Barclay/Tidwell’s Gender and Environment in SF (Lisa Swanstrom)
Butcher’s Jules Verne, The Biography (Marie-Hélène Huet)
Cole’s H.G. Wells and the Twentieth Century (Nicholas Ruddick)
Edwards’s Utopia and the Contemporary Novel (Paul Kincaid)
Engélibert’s Fabuler la fin du monde (Amy J. Ransom)
King/Page’s Posthumanism and the Graphic Novel in Latin America (James Krause)
McGrath’s A Ballardian Anthology 2019 (Rob Latham)
Micali’s Towards a Posthuman Imagination (Alberto Iozzia)
Milner’s Essays in Cultural Materialism (Carl Freedman)
Nally’s Steampunk (Rachel A. Bowser)
Ransom/Grace’s Canadian SF, Fantasy, and Horror (Moritz Ingwersen)
Rees/Morus’s special issue of Osiris on Science Fiction and the History of Science (Chad Andrews)
Spiegel’s Die Utopie im nichtfictionalen Film (Peter Seyferth)
Telotte’s Movies, Modernism, and the SF Pulps (Rick Cousins)