Abbott’s Imagining Urban Futures (Moacir P. de Sá Pereira)
Adami/Bellino/Mengozzi’s Other Worlds and Narrative Construction of Otherness (Bodhisattva Chattopadhyay)
Baron/Halvorsen/Cornea’s Science Fiction, Ethics, and the Human Condition (Russell Blackford)
Blackford’s SF and the Moral Imagination (Patrick A. McCarthy)
Bogue’s American and Japanese Atomic Cinema, 1951-1967 (J.P. Telotte)
Cordle’s Late Cold World Literature and Culture (Rob Latham)
Fenwick’s Understanding Kubrick’s 2001 (Troy Michael Bordun)
Gunkel’s Robot Rights (Thomas E. Simmons)
Hammond’s British Dystopian Fiction, 1945-1990 (Andrew M. Butler)
Knickerbocker’s Linqua Cosmica (Suparno Banerjee)
Labarre’s Heavy Metal, l’autre Métal Hurlant (Sylvie Bérard)
Martin’s Logique de la science-fiction (Amy J. Ransom)
May’s Rockets and Ray Guns (Chad Andrews)
Napier’s Miyazakiworld: A Life in Art (Jonathan Clements)
Schweitzer’s Zombies, Viruses, and the End of the World (Kari Nixon)
Sharp’s Darwinian Feminism and Early SF (Veronica Hollinger)
Remembering Gene Wolfe, 1931-2019 (Joan Gordon)
Calls for papers, calls for chapters, and notable exhibitions
Notes on Contributors
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