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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Are housing placements based on who submitted the application first?

    • No. Applications are not reviewed until after the deadline.  This allows Housing and Residence Life the ability to assess the needs of students individually and collectively.

  • When is the deadline to submit the application?

    • The deadline to submit the First-Year Application and to create roommate groups is May 31, 2024 at 4:00 PM. 

  • I am having difficulty filling out the application, who do I contact?

    • If you need assistance in completing the housing application or have general questions, please contact Housing and Residence Life at housing@depauw.edu or at (765) 658-4500. 

  • How will Housing and Residence Life communicate with me what my housing placement will be?

    • Your DePauw University email account has been established and your username and password has been sent to you. From here on out, Housing and Residence Life will communicate with you through your University email.  

  • I need housing accommodations, who do I contact for this?

    • DePauw University has an excellent Student Accessibility Services department that will assist you with both housing and academic accommodations.  You may contact Student Accessibility Services via phone at 765-658-6267. For additional information regarding accommodations, please visit them on the web here.

  • What do I need to bring when moving to campus?

    • Students and their families often ask what they should (and should not) be bringing with them when they are moving to campus. For a recommended list and additional information, please visit the website here. Housing and Residence Life also recommends that students limit the number of belongings that they bring; keeping in mind that all of the items will need to be moved during the student's departure.

  • I have questions regarding the meal plan and my options, who do I contact for this?

    • Meal plans are coordinated by Dining Services.  For questions, please contact DePauw Dining at DePauwDining@depauw.edu. For more information on meal plans and pricing, please visit the website at http://www.depauw.edu/studentacademiclife/campusliving/diningoptions/meal-plans/.

  • I would like to request a loft kit, who do I contact for this?

    • Loft kit requests can be submitted once students have their housing assignment. For the latest information see our Loft Kits and Ladders page.