Garlington’sThe Adventures of Acidman: Psychedelics and the Evolution of Consciousness in Science Fiction and Superhero Comics from the 1960s Onward (Eric Berlatsky).
Hayles’s Unthought: The Power of the Cognitive Unconscious (Colin Milburn).
Hubble/MacCallum-Stewart/Norman’sThe Science Fiction of Iain M. Banks (Chad Andrews).
James’sThe Journals of Samuel Delany, Vol. 1 (Carl Freedman).
López-Pellisa’sLa Ciencia ficción en la cultura española (Sara Martín).
Segaloff’sThe Provocative Life of Harlan Ellison (Gary K. Wolfe).
Telotte’s Animating the Science Fiction Imagination (Rick Cousins).
Towlson’sClose Encounters of the Third Kind (David Hollands).
Trudel’s Petit Guide de la science-fiction au Québec (Amy Ransom).
Wilson’sJ.G. Ballard and Sellars’sApplied Ballardianism (Rob Latham).