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Prevention & Education

DePauw University is committed to ending sexual assault and interpersonal violence on campus and providing evidence-based learning opportunities for students and employees to promote safety and a culture of consent on campus.

Sexual Assault and Interpersonal Violence Prevention and Education

Sexual assault on college campuses is a national problem.  Preventing sexual assault and supporting survivors is everyone’s responsibility. Partners and colleagues across the university implement comprehensive, evidence-based strategies to support survivors, prevent sexual assault and promote healthy relationships and sexual health through the sexual citizenship approach.

What is sexual assault and interpersonal violence?  This includes rape, non-consensual sexual contact, stalking and more.  The student handbook includes a sexual misconduct policy and provides further explanation.

In the event that you or someone you know has been sexually assaulted, DePauw has a number of resources available to support you as well as a number of reporting options.

Outreach and Prevention Services

DePauw offers a wide range of outreach and prevention programming options aimed at reducing and ultimately eliminating sexual and interpersonal violence such as:

  • Tabeling Events

Outreach and Prevention Services are available to students and employees. For more information or to request programming, contact our Student Wellness Coordinator, Heather Wright.


Heather Wright, Associate Director of Student Wellness and Manager of the CARE Team
Email: heatherwright@depauw.edu

SASA (Sexual Assault Survivor Advocate) Support is available 24/7 at 765-658-4650