1-2. Rpt. as Memoirs of the Year 2500. Boston: Gregg, 1977. xxix.


    • W. Hooper. "Advertisement." In Louis-Sébastien Mercier, Memoirs of the Year Two Thousand Five Hundred, trans. W. Hooper. Philadelphia, 1795. 1. Rpt. in Memoirs of the Year 2500. Boston: Gregg, 1977. xxix.


    • Charles George Thomas Garnier, ed. "Avertissements." In Voyages imaginaires, songes, visions, et romans cabalistiques. 36 vols. Amsterdam, Paris, and Geneva, 1785-1789. Portions reprinted in Gove, 1941. 28-62.


    • Anonymous. "Peter Wilkins." Monthly Review IV (December 1750): 157.


    • Ludvig Holberg. Epistol ad virum perillustrem, Epistola secunda, Epistola tertia, 1743. Rpt. in Memoirs of Lewis Holberg. London, 1827. 170-80.
    • [Book review]. Monthly Review 4 (December 1750): 157. Rpt. in Robert Paltock, The Life and Adventures of Peter Wilkins, ed. Christopher Bentley. London: Oxford UP, 1973. ix-x.


    • David Russen. Iter Lunare, or A Voyage to the Moon. London, 1703. 2-4. Rpt. as Iter Lunare, Boston: Gregg, 1976. 2-4.


    • Aphra Behn. The Emperor of the Moon. London, 1687. Cited in Marjorie Hope Nicolson, "A World in the Moon: A Study of the Changing Attitude Toward the Moon in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries." Smith College Studies in Modern Languages 17.2 (1936): 1-72. Rpt. in Marjorie Hope Nicolson, Voyages to the Moon. New York: Macmillan, 1960. 89-93. Also cited in Robert Philmus, Into the Unknown: The Evolution of Science Fiction from Francis Godwin to H.G. Wells. Berkeley: U of California P, 1970. 39-40.


    • Charles Sorel. "Cyrano de Bergerac." In Bibliothèque Françoise. Paris, 1664. Rpt. in Frédéric Lachèvre, Les Oeuvres libertines de Cyrano de Bergerac, vol. 1. Paris: Champion, 1921. 100-101.


    • Henri Le Bret. "Préface." In Savinien Cyrano de Bergerac, Histoire Comique des Etats et Empires de la Lune. Paris, 1657. Rpt. in L'Autre Monde, ou Histoire Comique des Etats et Empires de la Lune. Paris: Libraire Moderne, 1910. 15-23.


    • E.M. "Preface." In Domingo Gonsales (Francis Godwin), The Man in the Moone: or A Discourse of a Voyage Thither. London, 1638. Rpt. in H.W. Lawton, "Bishop Godwin's Man in the Moone," Review of English Studies 7.25 (Jan. 1931): 23-55.
    • John Wilkins. Discovery of a New World in the Moone. London, 1638. 3rd ed., A Discourse Concerning A New World and Another Planet. London, 1640.


    • Johannes Kepler. "Notes." In his Somnium seu opus posthumum de astronomia lunari, Frankfurt, 1634. Rpt. in English as Somnium: the Dream, or Posthumous Work on Lunar Astronomy, trans. Edward Rosen. Madison: U of Wisconsin P, 1967. 30-174.

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