Home Editorial Board
Editorial Policies
Istvan Csicsery-Ronay, Jr., Editor
Department of English
DePauw University
Greencastle, IN 46135 USA
765-658-4683; Fax 765-658-4799
Stephen Dougherty, Editor
Dept. of Foreign Languages and Translation
University of Agder
E1079 (Universitetsveien 25, 4630 Kristiansand, Norway)
+47 38142144
Joan Gordon, Editor
English Department
Nassau Community College
631-864-9756; Fax 516-572-8132
Veronica Hollinger, Editor
Dept. of Cultural Studies
Trent University
Peterborough, Ont. K9J 7B8, Canada
705-748-1771; Fax 705-748-1826
Colin Milburn, Editor
Dept. of English
University of California - Davis
Davis, CA 95616
Patrick Sharp, Editor
Dept. of Liberal Studies
California State University - Los Angeles
Los Angeles, CA 90032
(323) 343-3000
Lisa Swanstrom, Editor
Dept. of English
LNCO 3500
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, UT 84112
(801) 581-6168
Sherryl Vint, Managing Editor
Department of English
University of California -- Riverside
Riverside, CA 92521 USA
R.D. Mullen, Indiana State University, 1973-79, 1991-98
Darko Suvin, McGill University, 1973-80
Marc Angenot, McGill University, 1979-81
Charles Elkins, Florida International University, 1979-90
Robert M. Philmus, Concordia University, 1979-91
Rob Latham, Los Angeles, 1997-2016
Arthur B. Evans, DePauw University, 1991-2024
Carol McGuirk, Florida Atlantic University, 1997-2024
SFS was previously published by SF-TH Inc. From 2025 SFS will be published by The University of California Press ( https://online.ucpress.edu/sfs). All matters relating to subscriptions to SFS (including changes of address or inquiries about options and rates) should be addressed to ucpress@mpslimited.com with a copy to customerservice@ucpress.edu.
STATEMENT OF PURPOSE AND PROCEDURES. SFS publishes articles and book reviews on science fiction, broadly defined. All opinions
expressed in signed contributions appearing in SFS are those of the author(s);
they are not necessarily those of
the publishers or editors.
SFS is a refereed and selective journal. All articles
submitted to SFS pass through a three-stage peer review and revision process: (1) the
article is initially reviewed by the editors of SFS; (2) if it is judged to be potentially
publishable, then the article is sent to our editorial consultants for blind review; (3)
if the outside reviews are positive, an SFS editor is then assigned to work with the author to
prepare the article for eventual publication.
Any contribution that is accepted for publication in SFS is done so with the
understanding and under the author's warranty
(1) that it has not been previously published in English, and will not be published
elsewhere until after it has been published in SFS; (2) that the author will be
financially responsible for any legal action taken against SFS by cause of his/her
contribution; (3) that SFS retains the right to republish the contribution in any issue or
reissue of SFS in any form, including the SFS website, and to reprint it in any
anthology sponsored by SFS; (4) that in any subsequent republication of the contribution,
the author will acknowledge its first publication in SFS.
SFS posts selected material on its website only with the implicit agreement
of its authors. SFS contributors who do not wish the full text of their
published work to be posted on the SFS website should make their wishes known to
any of the SFS editors listed above, and such postings will be promptly removed.
All articles for publication in SFS should be sent to Sherryl Vint (sherryl.vint@gmail.com). Submissions should be sent electronically via e-mail attachment. Please format your article according to the following guidelines:
1. PC-compatible files only (MS Word or WordPerfect).
2. length: 5,000-15,000 words.
3. on a separate page, include your name, your postal and e-mail addresses, the title of your essay, and a brief abstract describing its contents (5-8 sentences are sufficient).
4. use MLA Style for all documentation, with endnotes embedded, and a list of Works Cited.
5. provide English translations for all non-English titles and quotations.
In submitting an article for possible publication in SFS, the author warrants that it is not currently under consideration elsewhere and that it has not been published previously in English. All items for NOTES AND CORRESPONDENCE should be sent to Lisa Swanstrom at <swanstro@gmail.com> and to Carol McGuirk at <cmcguirk@fau.edu>. All books submitted for review in the Books in Review section should be sent to SCIENCE FICTION STUDIES, EC 203, DePauw University, 400 S. Locust St., Greencastle, IN 46135 USA.
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